Can anyone recommend a decent ipod/ipad music management tool that doesn't threaten to wipe all your content like dumb arse itunes? thanks!
According to itunes you can only have your device synced to one account - i think this is to prevent piracy I have at least 3 external devices now and between me, my partner, and my parents, we have multiple accounts I need to do simple things like get the kids music on to all of the devices. Itunes requires you to RIP the CD in to every account - you can't just pull down from any device. Itunes is utter garbage
Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not the case. Every iDevice can only have one computer as its "home" device to sync with automatically, but you can manually put music on it from every computer you like: With ripped music that shouldn't be any problem whatsoever. Only purchased music with DRM (which I think Apple isn't selling anymore) can be a problem, because you need to activate every device for that content and you can only activate a certain amount (I think it's 5 devices for any song, but again, I think this is a legacy issue because Apple isn't using DRM anymore).
Yes - but that doesn't allow you to shift content down to your computer. You can actually hack it by going behind the itunes software and accessing the underlying drive -but that is kind of shite What i want is simple drag and drop in both directions Since I have been referred to tools like Senuti (itunes in reverse) as people have this issue in sharing their content.
Ok, I get it...don't see the connection to "wiping all content" though I never encountered that problem but it is certainly weird that iTunes can't do it out of the box. I agree that having to go through the file system manually kinda defeats the idea of the iPod. Seems to be a very un-Apple thing to do... I guess Apple wants to push its iCloud. With iTunes Match, I have all my music in the cloud and don't need computers to synch to anymore anyway. Then again, that doesn't explain why it wasn't implemented way before anyone ever thought of "the cloud"...maybe it was a condition of the content industry which feared iPod assisted piracy, which seems stupid, but then the big music labels never really understood the digital world...
Its the dialogue box shown in the first section of the page you linked. Instead of doing a two way sync - it first wants to wipe the new ipod. Apparently the rationale is that I can upload content that I have ripped to any device, but I cannot pull my friends content down. This in theory makes piracy more difficult. I don't get that at all. e.g. this was my specific situation. My Dad gave his old ipod with 2000 songs on it to my girls. Because they are too young for that music - i thought to take his library down to my computer, and upload the kids stuff. But you can't do it. So I am allowed to have all my dads music on the ipod - but I cannot move it
Apple always do this shit. e.g. I rent an iTunes movie on my Laptop, and then I project it with my Beamer. Fine. Then the next day I rent a movie - but this time on my iPad and go to project it.... NO! ONLY ALLOWED IF YOU USE AN HDMI LEAD says an iTunes dialogue. WTF? Why do they care about what fucking lead i use? So I go to move the movie to my laptop where you don't have to use an HDMI lead even though it is the same iTunes, same movie and same projector NO! Can't move a rented movie to another device.
Apart from the lead issue (which I guess is typical for Apple), this again sounds like an issue with the content industry. I don't think Apple has any stake in which device you use to watch your rented movie. But then the content industry is probably scared that you rent a film and also give it to someone else to watch it...stupid, but it sounds exactly like something some executive suit would come up with.
Oh yeah exactly - utter crap. I just feel that I need to be able to use all my devices and content and connect them together how I want
I guess that Apple's grand plan (and Microsoft's, Google's, etc.) is that eventually, you'll have all your content in the cloud and can access it from any device you like without the need to connect anything to anything. When it comes to music, this has already been achieved with iTunes Match and I think Amazon also has something along those lines with Google soon to follow. I'm really surprised that iTunes Match is now available in Germany. Here, the music rights are administered by an agency called GEMA which has a track record of utterly failing when it comes to digital media (e.g. music clips on YouTube are blocked in Germany and they even sent out a letter to all kindergartens recently, demanding royalties for singing copyrighted music with the children). But somehow Apple got them on board... But now the film industry is repeating the mistakes of the music industry. The lesson of the music industry's failing is twofold: 1) Customers want absolute freedom with their purchases. They don't want to shell out money only to be artificially limited in what they can do. The pirates actually offered the superior product for free. 2) The way to get people to purchase your digital product is to make it an easy and satisfying experience. If it's a big hassle to get your purchased content running, you might as well pirate it. Stuff like the problems you're describing make both mistakes, you don't have the freedom and you can't get it to work easily.