Say what you will about the common clay of the west, their leaders aren’t any better. I’ve been in a meeting with a number of men (and a handful of women) in suits, and while there has been intelligent discussion, my main impression is that Very Serious People are irrationally complacent about the consequences — economic and political — if Trump wins.— Paul Krugman (@paulkrugman) June 22, 2024 Yep
Louisiana mandates that a large, legible display of the Ten Commandments be posted in every classroom. So, here they are.— (@hilaryluros) June 22, 2024
Guy in NYT office pushing a lever that switches from “Shoppers suffering under Biden” to “Farmers suffering under Biden”— The Great El Wokismo (@canderaid) June 22, 2024
does it cost extra to share it with family— RK Jackson | Atlanta 🛸 (@theerkj) June 20, 2024
This is exactly the point that working historians keep making. The debates in 1787-89 were always (ALWAYS) about the militia and never about a personal (we could say common law) right of self-defense. Madison, the main author, would be stupefied by this whole line of crazy cases.— Jack Rakove (@JRakove) June 22, 2024
This is a New York Times story about Trump and the Republicans smearing Biden with video fakery. Yet the headline not only fails to name Trump and Republicans as the cheap-shot artists but casts Biden as struggling to cope “as he battles age doubts.” Why is NYT doing this?— Mark Jacob (@MarkJacob16) June 21, 2024 They are not "misleading videos." They are lies. Disinformation. Deep fakes. Propaganda. And they don't trail Biden. Fascist propagandists do. And you help them, NY Times.— Jeff (Gutenberg Parenthesis) Jarvis (@jeffjarvis) June 21, 2024
Mainstream media wasn't visiting the various coneys in the east and west sides or even the ones off Woodward. Yikes. Black voters in Detroit slam Trump over his latest scam at a church in their city and say they will never vote for him. It appears Trump’s stunt only solidified their vote for Biden. (@DistillSocial / TikTok)— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) June 22, 2024
Back in my horribly naive days, I used 88 in a profile name (the year I graduated college). Let's just say it attracted the wrong type of crowd. That's how I learned the symbolism behind it.
Oh, see, this is because the 10 commandments wasn’t on display in sporkfoot’s preschool, I bet.— Ride’n with HARRIS (@WheezingGeek) June 22, 2024
There can be no higher law in journalism than to tell the truth and shame the devil. -- Walter Lippmann The New York Times is surely falling short of that standard.
My two hypotheses: 1. The NYT wants the orange idiot to win and are actively working to that end. They think if they support the face-eating leopards this time, then the face-eating leopards won't eat their faces. They act as if the orange idiot will forgive them for their past journalism against him. They are wrong. 2. The NYT is actively using AI to write substantial portions of its headlines and articles, and AI is simply regurgitating the style of reporting that is out there, creating a feedback loop that actively supports the orange idiot.
“Incredible stuff”… Chances are his followers can’t name more than three either: Trump: Who likes The Ten Commandments going up in schools? Has anybody read the thou shalt not steal? I mean has anybody read this incredible stuff?— Acyn (@Acyn) June 22, 2024
I think it's because Trump stories are just more interesting than Biden stories. And let's face it, they are.
I'm a lying, thieving adulterer who worships money and doesn't go to Church on Sundays. Here's why I support posting the Ten Commandments in public schools.— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 22, 2024
Think about normal American humans. Then read this. “Trump and his inner circle are also discussing how they should time the veep announcement around both the convention and his criminal sentencing next month.”— Jeff Timmer (@jefftimmer) June 22, 2024
Trump: Mental institutions and insane asylums. Because actually there, there's more than a slight difference, right? Whenever I say Silence of the Lambs, the fake news back there, they say, oh, he's talking about, he's talking about Silence of the Lambs. And I say the late great…— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) June 22, 2024
There are two possible explanations - the Trump campaign is truly dumb enough to waste money in non battleground states, or the media is dumb enough to not see through this headfake.— Tom Bonier (@tbonier) June 22, 2024 Remember "leaked campaign memo" is campaignese for "bait for credulous reporters to broadcast our message as if it were our strategy".— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) June 22, 2024
….or “battery in water” I think during the presidential debate, Biden should just yell...SHARK!— Auntie Smartassy (@AuntSassyAss) June 20, 2024
To those who are wondering why rainbow flags are allowed in schools and not the 10 Commandments, rainbow flags aren't a religion.— Machine Pun Kelly 🇺🇦 (@KellyScaletta) June 21, 2024
At least the media in France aren’t cheese eating surrender monkeys "Support the fight against the far right in order to preserve the very possibility of a press that informs freely..." Media sites in France organize. Via @boutotcom— Jay Rosen (@jayrosen_nyu) June 19, 2024
Just a friendly reminder for Florida Panthers fans:Everything that Trump touches will eventually lose 🤣— Wu Tang is for the Children (@WUTangKids) June 22, 2024