Probably Bielsa will use the chilean players of european leagues for this match in Israel. In spanish: Selección chilena jugará un amistoso el próximo 26 de marzo ante Israel El presidente de la ANFP, Harold Mayne-Nicholls, confirmó que utilizará esa fecha FIFA para visitar al combinado hebreo. Además, la sub 23 jugará ante México en Toluca. En el marco de la preparación que tiene la selección chilena de cara a las clasificatorias sudamericanas para el Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010, el presidente del balompié nacional confirmó un nuevo amistoso para la próxima fecha FIFA del 26 de marzo. Se trata de la visita que el combinado adiestrado por Marcelo Bielsa hará a Tel Aviv para jugar ante Israel. Se espera que la escuadra nacional juegue ese partido con todas sus figuras, incluidos aquellos futbolistas que militan en las principales ligas de Europa. (
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Should be a fun and exciting game, Chile plays a style of really fun attacking football, as opposed to Israel.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv you say , "bless Chile" and you cheer for Chile play a fast pace futball which is a wonderful attacking syle to watch, I hope Israel adopt some of it. chile also play a aggressive style too, I remember watching alot of fights breaking out there.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Im excited to see Alexis Sanchez and Matias Fernandez, two of the young stars in the world...i think only yoav zeev could keep up with them speedwise...scary thought!!
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv I agree with you about "dilla" Sánchez. But I think we have at least 3 players better than Fernández in that position (Villanueva, Valdivia and Jiménez at these moments).
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Disagree. Tamir Cohen is very fast. Did you see him against the Romanians.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Really, I always thought he moved too slowly. Barda is our fastest player imo. once the guy starts his run, he beats everyone every time. Look at all those years at hapoel and all those little runs which he took advantage of. I like Cohen, I think he's a good player, however I feel some of these kids will not be solid enough for the WC qualifier. Cohen had that header which resulted in a goal. Still I'm not sure he's shined enough to take a starting spot. Ziv is Gold, I'm surprized a english team have not snatched him up. Omer Golan has so much talent, however as much as I like this guy and watched him for many years, he needs to prove he's in good form by continuing to score. Shpungin is a youngster I think is really good too. Who would you start for this game?
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Cohen definately deserves to start. So much energy and hes very aggresive (which can work both ways) and he's very fast as well. Barda is quick, but I find Balili to be the fastest player.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv say Jaime, do you know if Cristian Alvarez will play? and Mirosevic? do you like those guys?
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Hi JFF Álvarez is one of the Bielsa's favourite players (nobody in Chile knows WHY I don't like Álvarez, he's not strong enough in the defensive work. I like Mirosevic, but unfortunately Bielsa never consider him. Now Mirosevic is playing in Argentina, but the beginning of the season for his club is pathetic.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Gai Assulin has been called up for the friendly, should be interesting to see how he does.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Todah La Shem, thank G-d its about time, let's cap him before Spain gets any ideas I second that
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv You should start by visiting the Chilean forum. Anyway, we have our own thread to follow up on the game, in case you guys wanna comment and stuff: These are the 17 foreign-based players Bielsa called up for the squad: These group of players will probably be complimented by 6-7 local-based ones. And of those 6-7, 6 of them will most likely be these few:Carlos Villanueva, Braulio Leal (Audax Italiano), Manuel Iturra, Marcelo Salas, Manuel Villalobos (U. de Chile), Gary Medel (U. Catolica). BTW: does anyone have the link to your guy's squad? Cheers! Metro
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Hi. Alvarez has easily (and unfortunately ) been our weakest player in this WCQ campaign. Most of us Chileans don't rate him highly (if at all). Even though defense is our weakest area, there are easily far better players in Chile (if not of equal ability). As for Miro, Bielsa had him in mind for this squad (he was on the bench vs. Uruguay and Paraguay in WCQ) but apparently he's injured, thus ruling him out. Metro
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Wow, that's a very tough looking Chile side. I had no idea that all those players were from Chile. Jimenez from Inter for example. This is going to be a very good test for Israel.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv I've seen this kid in youtube...he looks a lot like Messi and he is a bullet He will have an easy time against our slow defenders. Chile's key will have to be taking over the midfield so that Assulin doesn't get a sight of the ball. I'm looking forward for the Alexis vs Assulin match (if they play). This is Alexis...
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Man that kid is good. Assulin looks good also, but I think Sanchez is playing at a higher level, and making a bigger impact too. It should be a very interesting matchup. Assulin is only 16, though!!! The difference between 26 and 29 may not be much, but the difference between 16 and 19 is huge.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv as a sudamerican i have seen chile play for a long time and know their style we need to use players who are fast, can run the entire 90 minutes, and take advantage of their slow defence so this means no gershons!!!! if i was i kashtan would use this lineup ------------------Barda----Shechter ------------Assuolin---------------Benayoun --------------------Cohen--Ohayon -------Megrashvili--------------------Shpungin ----------------Haimovich---Ben-Haim --------------------------Awat P.s: i wonder why kashtan hasn't called buksenboim he's been ripping it with herztlya!!!!
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv We need to take revenge for our Davis Cup loss. Metro
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv It's not hard to score against our lame defenders, but it's not easy to get past our midfield. I think it will be a matter of who manages to score the most goals...there's no way this match is ending in a 0-0.
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv i like megrashvili better, he's also fast, he's taller plus got the experience of playing in the dutch league
Re: Israel vs Chile. Friendly march 26th Tel-Aviv Truthfully, I don't remember what Megrashvili plays like. All I know is that Ziv is the shiznit.