K-League 2008 broadcastings

Discussion in 'Korean Domestic Leagues' started by gabriellsw, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. gabriellsw

    gabriellsw New Member

    Jan 2, 2007
    I have a few questions regarding the K-League 2008:
    1. When does the league starts?
    2. How many games are broadcasted on TV each week, live and reruns, and on which channels?
    3. I am looking for someone who could record for me the games and send them to me, I will pay for each recorded game and for the shipping, can any one help me with this?
    Thanks a lot!
  2. bjk31

    bjk31 New Member

    Oct 2, 2003
    1. 2008 K-League starts from March 8th.

    2. On average about 2~3 matches live each round. but as for Midweek match, about 1~2 match.

    K-League is telecasted live on Korean sports channel like KBS N sports, SBS sports channel and MBC-ESPN. Sometimes Korean terrestrial TV channel like KBS shows big match live.

    3. Sorry for being able to help you.
  3. gabriellsw

    gabriellsw New Member

    Jan 2, 2007
    Thanks a lot!

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