Salon, Moveon, the guardian (uk), Michael Moore, Moby, etc I feel your pain. The Country you obviously love has stabbed you in the back. You have done great things for your country, like honorably calling it's people stupid (ala Michael Moore) because you had to wake them up, you went against the mainstream press and correctly stated that Bush was soley responsible for the hurricanes in the South Eastern U.S. and you alerted the world to Bush's fascism that has left most of the United States under martial law and chaos, just this morning my paperboy delivered the oakland press without smiling - is THIS the Country that you want to live in? No. I am considering moving to Canada where the paperboys always grin whether sleet or snow. In fact I heard Condaleeza Rice on the radio yesterday and she said "Colin Powell and I are nobody's token and if you think we then you have a problem with racism not the Republican party.[/b] Yeah right Condaleeza Rice, not only do I know that you and Powell dislike black people, you also are not too fond of rice. Moveon, Howard Dean, Michael Moore and I are right and America is wrong. We've even got the Dixie Chicks on our side. The ********ing Dixie Chicks you right wing bitches. We havn't heard music of such quality since....well last week by SheDaisy. We've got good people on our side like Jaques Chirac and Osama Bin, er, we've got Michael 'tiny' Moore and his carb counting friend Linda Ronstadt as well as Alec Baldwin who rightfully stands up for animal rights and beat his wife. We, America, were wronged and John Kerry was the true noble politician. Kerry always 100% opposed the Iraq war and he even went to Baghdad to be a human shield (only to have John Edwards threaten to sue any Military peronel that went near him) and Kerry stodd with the great human rights advocates Uday and Qusey Hussein holding doves and flying kites with the children of Iraq. So to save you all some time, I've written an article that is copyright free that you can cut and paste and put on your websites and feature in your documentaries, though I think one certain film maker might doctor it, but that's ok. How Bush stole the 2004 Election By <insert your name here> wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh wwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I heard yesterday that Moore spent a small fortune hiring a small army of cameramen and producers and technicians and blanketing Florida with them yesterday. They were there to record the brownshirt Republican thugs denying innocent people the right to vote, tampering with voting booths, intimidating voters and stealing the election. Word is they got literally nothing. It's appalling enough that he's a liar, but at this point it's clear that he has swallowed his own damned Kool Aid and spent a fortune on the sure thing film he was going to show Amerikkka that turned into a peaceful day of voting. Sorry there, fatso.
Heh heh But why do you think that, just because there was no actual intimidation and election-stealing, Moore cannot make a movie claiming that there was? Does he have a track record of integrity in cases like this?