How Do You Replace a Legend? - The Transfers, Rumors & Lies Thread

Discussion in 'Real Madrid' started by Nathanial Essex, Jun 13, 2023.

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    YOUNGSTARS87 Yellow C@rd Bandit

    Dec 21, 2005
    Lol you wouldn't even give J-Mezzy eye contact if you ever met talk much me so keep your tough internet nationalist bullshit to yourself.

    As far as "banter" is concerned your greatest legend didn't like the "banter" Materazzi gave him so spare me your bullshit. People who talk like you tend to be the most softest and sensitive yet bark loudest.
    Saeta Rubia, Shay Z, Glide84 and 3 others repped this.
  2. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Yeah, this Mbappe saga has been fantastic for our reputation, the kind of money we'll spend on him will partner wonderfully with Florentino's "football is on its way out" Superleague rhetoric.

    Let's be honest, this is has been a farce from beginning to end, hopefully it's over soon.
    Deep Pal and Nathanial Essex repped this.
  3. AppleBob86

    AppleBob86 Member+

    Real Madrid
    Jan 11, 2018
    We’ve spent big money on our past legends that have walked through the door in the past. Figo, Zidane and Cristiano. Those guys cost a lot of money, inflation today compared to back then just means we pay more.

    As Perez once said, the most expensive transfers end up being the cheapest.

    Regarding Mbappe specifically , we’re giving him the money we’d offered PSG. He’d still be on the same weekly wage as Jude and Vini are on now. He just gets more image rights, bonuses etc.

    We could chase Mbappe for another 5 years and we’d still be in a better situation than Barca both on the pitch and off it.

    I do agree, it’s dragged on since he was 17-18 years of age but you don’t pass on a player like him if there is a chance to sign him.
  4. Zidane05

    Zidane05 Moderator
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    Jul 18, 2005
  5. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Where do i say that people here said that?
  6. libertao

    libertao Member+

    Mar 15, 2006
    Deep Pal repped this.
  7. libertao

    libertao Member+

    Mar 15, 2006
    I don't believe that. Camavinga is African and already pretty adored by fans.
  8. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    He's several levels short of "legend" . Like, give or take 10 years of football.

    A legend is somebody like Roberto Carlos or Raul.
    RoadMan and Nathanial Essex repped this.
  9. libertao

    libertao Member+

    Mar 15, 2006
    Of course, I just don't think him being African is preventing fans from appreciating him and if he stays with the team for over a decade and wins CLs, he'll get there.
    Digital repped this.
  10. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    There's a huge distance between appreciation and being considered a legend. I don't think we mean the same thing.
  11. temesgen

    temesgen Member+

    Jun 27, 2004
    It's fine for posters to visit and share news from other forums; we welcome diverse perspectives. However, please remain respectful in your discussions. Sharing your viewpoints respectfully increases the likelihood of engaging conversations based on the merits of your arguments.

    YOUNGSTARS87 Yellow C@rd Bandit

    Dec 21, 2005
    Tebas celebrating the Mbappe signing as being 99% occurring just makes this entire scenario even more disgusting.

    The man who couldn't grow the league with Cristiano and messi is now happy the club he loves to deride has found away to bring another star... even though said star said no a bunch.

    Anything to make him look good and make the most under the table money; all while doing as little as possible.
  13. HZinho

    HZinho Member+

    Apr 2, 2013
    Real Madrid
    But what about if he stays with the team for over a decade and continues to be a key player in a multiple title and CL winning team? He already has 1 CL where he – at 19 years old – was a key element in RM winning. I see him becoming a club legend if he continues his current trajectory.
  14. Digital

    Digital Member+

    Dec 10, 2012
    Real Madrid
    This seems pretty straightforward to me, I mean, how else do you become a club legend, and how is it about a players origin?, I’m really not sure what this particular discussion is about…….. or really what point is trying to be made
    Deep Pal, Nathanial Essex and HZinho repped this.
  15. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    OK, what if we go to penalty kicks in the CL final and Lunin stops every single one?

    We're talking about facts here, not dream scenarios. We've had popular players like Camavinga before, there hasn't been one to elevate to those levels before and that has various reasons that we're not going to discuss here especially because a) Camavinga is French and b) the discussion was about Osimhen, and the club has certain checkmarks for that position that they like a player to tick.
    hector_br repped this.
  16. HZinho

    HZinho Member+

    Apr 2, 2013
    Real Madrid
    OK, then we don't need to go into this further, as I'm not sure what point you're trying to make (well, I have an idea but I'm not going to entertain you).
  17. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Right. Uncomfortable topic but it's a factor in European football.
  18. russian hattie

    russian hattie Member+

    Feb 5, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    We haven’t really had a huge selection of African players in the team so it’s a bit of a weird topic. Diarra will always be a bit of a legend to me though for that 2006/7 league win
    RoadMan, Shay Z, hector_br and 5 others repped this.
  19. Excape Goat

    Excape Goat Member+

    Mar 18, 1999
    Real Madrid
    I haven't been closely following the ongoing debate regarding African or Black players over here, but I've expressed my opinion on this topic here before. A few years ago, somebody mentioned that Real Madrid would not accept the fielding all Black offense with Mbappe, VJ and and Sancho( being considered as a potential right winger for our team in the discussion there). I felt uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation was taking. Since then, I've been observing the representation of Black players on the team. Currently, the majority of the team consists of Black players, with only Dani, Fede, and one of the goalkeepers as the main or potential starters who are not Black. Brahin, Lucas, Cebellos, Fran Garcia, Nacho or Joselu are more of backups than potential starters. If we sign Firmpong and Mbappe next summer, we can field a starting lineup of 10 Black players and the goalkeeper. For this season, I have not counted the number of Black players on the same filed at any given moment. Eight Black players on the same lineup are probably a realistic option, but I don't think it ever happened due to injuries.

    GK, Dani, Rudiger, Alaba, Mendy, Camavinga, Bellingham,Tchouamneni, one other white player, VJ, and Rodrigo. Did it ever happen? I don't think so.
    MerlinRM and Deep Pal repped this.
  20. Digital

    Digital Member+

    Dec 10, 2012
    Real Madrid
    This is exactly it, unless the poster is trying to say we don’t recruit African players period for whatever reason, but of course we have, Essen, Adebayor, Geremi, Diarra, Etoo too, and others, unfortunately none have had a really long stay at the club or have been Cristiano or even Kroos like, and that’s got nothing to do with origin, but we have had them,

    As noted already the only way for most to become a “ legend” (which is subjective in itself, how is this actually determined) I believe, although it may vary from person to person, no hard fast rules here, is many years performing at the highest level, if we went to penalties in a CL final and Lunin stopped every one, some “might” consider him a legend, others might consider him as being really good in a pen shootout that one time and props to him for that, still don’t get the point trying to be made……. well I do, but…..
    Excape Goat repped this.
  21. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Diarra is a cult figure.

    This Vinicius, Camavinga, Rodrygo group mostly resembles the Ferrari Boys group of Seedorf, Suker, Pedja etc. in its makeup, but is thankfully far less toxic, although the team in its entirety is a bit different.

    We don't know what defines a legend as some legends don't even win as much as others, it's just that they are emblematic players and aspirational leaders, often presenting a voice that connects the team to the fans.

    Our issues of knowing what to do and how to deal with Eto'o, an Incredibly talented player, show that we've had difficulties in giving players from that region the reigns. We've never really tried it.

    We'll see. It's an uncomfortable situation because accusations are being thrown around, but the point of heritage has been a discussion point even in France which is a country far more diverse than Spain.

    I've heard and seen shocking stereotypes about African players all around Europe to the point where I simply think football isn't quite there yet.
  22. Nathanial Essex

    Nathanial Essex Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 19, 2017
    Yeah. How about we drop this topic until we have an actual comparison to make? Let an African/black player score 40 goals a seasons, be significant in our European and Spanish league success and then judge the reaction.
    Digital repped this.
  23. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    So that's what it would take for a player from the region to be the face of the team? Put in historic performances? That's what I said by the way, not that it's impossible, but Özil admits that getting the German citizenship opened a lot of doors in endorsements and job opportunities. As soon as he leaned towards the nationality of his parents, those started to more or less quietly disappear.

    Also, black and African are not the same thing. Marca did that and they were universally criticized for it. Alaba is not "African" simply because he's black, he was also depicted on that Marca cover.

    Osimhen always begins with an inherit disadvantage.
    hector_br repped this.
  24. Nathanial Essex

    Nathanial Essex Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 19, 2017
    Well, yeah... Don't take my words too literally, but you're not going to be the face of the team or looked at as a legend without a significant contribution. Which white, non-cantera player is considered a legend or face of Real Madrid without a significant contribution?

    And I didn't say Black and African were the same...

    Osimhen was purchased from the French League, by Napoli, as a 21 year old for €70 million and is one of the most coveted players in Europe. What's his inherit disadvantage is the context we are discussing?
  25. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    #10450 4x4s, Feb 25, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2024
    Those 70 mil. Euro were what brought down the Napoli board as the transfer fee was artificially inflated to make sure clubs adhere to financial Fairplay rules. In reality his value was a small fracture of that, the rest of it was pumped up by trading a third string goalkeeper and evaluating him at some obscene 40 mil +, people got to serve sentences for that.

    Also for being one of the coveted players he doesn't nearly get as much coverage as the second, third or fourth best. Even Endrick is getting more attention than he is.

    It's worrying how much people are trying to pretend like actual issues don't exist in football and that everything is horizontally positioned in the sport.

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