I think right now India can beat teams like Syria, Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran. We can tie Japan.
India is $hit , was $hit , and will always be $hit in football. They have 1 billion people and they cant come up with 11 decent footballers , its really sad and pathetic .
Yeah definitely to some teams goal differencial..... they'd lose 5-0, 13-0, 9-0, 7-0 and 11-0 to those teams respectively and maybe be a decisive factor in group standings!
India won just over Syria,because we played with many olympic players and in the 44 min Wael Ayan got the red card!And you played at home!You can´t beat us or other big teams in Asia!But your U-17 team is good!
Hope you can answer normally instead of taking too seriously. To be frank, lets see the AFC Challenge cup performance and can talk about India's clubs and India NT does have AFC Cup soon. Also they have U-17 team matches this year.
U-17 is good team but our senior team right now has a chance to beat teams like Korea, Saudi Arabia,...etc.
Khali.., I think India has a long way to go if Football is concerned.., The AIFF Adminstration is too bad and they do not conduct any friendly matches with good teams like Iraq,Japan etc. India only plays AFC Cup and SAFF Cup every year.., Last year India came with ONGC Nehru Cup.., You can see more of the Indian I-Leauge action at goal.com/indianfootball.com etc
What a clueless thread! Indians don't realize how strong Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran are!!!!!!!!!! And they don't know how weak India is!
Talking out of my a$$ . Prove me wrong , what did I say that makes you think I am talking out of my a$$? I said India suck and that’s the truth , I said they have more then 1 billion people and cant field 11 decent footballers and that’s the truth . How am I wrong?
Hi guys, To Valanjak, I respect Iran team. I think India could tie them right now as we could with Korea and Japan.
At least he knows something. Japans the best in Asia. Oh and he forgot to put Australia in that list. But seriously. There's no way that India could tie with japan or beat Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran or Australia I don't know enough about Chinese and Syrian team to judge, but I'm pretty sure they're way better than India.
To be frank, I'm pretty sure Great Khali just started this thread cause it is so dam wrong that everyone would tell him he's a moron etc. And he knew it would start an argument. Everyone in the Asian forums and most of BigSoccer members including Great Khali, realise that all those teams he mentioned would beat the c*^p our of India. Some mod just close this cause its stupid and pointless.
No the real problem is Great Khali is a sock and also a newbie AND quote "MATURE" Big soccer members who are replying are, no more no less, fools. You are not getting this junk from established Bigsoccer Indian members.
Shut up . If this guy wasn’t talking about India you would be doing the same . I am tired of your BS too , I think its time for you to act more mature , your acting like a baby right now . Yes India sucks , stop crying about it . You claim to be Saudi Arabian too , so you still have hope watching them.