I just found this today on their home website....could it be for Viafara? Can you help!! POMPEY SEEKING HELP WITH ABLE SPANISH SPEAKER Pompey are looking for a proficient Spanish speaker to help them over the next couple of weeks in order to assist one of their staff. Anybody who feels they can help should phone Ros White on 02392 778565.
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth I'm pretty sure you have to be in England for that.....it could be for him. but don't they have a Brazilian player as well? him and Viafara can still understand eachother. I thought Viafara was still in Colombia?
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth He already has his visa/permit and they have a bunch of friendlies for July/august, as the preseason in the EPL is pretty important, so i can't see him just relaxing in Colombia. And yes you're right, you probably do have to be in England, but it would be a pretty cool gig!
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth yea, I mean that you have to be in England for that, so if you apply and you get chosen they might fly you in to live there! wishful thinking huh?
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth it's not such a crazy idea... you can probably make a living out of it, as you could serve as a 'host' to many of the South Americans that play in the EPL when they 1st arrive. You can also help them learn English! If I was single, I would at least see if it could be done.
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth had to ask. So why not finish out your year in England? (You go to a school in Virginia right?)
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth yea man, but you know how expensive compared to the VA public U I go to goinng to a school in the England would be? I'll ride out the last year here in VA, after that I'll try to find something either in NYC or Miami/Orlando (have relatives there), don't want to stay here anymore, want to explore other cities, with a colombian colony included all the better.
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth well, 1st of all I would say, that you'll never know until you find out. 2ndly, being around Colombian 'colonies' isn't all it's cracked up to be, as I lived in NYC most of my life. I found Chicago to be one of the best cities to live in the US. Amsterdam (HOL), rocked! If I could pick a city to live in, for at least sme years, it would be amongst the Dutch! (and you get your Colombian colonies if you want).... what's your major?
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth IT (security) a lot of my friends with my major are getting hired by the government/IT security companies, so I guess I'll be where I can get a decent job. Being next to colombians is not a requirement, haha, I'm just saying that since I've moved here from Armenia (I was 9) I've always lived in the suburbs, and now want to get back into the city. I was in NYC over spring break 2003, it was pretty cool, well me with a coupble of guys/1 girl from school, we had fun exploring NYC.
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth i lived on 49th street and 8th ave. for 5 years, and went to High School around that area....it sure has changed!
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth LFS What city are you from??(colombia?).. Pibe are you ever going to move back to Colombia. ?
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth I need a job right now, how do i apply even though i cant write in spanish that well.
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth man one thing tho, the houses in NYC are very small compared to what we have down here, but damn expensive. another thing I really liked in NY was getting stuck in its traffic we were staying in Northbergen (NJ) and caught the bus into Manhattan every morning. The subway was what I had pictured from Seinfeld... (this was over spring break) (this was during H.S.) My dad's cousin live in Queens, we stayed a couple of days with them, it was almost like back in Armenia, except the buildings were taller, more cars, and more chinese, I mean almost like it because in the morning we went out to the Panaderia for breakfast, (buñuelos) a routine from Colombia, then went sightseeing around Queens, it was nice..... but like I said, the world spins too fast, and you never know where you're going to end up, for all I know it might be North Dakota!
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth sweet sweet, over that spring break I went to the Brooklyn Bridge, we had a guy come give us a tour of the engineering marvels around NYC (it was sponsored by the IT/Engineering school from my U), and went to the Empire State building, went to see the big hole that was left from the Twin Towers, then they took us over to see the a new train system they had built in NJ (forgot their name), also met up with people from the Port Authority....after all that was done, we went around the city on our own/ had our own fun.
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth ouch, sightseeing around Queens is a type of oxymoron. I've heard Armenia is beautiful. Their Hacienda's and pastures are supposed to be unbelievable.
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth never say never is something I live by, I would have no problem moving back, job stability is probably the #1 reason why I would move around, If I could find something to do in Colombia with a decent lifestyle, I would move back. Right now I don't plan of setting roots anywhere (marriage, kids, etc, etc.) so anything is possible.
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth Pibe, your giving the nerdy version...did u at least go clubbin' or bar hopping or make it to 'Flash dancers'
Re: Viafara en Portsmouth I guess, its above ground (unlike the subway), and its all automated, they have a driver of course, it moves very quiet thru the streets, kinda looks like the trolleys in S.F.