Did a good 60 minute lift class. I worked my shoulders over damn good. Didn't do cardio afterwards though. Instead played ping pong with my buddy Scott. I'll do my weigh-in after my shower. God help me if I'm over 192 pounds! EDIT Just did my weigh-in....193.4 pounds and 16.5% body fat. I might as well put a damn gun to my head.....
Shoulders are my favorite. 1.4 pounds is not worth putting a gun to your head over. Hell, no amount of weight is! I already told you this, but it bears repeating. It is the body's natural tendency to put on a few extra pounds during the winter months. You, however, will lose it as soon as you start playing in the snow. You should listen to me. I am a trained medical professional.
Last night I did a quicke 40 minute cardio workout. 20 mins on the treadmill and 20 mins on the bike. Treadmill workout...heart rate was between 70-75% of MHR: 0-3 mins: 0% incline 3-6: 1% 6-9: 2% 9-12: 3% 12-15: 4% 15-16: 3% 16-17: 2% 17-18: 1% 18-20: 0% After the treadmill I quickly hopped onto a stationary bike...heart rate was betwixt 75-80% MHR: 0-3 mins: Level 6 3-6: 8 6-9: 10 9-12: 12 12-15: 14 15-16: 12 16-17: 10 17-18: 8 18-20: 6 And then earlier today I went snowshoeing.... https://www.bigsoccer.com/forum/showthread.php?postid=1843411#post1843411
I was lazy today. All I did was play soccer my mom's yard with my daughter and my nephew. Managed to slip and fall down on a slightly hilly area and I have a nice bruise appearing.
Did a 53 minute run/walk yesterday.Went out to the point and back today (5 miles).Maybe the last real nice weekend so I took advantage. Sorry about the bruise,mel.
Weigh in - now 231 down 18 pounds in 5 and a half weeks. Down 2 notches in my belt. My goal was to be at 230 by Thanksgiving so I'm giving it a little extra push this week.
Time to review last week... Didn't have to work on Monday and was able to get in a step class and some lifting. Skipped this. Did the lift class, but didn't do any cardio..instead played ping pong. Did 40 mins of cardio that night but did not lift. Ugh. I'm gonna have flabby computer gamer arms if I keep skipping. Thanks to Mother Nature I was able to get in some snowshoeing. Yay! I was planning on going XC skiing this day, but woke up that morning feeling like crap. Oy. I've holding steady with my body fat (15%-ish), but I've gained a pound or two in the past couple of weeks. That sucks. I've been eating ALOT though at night. Overall...a decent week. Still no climbing though. SOB. Plans for this week.... Monday: Step aerobics and lift Tuesday: Work at the store Wednesday: This will be a hit-or-miss day. If I work the entire day, then I will go to kickboxing and then lift. If I only work half-a-day, then I'll still go to the gym, but do cardio either on the indoor track or cardio machines and then lift afterwards. Thursday: MAYBE go on a morning hike at Swan Falls or Leslie Gulch OR do absolutely nothing. Friday: I am scheduled to go on a snowshoe outing with an outdoor club. Saturday: Do nothing Sunday: XC ski or snowshoe
Rode 30 mins Did 50 push ups, but will do more later also will do crunchies I'm going to start riding in the morning.
Did a 60 minute step aerobics class. Did good in it. Then a quickie 30+ minute lifting session with heavy weights.... 2x10 Bench press 2x10 Seated row 2x10 Shoulder press 2x10 Lat pull-down 2x10 Leg press 2x10 Pull-ups 2x10 Dips 2x10 Bicep curls 2x10 Tricep pull-down Crap...just did my weigh-in...194.4 pounds and 16.6% body fat.
Okay, less than 12 hours later, I rode the bike for 30 mins. 12 miles Did 250 crunchie type things Did some curls with light weights. I need some heavier weights.
Thought I posted this already, but looking back I see I didn't. Inches lost after 12-week BFL: Waist: 3 Bust: 3 Hips: 5 Thigh: 1 Arms: 1/2
Congratulations!!! So have you decided if you are gonna stick with the BFL program or go onto something else like just a general fitness program?
Thanks! --- I'm still loosely following the eating program, but I won't be quite as strict with it. I definitely need to increase my cardio, though.
okay woke up Rode 16 miles, 40 minutes did 100 push ups 300 crunches Then took dog for a 45 minute walk. Was very slow, but at least I wasn't just sitting around eating. Happy Thanksgiving
I went snowshoeing instead... As of right now...I'm fixin' to head up to Bogus Basin tomorrow morning...according to their website the Nordic Center is suppose to be open. Damn it better be or I'll be PISSED! ----- Folks...this is the time of year when our exercise and eating get out of whack. We get too busy with xmas shopping and gorging on gingerbread cookies and drinking a crapload of eggnog. Healthy eating (even though I don't practice it) and working out tend to go by the wayside. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!!! Try your bestest to keep things somewhat "normal". Hit the gym...ride your bike....play with your kids. And most importantly....exercise helps you relieve some of that holidy stress that we somehow experience. And enough of the computer games and AIMing!
I ate, but I rode today and I'll ride again tomorrow. I'll hit my push up goal, my miles goal, but will fall short of crunches.
Okay rode 12 miles this morning. Did 200 crunchies. No push ups today. I decided that 6,000 stomach things might be too much in a month. So I thought 4,000. Does that sound reasonable? About 150 a day or 300 every other day.
Just got back from Bogus...only did 8 kilometers at the Nordic Center. The snow was decent although we could definately use another good dump or two. Tomorrow is gonna be my off day...I'm gonna need it.
Time to review this past week.... Check. Didn't do crap this day cuz I had to pick up my turkey dinner and bring it home. Ended up snowshoeing for about 1.5 hours. Cranked out a measly 8 kilometers of XC skiing. Unfortunately yes. Really crappy, slushy conditions at both the local ski hill and the Park N Ski areas. Blah. So needless to say I did NOTHING today. Saturday and Sunday really sucked cuz all I did was kick it around the house and gained 30 or 40 pounds of fat in my buttocks area. Maybe I shoulda supplemented that with playing computer games or sumpin'. Overall I am somewhat OK with this past week. I wish I coulda done something today and yesterday, but it just wasn't meant to be. ------- Plans for this week.... Monday: I'm scheduled to work at the store. If by the grace of some higher power I don't have to work, then I'm gonna go to step aerobics and then lift afterwards. Tuesday: Work at the store. Wednesday: Kickboxing Thursday: Lift and cardio Friday: Cardio Saturday: XC ski or snowshoe Sunday: XC ski or snowshoe
Well said Fear... Stayed tough all holiday weekend.Good walks,lifted once and my unloading and camp cleanup today was the equal of about three workouts. I did indulge but my only dessert was a piece of mince pie.
Okay rode today Did a 10 minute warmup Then rode a 7 mile Time Trial. 13:18, and set a record in the 6 mile of 11:35, beating old record by 29 seconds. Then rode a 6 minute cool down Total miles today: 13.2 Total time : 29:18 Did 270 stomach things So, beat the goal of 250 miles, with 284.17 Beat the push up boal by 10, 2010 Crunchies: 4,310, short of the original goal, but still not bad. I need 309 miles in December to hit 2,000 for the year.
I've done pretty good, well at least I'm exercising. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up and ride till the Chimney sweep shows up