With the depth and number of stars that Brazil has this moment fighting to be amongst the starting 11, a team that unfortunatelly is being hold back by its defensive coach, can Brazil be considered a dream team? Which top international coach do you think would be the most appropriate to command such powerfull roster?
Dream Team: They just might be. Although Argentina probably has the same depth. Coach: Wenger might work. What do you think?
A dream team??? I don't know about that. The French first team and squad is stronger in my opinion, and I'm sure in quite a few other people's opinions as well. I rate Henry over Ronaldo, Zidane over Ronaldinho, Pires over Rivaldo, Viera over Emerson/Gilberto Silva and certainly the French defensive unit is superior to Brazil's. They had a bad World Cup, and Brazil surprisingly got their act together, but later in the tournament still needed to switch to playing 2 defensive midfield players in Gilberto Silva and Kleberson. Saying that, to answer your question about an appropriate question for Brazil. I would still say that Scolari did the best possible job at the World Cup with this group of players. Even though his buildup was poor.
If comparing to the Jordan-Bird-Johnson US Men's basketball team, then definately no. That was a historic team of 3 of the all time greats in the sport that crushed every team they played. In other words, if able to choose from all the players in the world, regardless of the nation, there just is no way you will select an entirely Brazilian squad. So to me they arent a "dream team" as its possible to come up with a better team containing other players. Brazil is certainly able to claim that they are the best in the world right now, but they arent that historicly signifigant nor are they that dominant. However, although I wont say that Brazil doesnt have the right to claim they are the best in the world, I am not sure that they really are the best. France's flameout in WC '02 was in my opinion a bizarre oddity. They dominated all 3 games in their opening round. They were one of the most dangerous teams in terms of shots and shots on goal, and had more than enough opportunities, but inexplicably could not seem to put the ball in the back of the net. Which isnt to say that they shouldnt have lost and been eliminated, only that they were clearly better than their record indicated, and I think would have been a serious contender had they managed to advance.
Thats a really good point. Its really amazing that France didn't even score a goal in the World Cup. Nothing went right for them. If you match Brazil with France, player for player, France should be better. Brazil won the World Cup because Ronaldo and Rivaldo were at the top of their game. But when Herny, Pires, Zidane, Viera are on the top of their game they are as good as anyone in the world.
I really think Brazil will be stronger than France in 2006. Especially if Zidane retires. I would not take Ronaldinho over Zidane either, but I would take Ronaldo over anyone else in the world when it comes to national team play. And with defenders like Alex and Luisão coming up alongside solid players like Lúcio, Roque Junior and Edmilson, Brazil has it's best crop of central defenders in at least a decade. (Since Aldair, Mozer, Ricardo Gomes). Similarly, with Gilberto Silva, Kleberson, Zé Roberto, Júlio Baptista and Renato (and heck, even Emerson... he seems not as bad as the 2001 qualifiers version) Brazil has an amazing set of defensive and two-way mids. Maybe better in depth than anyone in the world. The only positions that are a problem are left and right back, in that Roberto Carlos and Cafu do not have back-ups at their level. However right now both are likely starters in 2006 (yes, even Cafu). Anyways, they're certainly better than 2002. And anyone who has Kaká, Diego and Alex fighting for a spot alongside Ronaldo and Ronaldinho has got to be as close to a dream team as you can be.
if you look at offensive midfielders and forwards brazil has much more options and much more depth than france at the moment there is no discussion about that many of the brazilian stars lika diego, kaka and ronaldinho are also young players on the rise there are no french players in the same age that come close to them
Well, Sinama-Pongole, Le Tallec, Luyindula, Govou, Aladière, Cissé ... That's pretty impressive too if u look (better) at it.
of course there are young talents in france it is just that they simply are not in the same level as those in brazil and argentina i'd prefer d'allesandro, diego, robinho and kaka before any of those you mentioned not to mention ronaldinho who had a one-man-show in the french league none of the players you mention are able to come close to
No. They may be better than anyone else currently, but they aren't blowing sides away. Also, take away the defensive coach and you might also take away their defence. I'd rate the Brazil side of 82 as being better than the current team, but they didn't have the defensive discipline and it cost them. The Brazil teams of the last 10 years or so may not be anywhere near as entertaining to watch as Brazil teams of the past, but they are certainly more effective.
Brazil is indeed the strongest, deepest team in the world. This is the team I expect to see during WC 2006. ------------------Ronaldo ------------Kaka-----------Ronaldinho Gaucho --------------------Diego -----------Kleberson---Gilberto Silva R Carlos-------Alex------Lucio------Maicon --------------------Dida Reserves: Adriano, Rivaldo, Denilson, Amoroso, Robinho, Alex, Ze Roberto, Julio Baptista, Juan, Emerson, Edmilson, Luisao, Cafu, Belleti, Gomes The only teams that can come close to matching Brazil's depth and talent are France, Holland, Argentina, and Italy. Brazil has unbelievable attacking players oozing with creativity. Strong, reliable, fast, even creative defensive midfielders. A suprisingly sturdy group of central defenders. Roberto Carlos and especially Cafu are getting old but I fully expect to see Roberto Carlos in Germany. Cafu has a very worthy replacement I believe in Maicon. Dida is a good keeper but I expect this to be Brazil's biggest weakness.
"bolillo" Gomez the coach of Ecuador said his team was playing "the dream team" when asked about it in a news conference everyone looks at brazil as the dream team you know
First of all, Cissé has more potential than any of the players you mentionned. Maybe will he waste it. But more potential. About Rony, he was great but few times. Not a show at all for 90% of his match. More like the invisible man. Add to this that i would have prefered Cissé in PSG than Ronaldinho + France championship is not the best place to show international qualities (potential maybe not quality) as 95% of our internationals play in Spain, Germany, England and Italy.
it is a matter of opinion and i can just say that i don't agree with you on this one and yes i have seen cisse play true, i remember i read luis fernandez say in world soccer that if ronaldinho would have played at 100% they would have won the title with 15 points. his performance was irregular i agree with you but you can't deny that he has more potential and is more talented than any french player at the same age, i want to see cisse do the same things and dominate a match as he did against olympique marseilles before i'll start to believe that he has the same potential finally i can say that argentina are the world's sub-20 champs and brazil are the world's sub-17 champs of course this doesn't prove anything but i see that there are more talents coming out from those two countries than from france. nothing strange cause if you take a look at history you'll see that those countries has always produced more young talents than france and it still seems to remain that way but who knows...
Diego has more potential than any player under 23 in this game and at 18 he already runs the midfield of the Brazilian champions and South American runners-up with an authority and confidence that few others have ever had. Both on current achievements and potential-wise Diego is easily the best 18 year-old in the world.
Brazil surely does not have the flair and depth of the past Argentina on paper now looks like a dream team... if only they could get their act together
Well who does?? The game has changed since Pele's era. Just look at Brazil's 1982 team. That doesn't mean this selecao is worse then their predecessors.
Well, this year, aside from his national team appearances, Kaká had been sub-par. His first Milan game was definitely promising though.