"The city of Dearborn, Michigan, has broken in favor of Donald Trump, with 39.6 percent of votes cast. Dearborn is the largest majority Arab American city in the country, and as of 11:35 p.m. EST Trump had 46.8 percent of the vote compared to 27.8 percent of the vote for Harris and 22 percent for Green Party Candidate Jill Stein. In 2020, Joe Biden won the city with a 74.2 percent of the vote, compared to 24.2 percent for Trump." - The New Republic. Trump got the Gaza vote.. Well at least those folks stuck it to the Dems, we shall see how soon Trump has American troops doing bombing runs on the Gaza strip in celebration It sure looks like Jewish voters flocked to Trump because Dems weren't hard enough on pro-Palestinians, and Muslims flocked to Trump/Stein because Dems weren't hard enough on Israel.
Kamala wound up with less female votes than Biden or Hillary. So much for that abortion advantage https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/politics/2020-2016-exit-polls-2024-dg/
Dark Knight linked a David Brooks article which quoted Ruy Texiera (sp), who forumlated the theory. Given that I've caught up by skimming every second page... I've missed things, too.
Ummm. You don't know what "kleptocracy" means, do you? I'm referring to things like President Trump staying at Trump owned hotels and putting up his secret service details there, and charging them (i.e., you and me) higher rates. That's literally enriching himself on the taxpayers dime.,
That's a distinction without a difference. No, inflation is much worse because it's theft against every single hard-working citizen.
Young men wanting young women to die from sepsis because they want to make it impossible to terminate a life-threatening pregnancy is pretty bad, yeah. Well I guess it's not so bad if you perceive women as gestation devices and not as people.
An expanding money supply is not theft, which is what kleptocrat means. Saying so puts you in the zone where hyperbole meets lying
This kind of stuff they actually believe in though. They take it at face value and put little effort into looking it up to see if it's true or not. What's not false is that in Trump's pre-Covid years, the deficit grew. But I guess that's not important.
Changing the subject are we? Guess a direct challenge is to uncomfortable Why would an out-of-office president have multiple phone calls with Putin? Why would bomb threats to polling stations be made by Russian agents and from Russia? That's a start.
Do you think Trump is a good role model for young men? Do you think we should hope young men grow up to have the same moral and ethical values as Trump?