well what did you ask your magic 8 ball? I'll just hope you asked it about KC's chance to knock the Quakes out don't be too superstitious!!!!
Back to your original crap post... I'm assuming your commenting on the latest articles in the SJ Mercury. As long as it didn't say "See Yeah", the Quakes should be OK. Or, you could be about to get fired...
Spread some tea leaves and they went pell mell. Shed goats innards and boy did they smell. Gonna find me a shaman woman with a rump shakin' like shakira. One potata two potata three potata four. Quakes hold on for the tie. Amanpour invades pitch in an orange toga, insists he can play goal. Ask again later.
Why do you people respond to the 12 year old idiots that support the galaxatives and post garbage on our boards?
Like last year, I can't wait to borrow LA Galaxy STADIUM to play the MLS Championship. Thanks Galaxy for letting us borrow such a great stadium. See ya in November! GO EARTHQUAKES
Oh, and iam, could you please go around before the game and pick up any, er, droppings that you and your buddies might have left in your haste to exit before the Quakes arrival?
Peek-a-boo moon startles the loon, but why did the half-footed pidgin cross the road? Parts is parts, divining arts for crusty farts. Is the goose cooked or be he cookin? Signs is crossed, Houston weather holding pattern.
OK, I tried my luck at: http://www.indra.com/8ball/front.html My question: "Will the Quakes stay in the Bay Area for next year?" Eight-ball: "Yes, definitely". I tried a few more times, but of course, in Eight Ball, only the first answer is valid. Actually, this site's a little better (flashier animation and sound). http://www.mattelgames.com/magic8/flash_index.asp
We took their* super model girlfriend's** virginity in 2003 and now in 2004 we will go back and impregnate their now wife, since they can't seem to do the job. By the way.....I hear she will be cheating on them with some candy striped goat worshippers*** next season. *Galaxy **Home Depot Center ***Chivas USA
It's fun to tease stupid idiots like that. Especially when you know that most Galaxy fans have their heads in the toilet anyway.
Rock on!!! The trick is to ask out loud with confidence. Every time I did that I got a "yes" type answer!
.nrettap gnidloh rehtaew nostuoH ,dessorc si sngiS ?nikooc eh eb ro dekooc esoog eht sI .straf ytsurc rof stra gninivid ,strap si straP ?daor eht ssorc nigdip detoof-flah eht did yhw tub ,nool eht seltrats noom oob-a-keeP ?secnamuatasnart ,gnihtyna hctaC .nwo sih hcae ot - ycnamortpotac ro ycnamoparC
SOP: "Magic 8 Ball, Magic 8 Ball...will the Quakes reach MLS Cup '04 so we can go to LA, get totally dissed at the awards banquet, have a hella good time at the hotel partying, then drive through the streets to the stadium on gameday with music blasting and banners waving out the windows--traveling the final 6 blocks to the stadium next to a busload of fans for the opposing team, see our guys play a solid, professional, "team" brand of footie and win the game--staying our execution from MLS while simultaneously earning us another very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, a third star on our jersey and chance to have my picture taken kissing the Cup at the year-end party again?" M8B: "It is decidedly so!"