White and college educated. I'm guessing White non-college educated women went more heavily for him rather than vote for a woman of color AND accomplishment.
Just ridiculous. Harris and Walz are eloquent takers? I am starting to think that parallel universes are real.
https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/politics/2020-2016-exit-polls-2024-dg/ The Latino vote is the very clear shift (men and women) in voting pattern. Democrats have gotten this analysis way wrong. Black men have shifted 11% toward Trump since 2016. The big move was from 2016 to 2020 though. Even black women have shifted a bit away from Democrats. 5% shift from 2016. And actually a bit mind boggling to see even voters of color with College degree move towards Trump as I thought the educational shift was across the boad. White men and white women seems to have actually shifted away from Trump. Mind you, I am not blaming one demographic or another. I actually hate doing that. But Republicans (if we can call them that) seems to have been right about making inroads with Latino and Black communities if this data is correct.
I can agree with that. That's basically what Hillary did too. I put that on her advisors more than on her, though.
I teach college. I work with a lot of young men. He's not appealing to anything that resembles their best selves. He's appealing to their online personas. That's not healthy.
How do you know that? Have you ever wondered whether you being on the opposite end of the political spectrum and your bias against Trump get in your way of understanding why exactly he appeals to them?
Good day folks.....Quick question, is there any here who is in finance/investments etc? I need to bounce some questions .....Please send me a dm. Appreciated.
Latino nazis don't want more illegal immigration and they also want a better economy... Oh no, how horrible!
Massachusetts question results: 1. State auditor enabled to audit the legislature. Passed, but this is probably going to the supreme judicial court and will be thrown out 2. Removed state standardized test as a graduation requirement I voted no change to current law on this one, but I was with the "yes" in spirit. I just think the way that it should be done was different. Current system post NCLB is clearly screwed up all the way down to elementary school 3. Framework established for Uber/Lyft driver unions 4. No legalization of psychedelics I was strongly against this one. Cannabis legalization here was a stupid mess, this promised to be no better. 5. No change to minimum wage structure for tipped workers. I voted for harmonization of minimum wage, but there was even a lot of disagreement within the tipped worker cohort. I think the argument/suspicion that this might have been an opportunity by business owners to skim more tips is what really killed it.
Ummm. I not only read The American Conservative, I've published a couple of book reviews there. Don't EVEN pretend to know where I stand on anything. I do cop to a bias against Trump. As a Catholic, his propensity to lie makes him a threat to public life. That, and his kleptocratic adminstration that he ran the first time around.
I can think of quite a few reasons off the top of my head: 1. He's a very successful businessman. 2. He can be genuinely funny, even inadvertently so (look at his Twitter account prior to 2015, it's a gold mine). 3. Offers something different compared to the politial establishment. 4. Linked to 3 but another primary reason is his patriotism.
Thank you for the second opportunity this morning to criticize the "Demography is Destiny" approach that the Democrat operatives were counting on.
1. Maybe it is Trump's (excessive) use of hyperboles that you do hate, not his lies. All politicians lie, not just Trump. 2. Kleptocratic? That word pretty much defines the entire Biden admin, let's be real here.
The last three Presidential elections were all referendums on Donald Trump. When the Democrats nominated a white male, they won. When the Democrats nominated a woman, they lost. You don't have to like it.
What's the common feature? Soaring inequality, oligarchical economics, "entrepreneurs" who milk the state budget