Considering certain posters seem to get offended by which teams pictures get posted in whichever teams thread, I figured I'd stat an all purpose soccer and non soccer photo thread..... Hope you all enjoy them! HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY - BUONA FESTA DELLE DONNE Yellow is everywhere today in Italy with soft flowers of Mimosa for the feast day. The 8th of March is the International Women’s Day and Italian men are going to celebrate it with the traditional gift of yellow mimosas to Italy’s lovely women.
Need to get away- no phone, no TV, no distractions? CNN Travel names 10 of the calmest, quietest and most relaxing spots in Italy
Quel colpo di tacco contro il Napoli è stato solo il preludio di una grande giornata. Ibrahima Mbaye, 19 anni, ha segnato la sua prima doppietta in Serie A TIM! Il colpo di testa di Bergessio che devia di poci la traiettoria del tiro di Lodi!Contro il Sassuolo dovete essere CARICHI,CONTA SOLO LA VITTORIA!!!!