...not so good to get caught, maybe. Just had to share this -- it comes from a Reuters story on the trial of former Tyco boss Dennis Kozlowski, accused of looting $600 million from the company for personal use. One mark against him: A $2.1 million 40th birthday celebration for his wife "replete with togas, chariots and torches." ... "Tyco footed about half the bill for the party in Sardinia, which featured an ice sculpture of Michelangelo's David spewing vodka from his penis and a birthday cake in the shape of a woman's breasts with sparklers mounted on top." I can see the ad now: Absolut Burning Sensation Full Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/28/business/28WIRE-TYCO.html?hp
Re: Re: It's good to be the Kozlowski . . . What are you, some kinda communist? Stop this Big Government persecution of our hard working, noble, job producing capitalists!
This guy should definitely be locked up--but you gotta admit, that does sound like a hell of a party. I think a lot of this white collar crime would be solved if we started putting people convicted of these sorts of things in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prisons instead of minimum-security white-collar resorts (they should be so lucky!). The sentences wouldn't even have to be very long, 2-3 years would probably do the trick but you can be damn sure that after the first couple of guys started getting thrown in the pen, the rest would clean their acts up.
There is a moral to this story. Make a ton of money so when you're fat, bald & old, you can score a hot, blonde thirty-something wife. Everybody's missing the bigger picture.
What amazes me is that Jimmy Buffett got paid $250,000 to play at this event!! When was the last time he got such a lucrative gig?
They'll just have to learn that the trick is to make someone your bitch the first day... I don't think that anyone has missed the big picture... The scent of money is a phermone... He's still fat, bald, and old, and a thief...
Would you rather have a hand chopped off or be subjected to, in your words, "pound-me-in-the-ass prisons?"
I think we all know which he'd prefer. Not that there's anything wrong with that. If that's who you really are.