So the point of this thread is to say why/the reasons you (if you do) like to follow teams other than your own team. Nothing is the same watching my 'home' team play with my vested interest in it, but I also am a big fan of the MLS in general. These are the teams that I'll actually watch a game of if I have the time: NY Red Bulls - I like to see if Henry will walk himself slowly into a moment of brilliance. And to see if he ever implodes due to his clearly visible frustration of the non-greatness of his teammates. Philidephia - to see if Adu will play with intensity and for how long, and if he pulls something awesome off. New England -because of Saer Sene and Nguyen, I like how they can play Toronto - less so now without Koevermans, but it was fun to watch them earlier because you knew they were gonna break their losing streak somehow, and the schadenfruede of watching a depressed group (you could tell by the way they played). Also it was great to see Frings get a goal. Montreal because of DeViao and now Nesta Seattle - great fan support and always a good team LA - I like watching highlights and like it when Beckham and Keane do well, being sort of representatives to the rest of the world for being famous footballers in our league. and RSL - because they can play a nice style when they try.
Seattle - great fan support. Watching a Sounders home game makes me believe that soccer can not only exist, but also thrive and be relevant here. I was thinking about this just the other day; the Sounders and the Cosmos are the only American soccer teams to ever come close to NFL levels of fan support. LA - Ive been a Beckham fan since he first started playing for Manchester United. I love watching him, and Keane, and Donovan play. When they're on, its amazing to watch. Portland - Same reason as Seattle. The sights and sounds of a Portland home match are, to me, what soccer is supposed to be like. And what it CAN be like here. If they can ever get into the playoffs, it'll be nuts!
You bet, 1996 - present. Fortunately for me, Mrs. Ismitje is also an addict. Many/most of the people who participate in the weekly MLS PBP threads watch all of the games - as many as possible anyway. It was easier to watch all the games before 2007 or so when expansion made it more difficult. But I enjoyed my six hours/three games on Sunday very much.
I'm not nearly as bad as Ismitje, but I watch as many games as I can. I catch most of the national tv games, the Timbers games(they are on a local channel either live or replay), and I generally catch one or two random ones on MLS live.
This thread feels like an AA meeting. As a newbie I'm not secure enough to share my vices, so if it's alright, I'll just sit in the circle and listen to all your sob stories.
I end up watching most Chivas games since they're usually on after my team finishes. I always root for them because they're harmless.
I watch as many as i can.... i have a soft spot for RedBulls (mostly because Angel when he was there), SKC (because of the amazing FO) .. Crew (because being the first with an SSS) and portland because of their fans!!!
Any change of heart? It was a dreadful affair, though I understand that RSL has been running on fumes of late.
It was a pretty dull match, but RSl has the best style in my view, followed by the Galaxy, Sounders, Whitecaps and Red Bulls
I don't have a second MLS team that I like watching I just enjoy watching the rest of the league when the Union aren't playing. It becomes real fun when I have 4-5 games on at once. Just a lil bit of an MLS addict lol. The other team that I do like watching is Orlando. Really pushing for them to get an expansion bid.
I live overseas, so the Saturday evening matches have become part of my Sunday morning routine. I got hooked on rsl during their ccl run, and I watch them whenever I can. But beggars can't be choosers, so I'll watch pretty much anything.
I hate most of there bandwagon fans. Since I live in Tucson, most (85%) of the MLS fans in the city are Galaxy fans. So I have to put up with that shit every week. I'm waiting for the day when Chivas LA wins a championship and then sells out every match, while the Galaxy struggle to draw. That will be fun
I enjoy RSL's style of play under Kreis. I like their personnel as well. I also enjoy watching L.A. ... lose.
Started watching MLS due to the amazing DC United dynasty team that MLS blew up over time which made me a DC fan BUT... as time has gone by I have watched just about every team and rooted for just about every team at some point. Definitely cheer for any MLS team in CONCACAF Champions League (unless they are facing my PR Islanders) and any MLS team facing European competition in friendlies. The one team I do not support because I hate the team, I hate the name, and I hated the way they started out by alienating just about anyone who was not Mexican or a Guadalajara supporter... CHIVAS and its owners can go jump in a fire pit from hell. Seriously, Chivas, REBRAND OR GET OUT your team name doesn't work in MLS. I appreciate the fact you guys brought your money in at a time of need when MLS was weak but hate the fact your team is associated with another team in Mexico. Not only does it CHEAPEN the Guadalajara brand but I bet their fans are none too happy about it either. I would actually LOVE IT if you guys rebranded, relaunched, and moved into your own facility away from the Galaxy. The only other things on my wish list for things that must change in MLS in order of priority: 1) DC getting a nice home (the GODS know they deserve it) 2) New England in their own home somewhere in downtown Boston proper (maybe even with a name re-branding but it isn't 100% necessary, just a stadium will do) 3) San Jose in a proper stadium 4) Dallas with a roof to protect folks from the sun 5) KILL THE CANNED CELEBRATION MUSIC AFTER EACH GOAL (especially when a team like the Houston Dynamo share the same song as the Columbus Crew)
I like watching RSL because they have the best philosophy and style of play, hoping that Porter can build that type of cohesion in Portland.
I personally hate watching all the Cascadia games because of that turf. All other things being equal the soccer suffers on that turf. Seattle is sometimes the exception because they play so nice they can sometimes overcome the shortcomings of the surface. My current favorite must see games are in Kansas City and San Jose. Not only the two best teams in MLS, but also great atmospheres.