Do you like to kill warm blooded unsuspecting animals for pure fun...? "You would" you say but you are too frigging lazy to get out of your armchair and tramp through fields and woods to get near enough to shoot them. Besides the hard work walking there's the noise and smell, suppose you don't get a good shot off and you only wound it? Then there's the bother of tracking it down by the sound of it's screams to finish it off. Now you don't have to! Now you can sit in your ergonomically designed computer chair and blast the crap out of exotic warm fuzzy animals in between sips of your Pearl beer. Too bad it wasn't someting else that went off in his head. They could also have the meat processed and donated to orphanages.. Edited for content!,2106,3100016a12,00.html
Sometimes... just sometimes, Im embarassed of saying where I live. That I share space with people who think like this... just cant be good for my image
Is it any wonder the state wildlife commission won't issue a "Road Kill" stamp for Texas, making it legal for you to process a deer you've accidentally hit? They were going to limit it to one a year, but there are enough lunatics in the state that they had to consider the fact that a few "Joe Six-Packs" were going to just run a deer over on purpose.
This is on several hunting related sites I read and there are tons of replies agreeing with you here, its disgustion, Texas F&G is looking into ways to stop it, basically the leading idea is basically that you have to physically be there at the kill site. Aside from that there are tons of other issues: safety, licensing, age, and what happens to the venison after the shot? Who tracks, butchers etc. This is NOT hunting.
Not sure I follow this--what is it, that the internet server is hooked up to a stationary rifle, and when you click the button the trigger is pulled?
Almost - the rifle has 2 degrees of freedom (I think). You can pan/tilt the thing. This is a bad bad bad bad idea. I don't have a problem with hunting, per se, but really... you should have to work for it. And what happens when the first person is shot? I sure as hell wouldn't want to be one of the range's employees who has to go out there and retrieve the dead animal!
What if this thing does actually does happen. Any deer that happened to stumble on this ranch would not have much left after a few hundred people let loose on it. Same thing for squirrels, birds, cats, basically anything that moves.
This is one wingnut's idea, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is trying to put the kibosh on this. Or would you like me to start lumping you in, every time a car is broken into in Liverpool?