Is China a threat?

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Shaster, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. Shaster

    Shaster Member+

    Apr 13, 1999
    El Cerrito, CA, USA
  2. topcatcole

    topcatcole BigSoccer Supporter

    Apr 26, 2003
    Washington DC
    Arsenal FC
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    They conveniently substitute the strategic threat for the regional one. While China does not currently possess the capability to fight on a world-wide basis, their regional capability is both impressive and growing at a rapid rate. It is this growth which is leading to concerns for regional stability.

    The authors seem to have swung hard and missed comprehensively.
  3. Shaster

    Shaster Member+

    Apr 13, 1999
    El Cerrito, CA, USA
    Apparently there are two views toward Chinese military buildups that strictly concerns the Taiwan issue. In one side of view, it is the aggressive threat to the regional stability, and in other side of view, it is the defensive measure to ensure China's soverignty and territory integrity.

    It is also a big question--that weather China needs a big blue water Navy to protect her energy supply line and her oversea markets and interests? You know any money goes to military will not go to improve people's life.
  4. daisrael

    daisrael Red Card

    Sep 20, 2006
    Columbus Crew
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