Homer - Bush Marge - Kerry Lisa - Nader Bart - Badnarik Flanders - Petrouka Mr. Burns - Bush Ranier Wolfcastle - Bush (duh) Smithers - Kerry Grandpa Simpson - Bush Skinner - Bush Mrs. Krabopel - Kerry Rev. Lovejoy - Bush Dr. Hibbert - Bush Moe, Lenny, Carl, Barney - Bush Troy McClure - Kerry Bumblebee Man - Kerry, but will vote red next time Krusty - Kerry
The article knows NOTHING about the Simpsons! Nothing! First, Kent Brockman is a religious wackjob, as well as Burns' neighbor. "It's in Revelations, people!" Second, Springfield is in Kentucky, as the "Behind the Laughter" episode proved. There's also a Shelbyville in Kentucky. When George Washington told Lisa that Kentuckians were cowards in the Revolutionary War, it cut her to the quick. Krusty, however, could be one of the Jews who initially supported Bush, but then turned to Kerry. Like, for example, Jesus.
I disagree about Lenny and Carl... reagan democrats if you ask me. As for Homer, I think he's one of the 40% of Americans that does not vote. Krusty is a republican too... as evidenced by last season's episode (as is Count Chocula apparently as well) You forgot... Comic Book Guy - Kerry Jasper - probably Bush (isnt he a veteran?) Apu and Sanjay - Kerry Selma and Patty - Kerry Cletus - definitely Bush Quimby - Kerry Sideshow Bob - Kerry Moe - Bush
I disagree. Krusty voted Republican (for Sideshow Bob) when the Republican Party Machine (consisting of Ranier Wolfcastle, Dr. Hibbert, Mr. Burns, Birch Barolw, the rich Texan, and Dracula) nominated Bob to run against Mayor Quimby. (It should be noted that they originally thought the water cooler would be a good candidate, also). When Krusty went to the polls his comment was "Well, he did frame me for armed robbery, but I could sure use that tax cut". That's a Bush vote if ever I've heard one.
So the snakecharmer demographic would've voted for Bush. Hmm... I think I know where those 3 million votes came from now...
Homer's political stance is extremely erratic. "I disapprove of his Bart-killing policy, but I definitely approve of his Selma-killing policy" - what the hell is that? Well, sounds like a Bush vote. Another time, he refuses to vote, stating that "It wouldn't make a difference". He never voted on Proposition 24 because he wasn't registered. He cheated on an absentee ballot. He claims to be prejudist against all races but he appears to have come to terms with gays. His religious believes would qualify for the "Other than other" category. He is for government spending on bear patrol, but against the $5 tax hike to finance it. He helped his activist mother escape from the law, he considers Bush Sr. his personal enemy, he was a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay, but overall, if he doesn't stay home staring at a three-chambered peanut, I think he votes for Bush. The Mouse-Eared One seems to thrive in the Loud-Mouth Doofus demographic. Besides, Homer's favorite movie is "Hail to the Chimp"! I am afraid that Marge would eventually wind up "voting on values". She did support the Democratic gubernatorial nominee Mary Baley, but she is the kind of voter who would swing to Bush this year. Grampa... I think he is still fiddling with the 2000 butterfly ballot. Patty and Selma would write in McGyver. Krusty. Definitely for Bush. "I could use a tax break" is a classical phrase, he is a Republican legislator and a gun owner. He voted for Clinton but campained for Bush Sr. His embrace of his Jewish roots is very sporadic: "I thought I was a self-hating Jew, now it turns out I am just an anti-Semite". Red like a moel's knife! Mr. Burns would vote for the Whigs, as their iron fists are sorely needed to crush the insolence of those blasted Federalists. Smithers, would of course, be first in line to vote for Kerry. Probably, with ex-Homer assistant Karl and pawn-shop owner John right behind him, if you know what I mean. Flanders. Need you even ask? Throw in Rev. Lovejoy and his wife in the same category. Principal Skinner is no mistery to me. He is a "law-and-order" type, an ex-veteran, strictly anti-tax and anti-union and is probably mind-controlled by his freakishly crazy mother. Two votes for Dubya in the bag. But Mrs. Crabbaple would definitely fall into the Kerry camp, as the anti-abortion legislation may hit her hard. Apu would vote for Bush in 2000 (like many new immigrants he tends to overemphasize his "patriotiticity"), but now it's definitely Kerry, unless people are coming over to beat him up for it later. Clancy Wiggum... Well, with the son he's got healthcare costs are definitely a concern. Seems to enjoy police brutality. He also belongs to the obese-American demographic, which is usually staunchly conservative, Michael Moore nonwithstanding. I don't know... Probably Bush. Otto... Wow, man! There was an election? Cool! Superintendent Chalmers is a Bushman. He is from Utica and I hear they still tar and feather Democrats up there. Of course, Mayor Quimby would toe the party line and vote Kerry. Voting on values is not his forte, what with the pot plantation in the closet and the lifetime membership at Maison Derriere. Sideshow Bob used to be a Republican Mayor and was friends with Birch Barlow. He feels the people of Springfield sorely need a Republican to rule them like a king. Of course, if he were a Democrat, he would've been disenfranchised for being a convicted criminal. Fat Tony. That's an interesting one. His Catholic priest tells him he should vote red. But his mother tells him he should vote blue. His godfather wants a good Manhattan (and Manhattan is blue), but Frankie the Rat is from Joizee and Joizee is also blue. What is a man to do? But if you want to get rid of some "inconvenient" voters, it can definitely be arranged. Moe. Are you kiddin' me? A half-nut gun owner like him is easy pickings for the Reps. Barney, however, will vote blue. Remember, he is an award-winning filmmaker! Will probably denounce the war in his acceptance speach too. Dr. Hibbert would vote for Bush, and so will Nick "DoctorB" Riviera. The latter will be pressured hard by the Democratic Hispanic Caucus, but limiting malpractice awards is a HUGE issue for him. Cletus is normally a Bush-voter, but remember that it was Jimmy Carter who done built him his precious habitat. I am saying he and Lurleen put up a Kerry yard-sign. The Sea Captain knows the concerns of homosexuals quite well and will probably consider Kerry. Lenny (an apparently indigent bachelor) and Karl ("black people have names like "Karl") will probably swing left. Who else? Jasper (another gun owner) is a Bush-backer, but the crazy Jewish guy would go for Kerry. Hans Moleman (he of the agonizing pain in which he lives every day) is in the Dems camp. The Crazy Storekeeper Vote would split even, as Herman would side with the incumbent (the ole nutty militarist vote) and the Comic Book Guy with the challenger (though he surely is obese, it would be natural for him to support a spunky underdog, whose hair seems to be perserved in a mint condition). So, what do we have? Looks like Bush in a squeaker, huh? Wow, and all that despite a Democratic mayor and a Democrartic governor! I bet Shelbyville voted for Kerry. I am not sure, though, which way the cousin-marrying demographic usually swings.
I am amazed Shurik... you named almost everyone from a cartoon and their likely political stance... just out of curiosity, could you name everyone who signed Declaration of Independance? Anyone? Not picking on you, mind you, it just seems amazing that folks know cartoons but not real history! Amazing!
Trust me, there is no gain for you in historical arguments against me. I am sure that little red square next your number of posts was achieved purely on the strength of your knowledge of political science. And it's always amazing to me that people who are eager to be amazed at the trivial knowledge of others (at an assumed expense of the mainstream knowledge) can't even be bothered to spell the word "Independence" correctly.
Excellent analysis... I still think though Springfield has many residents who would simply not vote... like Homer.
Note that I didn't include Lionel Hutz, but I should have. As a matter of fact, he appears to have run as the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee this year. Troy McClure is easily a Democrat, based on his Hollywood affiliation and the mysterious sexual preferences. Raineer Wolfcastle campained for Bush and is considering a Presidential run in 2008.
Historian eh? Who signed and when? I see you did not answer! Also...I am sure that little green square next your number of posts indicates how brown your nose is yes? IntheNet
Yep... I agree Coach. Krusty is a true Republican. I disagree with another post that has Lisa as a Naderite. She is too intellectual and level-headed to make that mistake. Marge is definitely a tough one... seems liberal on social issues but does have a lot of security mom in her. Homer may seem like a NASCAR dad... gun lover, anti-elitist. Then again he doesn't get along with virtually any Republican leaning character in the show, bar Moe (no pun intended). He can't stand Burns, nor Krusty, and of course hates Flanders.
I'm guessing that by actually spelling the damn thing correctly puts him far enough ahead of the game compared to you, numbnuts
Actually, I have no idea how it got there and what to do to take it off. Maybe a pinch of Mr. Sparkle will do the happy smile-time super job. Mr. Sparkle is disprespectful to dirt, you know. The Declaration of Independence was signed by President Mircea Sneghur and the Moldovan Parliament in the June of 1990, but the little brave republic, most known for producing really crappy wine, did not officially gain its precious freedom until December 1991.
Also mostly known for being the poorest country in Europe. I don't think Homer would vote, as his pro-drug legalization assures us. Marge, on the other hand, would vote at least twice.
I see you know the crazy ole Motherland. Homer has voted before and, you never know, he may do it just to get out of work. Not that he goes there much nowadays.
Lets call it very much a love hate relationship. Or, to be more accurate, a dislike-hate relationship, with a mitigating factor of many relatives. True. Knowing him, he'd vote for the Greens accidentally.
He's definitely got some rock-solid hippying experience on his resume. Isn't that flower still wedged in his brain?
PFFFT. Shows how much YOU know about the Simpsons.... It is a point of Oregon pride that Matt Groenig is from Eugene, OR and lived in Portland and that many of the characters are named from Portland city streets (Flanders, Terwilliger, Lovejoy etc). Additionally right next door to Eugene, OR is SPRINGFIELD, OR. Springfield is looked upon by Eugene residents much the same way Shelbyville is looked upon by Springfield residents in the Simpsons.
Yeah, and Nancy Cartwright is a Scientologist, but it doesn't mean that Bart likes "Battlefield Earth." (Must have been fun for Nancy to do the "Na na na na na na - Leader!" episode, assuming she bothered to connect the dots.) Take it up with "Behind the Laughter." They're Kentuckians.