Any penis jokes involving EJ, the other team, any of our other appropriately named players (eg, Seamon), or ex-players will be immediately repped by me. Because I'm 15 on the internet.
Any chance you heard the ECS, I think it was during the LA game? We've got the biggest Johnson in the league We've got the biggest Johnson in the league Cause we've got the biggest we've got the biggest We've go the biggest Johnson in the league...
We just scored with our Johnson! We just scored with our Johnson! We just scored with our Jooohnson! We just scored with our Jooohnson... </guantanamera>
**mod note. Changed title to make this mostly work safe, since xenforo apparently uses thread names in the link, not just thread IDs. Other than that carry on. As for Biggest Johnson it was to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know it.
Ever been to It is Pen Island... sicko... I actually had to test the link out, dont do .com at work... or where your wife/gf/etc is around. .net is safe though.
Highlight of viewing party at my house reenis jokes: "We scored on them with our big 6 foot Johnson!"