I'm going to MLS Cup, baby!!! Me and Mrs. Ringo just spent over an hour on the phone rearranging our flight schedule. Supposed to fly home to Colorado for Thanksgiving on Sunday, but switched it to Monday and just bought two lower level tickets to MLS CUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom will just have to wait. Who else is going?!?!?!?
I'm going. I have to wait until tomorrow to work out the details. I plan to fly down on Saturday to Long Beach and stay with family in Long Beach. We just need to figure out whether to get tickets through LA Galaxy, Club Quakes, Tickmaster, or other. Once we figure who is going (beside my son and I), I plan to purchase the tickets tomorrow. I would like to try to sit with the Quakes fans...
I'm going to MLS Cup, baby!!! I just bought two tickets. Section 234, I guess it's on the second tier. 80 bucks not bad for an MLS final.
I'll be there. I'm leaving Friday, hopefully at noon. Got my tickets through Club Quake. I want to attend the summit, awards show, and supporter's bash. Anyone else planning on being at any of the events next weekend?
I hope so! Got my tickets through Club Quake - section 126 I believe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, cuz I'm too tired to check.
I'm going to MLS Cup, baby!!! I gambled last Sunday and won. All that's left is finding a carpool to get to LA from the Peninsula. If I leave Saturday may not get there until the Gala/Bash and I like to see the band Friday night here. If I leave Friday, will have to be crafty since I'm on a budget. This one is even better since the lads clinched at home!
I'm going where you're going, oh partner-in-crime-o-mine. BTW, your reservation is finalized at Casa De Aimergata.
Okay, are all the cheap flights gone? Because I was thining that maybe, just maybe, I could make the trip down there cuz I just checked and my sister's place is not too far from the HDC. It takes about the same amt. of time to get there from her place as it does for me to get to Spartan. It's a long shot, and I'm pretty sure all the cheap flights are gone huh? SUCKS!! Why didn't I think of this sooner? It would have been perfect because she likes Michelle Branch who is performing so she would have loved to have gone.
Re: I'm going to MLS Cup, baby!!! I'm also looking for a ride. I'd prefer to leave on saturday and return on Sunday evening. I can also drive GO QUAKES!
Where can I get a car flag? If there is such a thing (I didn't see any at Spartan last night), but my friend and I are heading down south for the Cup and we would love to sport the team down I-5. If anyone knows where I could get one between now and Thursday, I would greatly appriciate any response. Thank you! GO QUAKES!
Did you try JetBlue from Oakland to Long Beach? Depending on when you want to travel, you may find appropriately priced tickets. I'm flying down for around 150 dollars including tax (round trip)...