PLEASE vote for Kerry tomorrow. The thought of Bush getting four more years is making me (and much of the world) sick. Literally sick.
Sigh. You do realize by asking people to do this you're encouraging us to vote for Bush? Because we loooooove being patronized. Really. Its cute and awesome.
I'd just call it trolling. No need for this kind of talk, as in outsiders telling the folks from the US how to vote. Most should have made up their minds by now. The debates are done; Various opposing political arguments have been made - pro and anti Bush; let the fun begin!
I'd like to know what your definition of trolling is. I'm seriously and sincerely worried about Bush winning again, and I'm guessing this board is a good medium to express my concerns.
Me too. However, it is not for me to attempt to tell US voters where to place their votes. Likewise I expect them to butt out when I cast my vote. Just show the US electorate some respect at this stage.
People need to put the hash pipe down. Don't think that Kerry will be much different than Bush on foreign affairs. If Kerry gets elected, the same Europeans who wanted Bush gone will be saying the same thing about Kerry. Living here in Europe, much of the hatred toward Bush is irrational. Even if he cured the sick and healed the lame, Europeans would still hate him.
I'm not telling anyone what to vote! I'm begging them to vote Kerry, it's as simple as that. Tomorrow's elections affect us all, not just those who vote, so I have every right of having an opinion on it.
Fact is that Bush lied. Fact also is that he's screwed up relations with Europe and much of the rest of the world. Fact also is that the US economy is now worse off than four years ago. He simply hasn't done his job very well. Now if a secretary or a doctor or a window cleaner sucks at his job, he gets fired. A president is apparently not judged on job performance. We cannot judge how Kerry will do. But the choice is between a man who's already screwed up and a man who's yet to prove himself. I know who I'd want for the job.
So has Blair, but would reckon the British electorate won't be voting for any other except him again. And do you think really that the election of Kerry will make a difference? I would call that naive, since he has to face the same problems and ultimately will follow the same path for the solutions.
You call it a mere difference in leadership style, I say that it's that difference in style that will make a big difference particularly in relations with Europe. When you compare Clinton's policies with Bush's there isn't that much difference either, but the differences in how stable the world was under Clinton and now under Bush are huge. And again, I can't for the life of me think why anyone would even consider re-electing someone who's so clearly screwed up.
To say the economy is worse off is not entirely correct. Bush inherited the remnants of a tech bubble. His policy of lowering taxes was the correct one at the time. As for relations with Europe, they are going to be contentious whoever gets in office. Don't fool yourself in believing Kerry is going to make the relationship better. If Kerry wins, there will be a honemoon period, but Europeans will still have the same complaints about the America.
Same question to you: why even consider re-electing someone who's clearly failed? You don't know how Kerry would perform. I'd rather risk giving him a chance than having the certainty of Bush making things even worse. Europeans had no problem with the US when Clinton was President btw. Democrats will always be much better loved here because they understand the European concept of solidarity much better than Republicans do. What always makes me wonder is why Americans just allow their government to spend shedloads on the military while they could clearly use the money domestically.
True. But there are internal squabbles within Europe and the EU - Blair, Chirac and Schröder are not all entirely popular at home or overseas either. But let's just blame the USofA as it is an easier target.
I wasn't going to say that out of fear for being called a troll again, but those are my thoughts exactly BD.
Saying Bush has failed is a little harsh. As for spending money on our military, consider yourselves extremely lucky that America pays for your security.
Dick Cheney has said that what the old Europe thinks is of no concern to him, and that the new Europe is what he cares about. That's not just screwing up US-European affairs, that's also trying to create a conflict within Europe. Meanwhile European leaders have kept quiet about the US elections, not wishing to interfere. Can you spot the difference?
How and in what way has Bush succeeded then, according to you? The EU just passed a law that basically announces its intention to take full and sole responsibility for its own military. That should indicate to you that the EU is slowly yet gradually distancing itself from the US when it comes to military affairs. Vote Bush and you're at risk of losing your key allies in the world. As if you needed even more enemies. But it's not Europe you need to worry about in the first place, btw. Your government doesn't seem to be aware of the fact that there's tremendous anger and anti-Americanism building up in the poor countries of South-America and Africa (Chavez's victory underscores that). With Bush I can see that anger escalate in the not so far away future. And then your government will again ask why and how it could have happened.
Anyone who'd be encouraged to vote for Bush simply b/c of this plea deserves Bush. Anyone who says, "I was thinking about someone else, but b/c this guy patronized me, I'll show him, I'll vote for Bush!" really does deserve everything this cabal hopes to give him...I mean to take away from him.
If I thought you would do more to help protect the US then I would consider it. However since I can't depend on you, I won't vote for Kerry. We are all in this together but you imagine that you don't have to help. You're a slacker in the War on Terror.
Jesus wept, what politician doesn't lie? They lie because people don't want to hear the truth - George Bush senior lied about raising taxes, would he have won the election if he hadn't? If Bill Clinton hadn't lied about Jennifer Flowers they (US) could have had another 4 years of Bush and even bigger defecits! We want our politicians to be of stout moral fibre, but Clinton turned the economy round, would he have been in a position to do that if he'd told the truth? Let's face it Neeskens, it doesn't matter what they say, what matters is what you hear and that is very selective and subjective!
You have control of you own military? Oh goody. Please let me know when you increase your airlift capacity to actually transport what little troops you have. I don't know if you've noticed but your troops aren't needed in Europe. It's been three years. How much more are you doing?
Considering that 80% of the Dutch military is currently on US-led missions abroad, I won't take that personally.