Reform Party: Ralph Nader Socialist Party: Walt Brown Libertarian Party: Michael Badnarik Green Party: David Cobb Constitution Party: Michael Peroutka
I would vote for Bush first, Peroutka second, and Badnarik third. If Peroutka had a supportive stance on the war on terrorism, I would vote for him over Bush. I also don't agree with Peroutka's anti-marriage amendment stance. He says leave it up to the states. I say let the states vote on the amendment.
well, at least here in germany I vote green, but I guess they differ a lot to the American green party... Not Nader, I know that ;-)
I couldn't find the website for the American Whig Party. I'd like to know what their current platform is.
I visited those web sites and honestly, it's the Reform Party that most closely mirrors my opinions on the issues. The Greens are too crunchy, the Constitution Party is far too conservative, I don't agree with the Libertarians views on corporate regulation and could not find anything on their web site about protecting the environment. While I'm not sure I agree with the Reform Party's stance on tax reform, I think they're the most sensible overall of all of the third parties. That said, I'm still voting for Kerry. This is not the year that I want to make a statement.
From what I could tell, the Constitution Party's platform is essentially to make Christianity the official, forced religion of all Americans. Anyone else getting that?
I voted the Greens in Brazil, and would vote in them if I were American. All Green parties in the world are somehow interconnected.
Well, from their FAQ page... Are you “Tough on Crime?” The United States Constitution only gave the Federal government power over three areas – the punishment of counterfeiting, felonies on the high seas and treason. Everything else is properly within the jurisdiction of state and local governments. However, it is inherently contradictory to the dignity of human liberty to cage a man for his life as punishment. I would encourage the States to establish Justice in their criminal system by establishing the policy that crimes should be remedied by restitution or execution. I'm not sure it's exactly "Christian." They're into God, though: The very first presupposition of American government is that there exists a Creator God, yet our taxpayer-funded schools teach our children that He either doesn’t exist or that they can’t mention His name. This attack against the right of the people to acknowledge God is disgraceful and it is un-American. The Constitution Party is committed to an American understanding of law and government – that rights come from God and that it is the purpose of government to secure and defend them. After reading a bit, I'm wondering why this guy didn't get Fred Phelps on his ticket.
I was looking at this, from the Campaign Themes page: "Michael Peroutka and the Constitution Party will fight to defend America against its foreign and domestic enemies in order to return to a Republic of Sovereign States based on Biblical principles."
Well, the problem is that the 3rd parties tend to be the collection of oddballs on the political fringe, as opposed to real centrist alternatives. Personally I find the Democrats to be completely disorganized and philosophicly incoherent, and the Republicans to be a christian conservative shell corporation under Bush, so frankly, politicly, I dont want to vote FOR anybody. But each mainstream party has enough nutjobs of their own that my voting habits tend to be "vote for whos the least insane". Edit: Let me make an additional comment about the reform party. Philisophicly, I think their may be some real meat there, but organizationally they keep nominating the biggest name who wants to run for their party, not for someone who is attempting to lead a movement. And I cant stand Nader.
I could have sworn that the Reform Party didn't nominate Nader this time. I went to and got this: Bandwidth Limit Exceeded Man, is this their website and is this any way to run a party? Oh well, here are more choices!
Huh? Nader used to run as a Green. For whatever reason that didn't work this year so the Reform party took him in.
I might be voting for Badnarik -- frankly I can't understand why in a country with so many anti-government folks (especially the rugged folk out in the boonies), the libertarians do so poorly! Surely they can at least win a few local and state seats here and there?
The Prohibition Party still exists, although mostly as a platform for the leader to advertise his political button business. I'm a fan of the United Fascist Union. No other party has a name that contains a redundancy. And it's lead by (and consists totally of) a black dressed conpiracy theorist Roman Empire fanatic who lives with his mother. That is like Strong Bad cool.
I'm not sure if this says more about you, or about Bush. The Constitution Party are a bunch of scary wingnuts. Me? I'd like to see some kind of fusion between Libertarian and Green ideals. The libs give waaaaay too much freedom to corporations.
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