at first, i thought this was hilarious and clever - i planned to buy a deck until i saw that this freak has written a book explaining how 9-11 never happened - fizzlenuck this punk, i ain't buyin' shizzle from him stupid ass - he reminds me of those aryan pricks that will tell anyone who will listen, in extravagant detail, how the holocaust didn't really happen ya know, i can't stand when americans classify a whole group of people by the actions of a few... but this guy is just begging to get his ass kicked... maybe even by french people for making them look bad
Frankly what? Yes, this guy is an ass, you've got that right. And so what? Why should this bother you? See, out of curiousity, do a search on the "french-speaking-internet-world" for an American ass such as (my opinion, of course ) Ann Coulter. I did. All I found were 2 rants about French-bashing on 2 obscure websites, one of them being: I also found a reference to her on a forum, from a French expatriate living in California citing that "he doesn't like her"...woooo.... Point being, who gives a f-* what she thinks... as you shouldn't be too bothered by French asses. French asses being a minority as American asses are a minority as well.
Re: Re: i swear! some french just bring it on themselves! The fact that some French ass wrote a book about 9-11 being a "Big Lie" doesn't surprise me or bother me that much. But the fact that the French made it a best seller is a little more interesting.
Re: Re: Re: i swear! some french just bring it on themselves! Yea, sure.He wrote a big pile of controversial crap. And that sells.Not just in France: I guess it's the same instinct which makes people slow down on a freeway to see the aftermath of an accident. Lots of people actually like these "nutso" conspiracies; not that they necessarily suscribe to them, but they'll enjoy reading about them, I guess. I don't. About France in particular: French people read a lot. A LOT. Lots of them will end up reading books on current events, some of them bad... Just like the "anti-american feeling" in France which a lot of people in the US think is prevalent: books with an anti-american overtone will sell... Books with a pro-american overtone will sell... even more ( see Bernard-henry Levy, Andre Glucksman, etc)
They already have a deck in Russia, of course it actually explains who's who in the White House and doesn't include much dirt, so it's not much fun.
Re: Re: Re: Re: i swear! some french just bring it on themselves! Yep- and what they read most are the weekly published pictorials of Johnny Halliday trying to nail his granddaughter-look-a-like.