Joao Felix: The Prodigy or The Fraud?

Discussion in 'Portugal' started by Sumol, Jun 16, 2019.

  1. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    About 150 clubs across the entire world have said 'hell no' so you should probably put the crack pipe down.
  2. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    mods mods . I need a safe space please remove this post

    Attached Files:

  3. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    Bro was cooking today

    @TitoTata tell us how incredible he ewe today!
  4. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    No need …

    One goal , 2 or was it 3 assists ??

    I have no idea why Lewa got such a high rating

  5. Sumol

    Sumol Member+

    Oct 12, 2011
    SL Benfica
    Nat'l Team:
    #805 Sumol, Sep 18, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2023
    Deco said if Felix does well, Barca will try to retain him. Hopefully he continues to do well and ends up staying at Barca. I haven't seen Cancelo and Felix this happy in a long time, especially Felix. He is living out a dream.
  6. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    Felix can at last fulfill his potential at Barca .


    He’s scored already ..

    2 in 2 ain’t a bad start
  7. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    … and another assist ..
  8. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    Yup he's an incredible player

    The first touch, link up play, ball control and ability to resist the press are great examples of why he's amazing. These are things you can only view through the eye test, rather than the statistics test most ppl nowadays seem to use to judge players ability
  9. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    He’s started the last two games

    5:0 and 5:0

    Three goals and 3 assists
  10. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    1. what was Barca thinking trying to get rid of de Jong last season. Y'all are lucky he didn't actually leave. Top 3 in his position imo
  11. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    You’ve gone quiet

  12. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    I have pages and pages of this thread exposing this clown as a fraud and all you FAILix-guzzlers were silent. Now he:

    • Scores on a comical error by the horrendous Betis defense in probably the softest league in world football
    • Scores two goals against the current 5th placed team in a Belgian farmer's league

    And you think he's worth the price tag now? LOLOLOL You FAILIX-guzzlers crack me up. Bunch of absolute morons.
  13. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    Why resort to abusing your fellow forum members ??

    Get a grip mate
  14. RedBullSeven

    RedBullSeven Member+

    Apr 28, 2012
    New York Red Bulls
    Would you like the guy if he proved you wrong?
  15. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    I reckon it’s a jilted girlfriend .. who else would carry so much hate around
  16. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:

    100%. Sanches proved me wrong with his performances at the WC. Then he reverted back to being a glass-man and proved me right again.

    Here's why FAILix annoys the shit out of me:

    There have been tons and tons of young Porutguese talents coming out of other clubs in Portugal that aren't Benfica, and because they aren't Benfica, they don't get nearly the same exposure or media hype or attention or agent influence that they should have received. So those players end up playing for some decent French or German teams and never get the platform or team to play on to help contribute to their development. Examples include Gelson Martins, Pedro Neto, Podence, Xeka, Bruma, etc.

    The fact that all Benfica players, regardless of they're shit or talented, are hyped to an insane degree that no other Portuguese talents are hyped to. A sa result, we see lots of expensive flops from Benfica, mixed in with the some good players, and any players for Braga, SCP or even Porto are marginalized, their careers are stifled and they don't get called up to the NT for exposure.

    Does it make sense that a dude who hadn't played a competitive game since May got called to the NT for the most recent qualifying games? Does it make sense that some of the most talented players got snubbed because they either weren't SLB products or aren't represented by Mendes?

    FAILix is a prime example of this Benfica dick-riding nepotism that just ruins the game for me. Yes, he's performed well the last couple of games on a fully stacked Barca team playing against a bunch of shitty soft Spanish scrubs and against the 5th place team in the Belgian league. But I have no idea how a players who's performed quite terribly since leaving Benfica (minus a single season at Atletico) manages to stay relevant and gets to play on a team that has a ton of better players than him. Imagine if all the promising Portuguese youngster got the same leash he did: no matter how much they sucked, they'd ge the opportunity to develop on world class teams.

    I don't know how much more I can explain this shit. If he wasn't a Seixal product, he'd be playing in some Eastern European league somewhere.
  17. TitoTata

    TitoTata Member+

    Jun 26, 2014
    Why can’t you give him a break given he’s obviously picked the worst two teams .. people were amazed that he choose Atletico then he goes to Chelsea in one of their worst periods ever
    money11 repped this.
  18. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    #818 SCP21, Sep 20, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2023
    lol cmon man, comparing those scrubs to Felix is not helping your case. Felix accomplished more as a 17 year old than Gelson, Pedro Neto, Podence (lmao), Xeka (lmao), and Bruma have in their entire careers. Besides maybe Pedro Neto, these are below average players. Gelson is a weird example considering he was an even bigger failure at the same club you keep saying Felix failed at.

    Also - Sporting products get wildly over hyped all the time. See Bruma and Fabio Paim for example.

    I don’t know why this infuriates you so much. Benfica is the biggest club in Portugal, by far. Of course they’re gonna get the way more global media attention. Same with Real, United, Bayern, PSG, Ajax, etc. This is not a unique phenomenon.
  19. prodigal_mind

    prodigal_mind Member+

    Cristiano Ronaldo
    Jul 3, 2018
    Nat'l Team:
    Remember that time felix sonned Bruno in the CL?

    Siri play despacito
  20. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
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    Accomplished more? How? He won a league title. That's it. Then Mendes shopped him around like a whore looking to cash out on an unproven player. Since then, he's been god awfully disappointing.

    Podence had tons of promise at SCP. Gelson Martins was probably the most promising player we had in ages. Dude was a stud every time he touched the ball. His failure was different. He forced his way out after the academy attacks. If he was a Benfica player, they would've sold him 3 years prior for some insane amount. That's the point I'm making: no other prospects get the type of over-hyped exposure that SLB players do, regardless of whether they're any good. And because of that, everyone is convinced these players are world class and they continue to suck at a high level. That's the sh*t that drives me mad.
  21. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    So you think Podence and Gelson should have gotten the same hype as Felix when they were 17?
  22. SCP_16

    SCP_16 Member+

    Aug 8, 2004
    Bay Area
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Nat'l Team:
    What does being 17 have to do with anything? My point is that no other players from any other teams in Portugal get the unjustified hype that SLB players do, no matter how much they suck.
  23. SCP21

    SCP21 Member+

    Jul 1, 2011
    Sporting CP Lisbon
    Well you seemed upset that Podence and Gelson didn’t get the same hype as Felix. Just trying to compare apples to apples at the same age.

    Anyways, seems pretty clear to me that Gelson and Podence wouldn’t have gotten the hype they did if they didn’t come through Sportings famous academy. They’ve both proved to be very underwhelming.
    eurodad repped this.
  24. Ramos77

    Ramos77 Member

    Jun 24, 2017

    Off to a great start.

    keep it up kid

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