I have finished the first week of it finally... half hour episodes with a different patient each night... I really like this unique structure... Blair Underwood's episode was probably my favorite so far... his internal conflict is riveting and something i will be watching to see how it breaks or fights... I think the way Friday nights are going to be will really give a good summary for each week as well... Anyone else been catching these?
I have. I like it enough to keep watching. The teenager is annoying, while Underwood, the chick doctor and the couple are interesting. I didn't watch the Friday one with the other pshrink.
I've only watched the one with the kid, but I actually found her pretty interesting. Maybe because I've got a son around that age and the oblique way they had her address stuff that's bothering her rang pretty true. My wife has been watching it a lot. So far, her only comment was to ask me if I thought she might have a shot at Gabriel Byrne.
dude flipped. gave his character a whole new dimension. I hate to use a word brilliant on a show when a) I haven't seen all episodes that have aired yet and b) the show is relatively so new...but...man I am glued to the TV when its on.