Has it? Really? "Mission accomplished", eh? And comparing Iraq, a small sanction-hit country that couldn't produce a bullet on her own, with Iran, a large country that has spent the last 20 years building a military industry, is like comparing a wounded fox with a rested lion. When war breaks out, and oil hits a grand a barrel, you'll understand that Iran is no Iraq.
I didn't say mission accomplished, although I've been there, it may help if your country stopped supplying weapons which kill far more civilians than soldiers...... I said it was the fastest advance in military history. The problem with your military industry is that it is many many light years behind ours, and the USA's. Our aircraft are many times better, our tanks, guns etc are better and our troops better trained and equipped. We wouldn't need 320,000 troops to attack Iran, we could just disable the air defences, destroy radar and communications, command centres, sink your navy in an hour or so, destroy your airforce and frankly if an Iranian tank division came up against a british one, I'd expect the Iranians to suffer something like 75% casualties and our Challenger II's probably wouldn't suffer any. The only tanks on the same playing field are used by the US. Secondly, I don't think there will be a full invasion, the RAF or USAF could destroy Iran's nuclear facilities quite easily, so could Israel for that matter. I doubt there will be a war unless your crackpot president decides to carry out his threat to wipe Israel off the map. Lets also hope there are no prisoners of war, as Iran has already shown it is willing to kidnap forces in international water, and break several Geneva Convention clauses in the process..... Most of Britains oil comes from Europe and the middle eastern countries that ally themselves with us, oil won't reach 1,000 dollars a barrel because it would be in noones best interest, including Iran to lose its biggest export.
So what? You think Iran will fight a fight on your terms? Have you heard of irregular warfare? You won't need 320,000 troops to occupy Iran, you will need at least 3 million troops to reach Tehran. You can't properly occupy Iraq which is an open desert, let alone Iran which is a mountainous country. And you're naive enough to think that Iran will not retaliate? Most analysts agree that an attack on Iran will escalate into a full-scale war which would acquire reconstituting the draft, and might cripple the world economy.
Is it time to merge this with the "Folly of Attacking Iran" thread? Seems we've gone there here as well.
Do whatever. Now that the guns'n'steel fetishists have taken over, it's no fun anymore anyway. *unsubscribes*
Currently on Euro trip. I just had/have to mention Canada to a random hoe in London, and I won't even need to invite her for lunch or a drink. They get all over you, like you're a higher life form. Average Brits dream to visit North America, specially Canada. Having seen London and other regions of England, I honestly can't blame em. Oh, and why is there so many Blacks, Indians and Arabs in London? I barely saw any white people. Eurabia didn't look so good. That being said, I think you should start digging graves as well. 3.2 million is the right figure, if not more. LORD SIR MATT CLARK, LOL. Why do you bow to someone that has a Sir title? Primitive and backward people in serious need of toothbrushes.
Sounds like a public works project. Wouldn't they be better served earthquake-proofing those mud huts so 40,000 people don't die every time the ground rattles?
The terms Iran chooses if a war starts are irrelevant. What is relevant is how much destruction Iran's attackers choose to visit on the backwards nation that will force it to abide by its United Nations agreements. Have you ever heard of a cruise missile? The only part of Iran necessary to occupy is the aerial part; positive control of the skies over Iran, by joint precision cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles remotely controlled in a stand-off manner, would be more than sufficient to force Iran to abide by its United Nations promises in regard to non-development of nuclear weapons. Middle East "experts" said the same thing about Iraq until Coalition Troops went ahead and occupied the entire nation. Same with Iran - if necessary - but I strongly doubt boots on the ground would be necessary. Positive aerial control of the nation by US and Israel would cripple Iran's military power and force its leadership to abide by its agreements. With whatever is left in Iran after USAF and Israel Air Forces (Hel HaAvir Air Corps) destroy in the initial attack, I don't expect you'll have much in the way of anything flyable in country. That leaves Iran with ground armor and artillery that a week's aerial campaign of constant sorties would likely address in sum total. This is the only part of your post closely resembling truth. Therefore if you agree that war will affect the economy why can't you also agree that it is in Iran's interest to come clean on its nuclear weapon plans and scrap them to comply with your United Nations agreements Iran itself made? Curtailing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's madness would go far toward letting the peaceful Iranian people envision a future. Not doing so condemns the nation to the wrath of aerial destruction the likes only known to God. If Iran is digging 320,000 graves it better triple that number as final depositories for its own citizens if it chooses to initiate Middle East hostilities. The generally peaceful Iranian people have no need or desire for the madness Mahmoud Ahmadinejad exhibits or the belligerent nature of Iran's military, both are hostile to Iran's people. The choice of Iran's future is in Iran's hands; choose wisely.
It should be the Iranians giving the US flowers and candies. How many young people did your country sacrifice in a vain effort to get rid of Hussein, and then America goes and does it for you.
None of the brave Iranian soldiers that sacrificed their lives during the Iran-iraq war did so "in a vain effort to get rid of Hussein", they gave their lives to defend their homeland against invaders who were supported by America, Britain and all the Arab countries at the time. And they succeeded in kicking out the invaders. Unlike the US and Britain, Iran doesn't go around the world killing millions of people. Iranians happily put their lives on the line to defend Iran and will do so again if Iran is invaded. ignorance must be a bliss, eh?
I wonder if Iran's saying 320,000 graves, but really digging 320. You know, faking it like they did with the faked missle test pictures.
well, hoes don't tend to be fussy. It's just a job to them. yep, for a holiday. because it's a place people want to live. Pointing out that it's a far more popular place to move to than Canada doesn't really help your weak pretence that people here envy Canadians. You really shouldn't try. This isn't WR, and even if it was, you use "smack" about as well as the Venus di Milo uses a golf club. I don't think there's much doubt that it'd be fairly easy to wipe out Iran as an aggressive force fairly rapidly. The US has the firepower and technology to make it be akin to a street gang defending themselves against a SWAT team. And they can do it all from hundreds of miles away, well away from any threat Iran could pose. I don't think there's much doubt either that it'd require a WWII size army to actually invade the country and take control. I doubt the US would be prepared to embark on anything like that. You may think that's great for Iran, but the last time the US faced a situation like that was with Japan, and we all know how that turned out. To be honest, my feeling is that's it's all posturing on Iran's part to try and make Iran look strong. Iran knows that an Iran/US war would be something the US would avoid at all costs, and it would also be catastrophic for Iran, but as long as Iran keeps playing chicken against the oncoming traffic in the road and making itself look brave, Iranians will be happy.
They should dig the graves end to end, then drop some cable down into it for the Internet. Beat swords into MP3s.
Warning To The Soldiers Of The Minnow Nations (US UK etc): Behold Iran's Mighty Roar Fool! If you look at the map, you would see that Iran looks like a cat plus Iran is home to the world's most popular and famous cat breed (Persian). Also Iran used to be the only country that had tigers lions leopards and cheetahs all living in its jungles (caspian tigers have gone extinct). If you had ever been to any of Iran or Iranian clubs games (be it soccer, wrestling, futsal, basketball, volleyball etc) you would see that no other team's fan can roar as loud as an Iranian fan roars. For we are Iran and we roar and we make bitches roar our superior names when we ******** them hence if the enemies decide to attack we will make them roar alongside us but their roar won't be a happy roar like Iranian roars, instead it will be a roar filled with pain [youtube]t-dg1XiTxIQ[/youtube] p.s https://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/member.php?u=51315
Re: Warning To The Soldiers Of The Minnow Nations (US UK etc): Behold Iran's Mighty Roar Why so hostile? You missed my reference completely though http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053084/
Re: Warning To The Soldiers Of The Minnow Nations (US UK etc): Behold Iran's Mighty Roar Hey, that's really funny. Looks like my cousin's Persian cat...
Re: Warning To The Soldiers Of The Minnow Nations (US UK etc): Behold Iran's Mighty Roar Nope. The turks got you beat. They even hold the world record for loudest fans. LOL, that was a good one.
How goes the grave digging? Can any of my neighbors update us on the project? How many more until completion?