I put the "if true" part in there because I have a hard time believing this hasn't come out before now. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/09/23/1064082978207.html The Rice thing won't be so easy to prove. But if he actually has friggin' video of Powell saying that....I wanna see Axis Alex squirm his way out of that. On the one hand, my gosh, it's been 2 1/2 years since the footage was shot, and a year since it became significant. OTOH, according to the article, the reporter wasn't actually there, he just recently found out about it. And, Pilger's career has got to be over if he tries such an obvious lie. He'll have to put up or shut up. Needless to say, if that tape gets aired in the US, it's must see TV.
I won't believe this is true until I see the video. If the video does exist and I do see it...well then, let's just say that the fact that President Bush is technically my boss would prevent me from saying what I would want to say. That being said, however, a quick look at Pilger's web site shows that he ain't exactly the most unbiased of sources.
Re: Re: Incredible news, if true Nervous? Panicky? Or a little bit of both? That's too much of an accusation for our great leader.
More groundbreaking journalism from Pilger: World Gangster Summit in Bangkok (talking about an IMF/World Bank meeting) The World's Worst Terrorists are in Washington Kosovo's Killing Fields? (the question mark says it all) How Thatcher Gave Pol Pot a Hand (a series of baseless and unsourced claims about US/UK government complicity with the Khmer Rouge)
Re: Re: Re: Incredible news, if true Why, do you WANT this to be true? I sure as hell don't (and wouldn't have if it was Clinton in question either). The damage to American credibility, if this was true, would be far more consequential than whatever partisan "told-you-so"ism you might be able to squeeze out of it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Incredible news, if true Have any of you watched that movie on Showtime called "DC 9/11" or something? While I think it is pro-Bush propaganda, but (and it is a big but) it seems to like the idea of the admin using 9/11 from about day one to attack Iraq and asked Bush to hold that a secret and let them develop a "case".
Confirmation on the Powell quote http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2001/933.htm The first question. Unless you think someone hacked the State Department website. Oh Alex....
verybdog...in recent days the blogosphere has had a few instances where someone quotes a neocon from back in March or April, and hangs them with their own words. Josh just found one example. I think the best one is O'Reilly saying something like, if they haven't found anything by September, I'll do something drastic. (Call on Bush to resign or something.) Since Fox is so fair and balanced, I'm sure he'll follow through any day now.
The fact that the exact quote is listed on the State Department website definitely lends the credibility to the report that Mr.Pilger was lacking. W. will now follow in his father's footsteps of being a one and done President if this gets the legs it should.
Wow. So, why didn't the "liberal media" pick up on this already? It's been out there... I think he should consider himself lucky to finish his current term. At the very least, Powell and Condi should get the sack.
Probably because the guy who reported it is clearly a crackpot. Now can you imagine the backlash if one of the conservatives on here had called for firing every black member of a Clinton cabinet (not saying your opinion is racist, just making a point).
February 24, 2001 Thank you for making our point, Alex. Because, in the seven months between Powell's quote and 9-11, Saddam Hussein built up an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction that not only threatened the stability of the Middle East, but also the safety and benevolent capitalism of the U.S. and Western Europe. And he did it all under the watch of one idiot, George W. Bush.
What the hell difference does it make?!?!? Are you trying to tell me that all of our intel on which we based everything came AFTER then? That when Powell went before the UN, that he believed that everything he was talking about happened AFTER this quote but before the inspectors re-entered Iraq??? I've never had everything I believed in crumble before more eyes, so I can't imagine what you're going through. My best suggestion is to get drunk as s*** tonight, and start dealing with it tomorrow. Therapy may be in order. ******** Part of me still says, could it be this "easy?" I mean, you've got these quotes which are pretty freakin' unimpeachable. I can't imagine a plausible explanation. If the mainstream press starts talking about this, it's gotta be over. Doesn't it?