Like 99% of spaniards. I'm reading this thread commets I think that somebody has a concept error. When somebody say "THE BASQUES say", or "THE CATALONIANS think". who are THE BASQUES??? because I am Basque with my opinions and I know others Basques with differents opinions. So when somebody say "Catalonians think than Valencia is part of Catalunia" is wrong. SOME CATALONIANS is right...... but the plenty of catalonians no. The Spain concept is for all, including Basques and catalonians. There wasn't a spanish regular tribe that invaded Basques or Catalonians. Anyway of course there are some Basques, Catalonians and gallegos who want to independice from the rest of Spain.
I come here to comment tonight's sad show and I end up in yet another regional clarification. That pan-catalanistic view is privy to a 15% of independentist catalonians, and probably not all of them. Technically, both are dialects of a same, unnamed language. All of us love our regions. The peninsula is very diverse. "Regular" Spaniard is an absurd concept. ElCid was from Burgos, but he became king of Valencia later. Yup, great acting by Pilar López de Ayala. Andalucians? Naah.
I've tried paella here in the States and it never tastes as good as over there ... like pizza in NY, the dish doesn't travel well. Oh, how I miss it!
You must also consider the various properties in the ground and water in the USA that, of course, affect the taste of the food. I noticed immediately in the UK that the butter tasted completely different from American butter.
My english level is not enoug for a recipe. In spanish: Paella secrets: To use Olive oil and azafran (or colorante).
I think I may have to go to Las Fallas this year ... anyone been? What a party ... those Spaniards know how to party!
No, not difficult at all, it's just not common to cook any American dish with it. Actually, I don't think there are any American dishes that include it! true. Most American dishes call for LARD! And yes, I can get any kind of olive oil from anywhere in the world at my local grocery store.
american national food...kind of hard, seeing as the U.S. doesn't really have a single culture, it's like a bunch of cultures mixed together. so yes, i'd think it's a big mac and fries.