Post your kickaround, pickup game gathering times here. Chat about league play or inquire about activities in this thread. Old thread here. PICKUP GAMES: 1) Middle school at 99th & Lamar (one block east of intersection) Wizardfans Kickaround: The Grand Daddy of them all. Almost every Sunday at 11am (Winter) 10am (Summer) Currently questionable due to babies/injuries etc..., please check thread for attendance probablility - Currently in hiatus 2) Stoll Park, 119th st between Quivera and Pflumm Monday and Wednesday: 6:30-7:00 start time Beginner to medium level Tuesday and Thursday: 6:00-6:30 start time- Now 5:30pm Medium level to "pretty good" (Summer and as daylight permits) 3) Blue Springs HS - Peve Stadium, 2000 Vesper, BS MO 64014 Sunday: 6:30p-7p start time Regulation goals. soft coushy rubberized grass blade turf Medium level - former BSHS players & other guys out for a run. ADULT RECREATIONAL OUTDOOR LEAGUES: Wyandotte County Parks & Rec (Open) Jackson County Parks & Rec (Open) Olathe "Rush" (Over 30's) INDOOR FACILITIES/LEAGUES: All American Indoor Sports KC Soccer Dome Sports City Feel free to add any new information, however this is usually just a discussion of injuries aquired and silly goals scored with ones belly etc... Carry on. Beech
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Wednesdays at Stoll Park are now cancelled due to lack of attendance. If we can get some commitments from people to show up, we can start it back up again. So, for now, it's just Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Men's Wednesday night indoor team (Division C, Open Age) is looking for new players. Two or three players are needed to flesh out the roster. We play at All American in Lenexa. We can accept half season players for this session ($35) or full season next session (in about 5 weeks) for $70 PM me if you are interested.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 yet again I'm pissed that I can't play soccer right now.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Mondays and Wednesdays at Stoll Park are officially cancelled due to lack of attendance.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 I think i'm gonna try and start coming out on sundays from now on. Gotta find out where my kitchen staffs been playing at. Pick up is always fun.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Are we on winter or summer hours this month? Or are too many of you having babies and injuries? We'll be in town for the NotBeckham game and may be interested in a Sunday morning pickup.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 I'm sure somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there has been a kickaround at 99th & Lamar for 2 or 3 months now.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Is anyone looking for players for open or 25+ leagues? I would love to have the excuse to make sure I'm someplace every week - right now there are just so many things that get in the way of making excuses to miss for kickaround and my HS soccer team just doesn't give me that thrill of being out on the pitch to win a game.... Can email me at jwhill37@yahoo or pm me here on the boards. Jake
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 NO UPDATES? I was hoping for a kickaround this weekend. Any?
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 11am at Peve Stadium at Blue Springs High School. Mid-day hours now.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Monday and Wednesday at Stoll Park are cancelled, so if we could get that added to the first post, that would be great Also, Tuesday and Thursday are now starting at 5:30 (still, come when you can) because of the days getting shorter.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Oops. Sunday at 11am at Peve Stadium in Blue Springs.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 yeah, as it's dark about 7:45 now, the time moved to morning. Same place, same field. Bring water.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Brand new to this board - not brand new to the game! This Stoll Park Pick-up game sounds interesting. Can anyone tell me what it means by "pretty good"? It's been a while since I played, but would like to think I still have some skills! Also, how competitive? Don't mind competition, just wondering what to expect! Any info would be great - I hope that I can make it next week.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 I dunno how to define it, really. No one there truly sucks, unless they're a newcomer or a guest. It's not too competitive. We don't even really keep score. At least, I don't. Maybe someone does. There's another game out there that can get pretty competitive, but they don't like to play with us for some reason. We always play on the east side, closer to the parking lot than the other group does.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Nah... it's OK. You can point me out by name, I'm not ashamed.
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Hey - email me at if you still looking for some bodies for the indoor league.. Thanks, Jake
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Sorry my PM box was full. I will email you as I am still looking for one or two more players
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Doesn't look like I will make it Tuesday nite at Stoll Park - are Thursdays still on?
Re: KC Area Pickup & League Soccer Thread v07.5 Always. Unless there's lightning. Rain is no problem, though.