Josh Saunders' Return

Discussion in 'LA Galaxy' started by Eyenigma, Jun 18, 2012.

  1. Eyenigma

    Eyenigma Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    All results aside, as a fan of not only the game... but human interest -- it's nice to see Josh Saunders back in form. We'll likely never know the full extent of what sidelined him for quite some time, but seeing his reaction at the end of the game was quite touching.

    Cheers to Landon as well for giving him a sincere embrace after the match. You can tell the respect is mutual between Josh and Landon.

    Welcome back Josh Saunders. Glad you're between the posts. But more importantly - glad you're in a better place. Cheers...
    Berks, Finley, profiled and 3 others repped this.
  2. Finley

    Finley Member

    Apr 22, 2008
    Under the blue sky
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    Welcome back, Josh! I can't really put it any better than that.
  3. Eyenigma

    Eyenigma Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Los Angeles Galaxy
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Picture really says it all. Great snap.
  4. kaburu

    kaburu Member+

    Jul 12, 2009
    los angeles
    Manchester United FC
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  5. BlueMagic

    BlueMagic Member

    Aug 3, 2008
    Los Angeles Galaxy
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    United States

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