In JC we trust. The AJAX Amsterdam Thread [R]

Discussion in 'The Netherlands' started by JC-14, Oct 25, 2011.

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  1. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
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    Apr 27, 2007
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    This too will fail since the appointments of the RvC are provisional and must be ratified to become permanent. Blind is not permanent in any case (at least as I understand it) since when van Gaal takes over he is gone (and he's been acting for quite a while).

    This is just a stupid move since the RvC followed all the guidelines I doubt the court will find in their favor. I'm sorry but as much as I admire JC he's acting like he is the only one who counts in this case.
  2. JC-14

    JC-14 Member+

    Jan 28, 2010
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    I think you're wrong. Who do you think needs to ratify these appointments?

    As far as I know these contracts are permanent. Römer said they were for a period of 3 to 5 years. Blind is now TD, which is not the same as his former technical manager function. In his last function he was responsible for executing the assignments the technical staff (ie De Boer, Bergkamp and Jonk) gave him. The TD position would make him responsible for the entire football-technical section of the club, making him Frank, Dennis and Wim's boss. That's a very big difference. Not salary wise though, he was already generously overpaid.

    Van Gaal will become AD (the CEO) of Ajax.

    Dutch law and the clubs statutes state that the RvC needs to present the new directors to the AVA before they can be appointed. That hasn't happened. Art. 27 lid 8 states that those procedures can be circumvented as long as all commissioners have agreed with the decision. That also hasn't happened.
  3. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
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    Apr 27, 2007
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    It's going to come down to whether all efforts were made to contact Cruyff which is my reading of the clause in question. Ten Have, at least according to De Telegraaf, made such efforts and Cruyff never responded. Again, I'm writing and observing from several thousand miles away and don't know everything that has transpired but as I read the Blind matter, it was interim because Van Gaal cannot official take over until his Bayern contract terminates.

    The whole thing is a real mess and personally I think Cruyff is doing some real damage here (but this is just my opinion and yours may differ).
  4. JC-14

    JC-14 Member+

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Clearly not all efforts were made because they purposely kept him in the dark for weeks and planned the signing of the contracts on the day Cruijff was in Barcelona for his daughters birthday and only contacted him that morning.

    Blind is ad interim until it becomes permanent yes, same goes for Sturkenboom. They're not leaving once Van Gaal feels he's ready to start.

    It really is beyond me that you think Cruijff is doing the damage here. He's not the one leaking constantly and he's not the one scheming behinds everyones back. I hope you're just messing with me.
  5. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
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    Apr 27, 2007
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    As I said in my post, it is always difficult to judge what is going on from a great distance. It is also clear that both Blind was named as interim. Do you really know what Van Gaal plans to do with respect to this appointment and the youth coaches? I suspect the best thing that could happen right now is for him to come out and embrace the move that has been underway for the past year. This would diffuse everything. I have no problems with van Gaal taking over and I would have no problems with JC taking over. The second is not an option and never has been one since he doesn't want to move from Barcelona and do the day to day work that is needed. What I do object to is JC exercising absolute control/veto power from afar. This is not in the best interest of the club.
  6. kanonier

    kanonier Member+

    Nov 7, 2005
    Bloomington, Ind.
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    This is a crazy mess.
  7. JC-14

    JC-14 Member+

    Jan 28, 2010
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    This isn't about Cruijff vs Van Gaal. It's about a bunch of scheming backstabbers that try to divert from the plans that the club in the form of the ledenraad, many of our greatest players and the definite majority of the fans have chosen to follow. The last RvC + vd Boog were dismissed because they were uncooperative. And now these guys who didn't know the shape of a football 4 months ago want to overrule Cruijff and his support, meaning practically everyone.

    Cruijff doesn't want a position, he doesn't want total control and he's not here for personal game or out of spite. He doesn't want to rule Ajax from afar, he's in Amsterdam the majority of the time right now and he's ready to hand the club over as soon as the positions are adequately filled by people who support his vision.
  8. TFC Ajax

    TFC Ajax Member+

    Mar 20, 2011
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    so when is the members vote/when will we know the result?
  9. he so scrumptiouz

    Jun 1, 2006
    Livestream here: :p

    It's 10 pm over here and still hardly any news, will be a late one again. Newsreporters have been at the ArenA since 6.
  10. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
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    Apr 27, 2007
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    And the opera isn't over until the fat lady sings! This round to Cruyff. Next step???????????????????????????????????
  11. TFC Ajax

    TFC Ajax Member+

    Mar 20, 2011
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    so... what happened?
  12. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
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    Apr 27, 2007
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    The current advisory board was disbanded and a new one (3 members I think) has been appointed. There should be the election of a full board in early December when the whole council meets. Unclear what the impact is on Van Gaal.
  13. JC-14

    JC-14 Member+

    Jan 28, 2010
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    The RvC has been disbanded. None of them are welcome to return in that function, including Cruijff.

    On a non related matter they have appointed Been Jr., Ligthart and Van Boxtel as interim-bestuur to replace Coronel and his crew who stopped earlier this week.

    December 12th they will form the new bestuursraad who in turn will elect a new RvC. Who in turn might have to appoint new directors. Seeing that the bestuursraad will most like again be dominated by guys with no football background I fear for how this is going to turn out.
  14. TFC Ajax

    TFC Ajax Member+

    Mar 20, 2011
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    wouldn't that mean that Cruijff will have even less say in what happens?
  15. JC-14

    JC-14 Member+

    Jan 28, 2010
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
  16. TFC Ajax

    TFC Ajax Member+

    Mar 20, 2011
    Greater Toronto Area
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    uhg, why can't there be less egos and more Cruijff yes-men. Hopefully the next RvC will have lots of yes-men in it, cause that's what we need for Cruijff's vision to be enacted
    that's Dutch people for you... :p
  17. DSC05

    DSC05 Moderator
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    Jun 25, 2002
    Detroit, MI
    So do you all really want me to make the new thread? :p
  18. Orange14

    Orange14 Moderator
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    Apr 27, 2007
    Bethesda, MD
    AFC Ajax
    Nat'l Team:
    It's HERE!
  19. DSC05

    DSC05 Moderator
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    Jun 25, 2002
    Detroit, MI
    Much thanks!

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