every candidate running for election so far that has met amado guevara has won the election. its an interesting statistic.
Why couldn't Amado have met John Kerry instead?! Just a coincident, I don't blame him for the nations major screw up.
Only partially. He's one of the players on the team where you can only be mad at him when he opens mouth to "talk" to the ref, I blame the rest of the team for not passing him the ball enough, he gets all up in the refs faces he needs to get all up in his teammates faces.
Quick question,looking at some of the above replies,and reading some quotes in peoples profiles,why are there so many left leaning libs on these boards? More importantly why doesnt everyone no matter what there political beliefs keep it to themselves and talk about soccer. Enough with the anti President Bush stuff and the upside down American flags [a true disgrace] lets stick to sports folks.