Because it's not showing in ours. Nashville and most of Tennessee has a contract with the UT Volunteers and that contract puts the Phillip Fulmer Show at that time. So we're not watching it. This doesn't bode well. TN is not watching the WNT today. Jarrod
I'm sorry to hear you're blacked out. Here in Dallas, ABC is broadcasting the game, and best of all, Heather Mitts is in the studio helping out with halftime highlights.
I can't get the game either and I'm a little mad about that. However if you go to the Fifa World Cup website they have PBP there.
I'm a little curious about which markets are actually getting it. Like I said, Nashville, which has a relatively large hispanic population and a very significant soccer community is not showing it. I'm a little hurt by that. Jarrod
Try ESPN and ESPN2. That's all you can get in Detroit. No FXSWorld, Galavision, Telefutura (wish I could get a satellite system). Yes, we do have the WWcup on, but if you have the luxury of Telefutura, getting something pre-empted on ABC is not a huge sacrifice. My main point is that some people just don't understand how crappy some of us comcast customers have it. I would engage in corporate terrorism against them if I had any time
I had trouble Im over here in Auburn, AL at school, and I had trouble getting the game at the start. I missed the first 25 minutes of the game becuase they broadcast the George Stephanopolous show. So they cut into the game halfway into the first half.
here in switzerland i saw the whole thing - that absolutely sucks that these abc affiliates would do that to our girls... ridiculous they suck
Pre-empted in Raleigh-Durham, I believe. At least the on-line Dish guide said so. I was going to tape the US-Sweden match, but the guide said the weekly Duke football show would be on instead. Pre-empted for Duke football! Now that's bad. Then again, this affiliate decided not to show the men's WC final live.
We got it here too. We got the Komo Broadcast from Seattle. Unfortunately I slept in and missed the first 55 minutes...........
The cable guide did not have it listed on WTVD, but it did come on at 12:30 instead of the Carl Franks show.
I had to put up with the last half hour of a damn church service! Tried calling the local affiliate and left them a nice message for Monday morning. Preacher was going on and on about "God wants you to.... God wants you to......" My reply was, "Right now, God wants me to watch the USWNT!"
Wow, I thought we had it bad here, but like Snakeyes said we were able to watch it here in Des Moines. A couple years ago when the US men played Scotland in a pre-World Cup friendly they pre-empted the game with an infomercial. We got everyone we could find to raise hell (sent e-mails and made phone calls) and raised a ruckus. It must have made someone nervous because we've seen every ABC game since! Those of you that have had a problem why not post the e-mail and phone# of the ABC affiliate's sports dept. in your area with your plea for help and I'm sure the BigSoccer community would be willing to help!
I chatted with our local abc affiliate this AM and the program director claimed to be "sorry" that KATU ("the spirit of the Northwest") couldn't broadcast the Sweden-USA match, but instead chose to play the tape at 2:00 AM this morning. Didn't run a banner announcing the program change during our 90 minutes of infomercials; not until 10:00 PM did they mention the rebroadcast. I've run businesses for over twenty years and there is no way I would have made such dopey choices. Additionally I've never seen such sloppy, uninformed people who program television sports. I suppose it is a low-paying, unskilled job or something, but after all Portland, OR is hosting a WWC pool and quarterfinals, the University of Portland Women are NCAA div. I champs, they were feted at our Rose Festival Parade, two local women are on the USA team, the late Clive Charles was internationally known etc... There should be no excuse for such decisions, but then I'm just a raving soccer fan I suppose. The disgust goes on, and on, and on...
WXYZ Detroit preempted the first half hour for a locally produced show about personal finance. However since the host of the show is seen more often in ads for his mortgage company, guess what the focus of the show is? I'll bet this is paid programming.
Just a note.. this was a nationally televised game. This should have not been preemptible. Anyone call ABC and find out if affiliates are going to be fined? Jarrod