How Do You Replace a Legend? - The Transfers, Rumors & Lies Thread

Discussion in 'Real Madrid' started by Nathanial Essex, Jun 13, 2023.

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  1. zizou555

    zizou555 Member+

    Real Madrid
    Dec 4, 2007
    Newcastle Upon Tyne
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  2. hector_br

    hector_br Member+

    Feb 13, 2007
    Message boards are great places to kill some time. It's a shame most are slowly going away.

    Reddit is cool, but it's a whole different vibe (I don't know how I haven't had my account banned there already).

    I hope BS remains alive for years to come.

    The mods here, or Bawwwsses as I like to call them, do a great job.

    YOUNGSTARS87 Yellow C@rd Bandit

    Dec 21, 2005
    Well we can see small parts of how Mbappe turned into what he is today. Instead of senior players protecting a young player they wanted to feel superior so they mocked his appearance.... which he obviously didn't like and either denied with gestures or looked completely uncomfortable.

    You said friends as if this wasn't some teenager getting bullied by a group of adults.

    Now today those same guys should try and call him that and see what happens.

    Coward shit and it's the same idiot laughing the loudest.
    Galatico, Deep Pal, Anon. and 1 other person repped this.
  4. Serengeti_Boy

    Serengeti_Boy Member+

    Sep 15, 2009
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    He actually does lol. He needs to grow a beard now for the world to unsee it.
    AppleBob86 repped this.
  5. J-Mezzy

    J-Mezzy Member+

    Real Madrid
    Oct 14, 2013
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    Yeah the joke stops being funny when it becomes not organic, at that point it stops being a fun time around your boys and becomes bullying.

    The masks, the nonstop laughing obnoxiously, it’s pathetic from grown ass men
    Saeta Rubia, Shay Z, Galatico and 3 others repped this.
  6. zizou555

    zizou555 Member+

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    Sometimes it's not that serious.
    I don't know about Thiago Silva being his friend and how he felt about some of those jokes.

    But I had been watching a lot of French TV across the years and Still catch the weekly show. The people that used to make most of these jokes are kimpembe and marqhinos. They are still shown with him most of the time, when he went to celebrate emery he can in with kimpembe and dembele. No ones knows for sure how he felt but he is still very close to instigators. Looks like boys playing around to me.

    I also watched him from what supposedly a well spoken and somehow humble young player to a freaking diva and you could see the slow turn as he was getting either worshipped in French media or for a very short period killed over nothing. The fact that psg offered him everything did no help.

    YOUNGSTARS87 Yellow C@rd Bandit

    Dec 21, 2005
    There is joking and there is that cringe shit where these guys are bullying the new teenager and he is hiding his face or ashamed because he actually thought he was getting a nice gift. I'm sure much of it came from envy of the attention or the money the kid was given.

    That went too far.

    You can see why they never win because there is no lockerroom leadership. Someone had to stand it and say "OK, enough.. you have had your fun". Instead look at Dani Alves giggling and others just shaking their head.

    Now fast-forward to today, see how the tables have turned and those who treated him badly are now under his heel. Then we wonder why he grew up to be a terrible personality when prior to that shit PSG stint he seem like a great kid.

    Now see the contrast of Jude coming in, how our lockerroom embraced him and how he rose to a leadership role because of that.
    Deep Pal and Anon. repped this.
  8. zizou555

    zizou555 Member+

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    Maybe, I don't know. What seems to me is that he is really close to marquinos kimpembe hakimi and dembele. I also followed the incredible amount of hype and pressure and then uncalled scrutiny when he was starting out. I m sure that had an effect on him. Not to mention everyone wanting something out of him but that is the same to every successful person.

    Side note, marquinos was adopted and joked with by media, colleagues and fan/Internet as a maghreb arab as he looks similar, is friends with the minority players and adopted the slang. He even started saying hello in Arabic once that became a thing to get in on the joke.
  9. AppleBob86

    AppleBob86 Member+

    Real Madrid
    Jan 11, 2018
    I don't think he was or is that arsed about it.

    There are pictures of him taking pictures stood next to Ninja Turtles models.
  10. MiamiNative0722

    MiamiNative0722 Member+

    May 25, 2013
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    I would be willing to run another year of Carvajal and Lucas if it means we’re going to pursue Hakimi in 2025
    arcane repped this.
  11. AppleBob86

    AppleBob86 Member+

    Real Madrid
    Jan 11, 2018
    I think that is around the time we'd be looking at a new, starting RB aswell. Could be something in that
  12. INST

    INST Member

    Real Madrid
    Aug 15, 2023
    Hakimi is not good enough. Very mediocre defensively.
    Digital, Anon. and Hsain85 repped this.
  13. J-Mezzy

    J-Mezzy Member+

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    Oct 14, 2013
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    Hakimi again? That ship has sailed
    Anon. repped this.
  14. Glide84

    Glide84 Member+

    Jan 10, 2012
    Real Madrid
    Even if he Hakimi thing is true doubt PSG sell to us with Al K around. He would have to run out his contract and they have a history of forcing players to do that.
    Anon. repped this.
  15. temesgen

    temesgen Member+

    Jun 27, 2004
    I think this factor is massively under appreciated
  16. libertao

    libertao Member+

    Mar 15, 2006
    Not necessarily. A big reason he left was because he didn't want to compete with Carvajal, who is probably on his last legs as a starter (season or two), so the timing would be kinda perfect.
  17. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
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    That's harmless compared to what i've seen at teams like Bayern, Wolfsburg, Hamburg etc.

    I actually brought a friend to Bayern and he destroyed the guys there but got hazed so bad that he quit.
    J-Mezzy repped this.
  18. MiamiNative0722

    MiamiNative0722 Member+

    May 25, 2013
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    It's being reported now that Bayern expect Davies to leave rather than extending
    Shay Z, Anon., Deep Pal and 2 others repped this.
  19. Nir_O

    Nir_O Member+

    Real Madrid
    Mar 16, 2019
    Just wow .. what a team. I see Zidane return to replace Carlo at 2026-2027 season
    Deep Pal and Anon. repped this.
  20. Hendrix22

    Hendrix22 Member+

    Feb 28, 2010
    Real Madrid
    #10395 Hendrix22, Feb 23, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2024
    What is weird about Osimhen (apart from the fact that people are somehow incurably unable to spell his name properly despite literally having seven letters) is that somehow he is not considered a worldclass player around here. I just don't get it. He has everything in his bag for an off ball running type of pressing finisher forward. Supreme athleticism, rocket of a shot, best header in the world. How can someone go gaga over Haaland and then not rate Osimhen is a complete mystery to me. But but but he doesn't have a perfect touch. How is that relevent, he doesn't have to have perfect touch for the type of player he is. Haaland is nothing to write home about technically either, in fact I'd say Osimhen is better when it comes to link up and skills. He's got 90 percent of Haaland's speed and strength, so its this ten percent that hes lacking in comparison to Haaland that make people here talk about him like hes a scrub? Despite being faster and stronger than anyone else out there?

    Kindly, gtfo with that shit.

    If Florentino was as cutthroat of a dealer as hes made out to be here, he would have sold Vinicius for a record price, eliminating the constant noise around him that has become a distraction, and then buy Osimhen so that Mbappe plays on his natural position on the left and Victor just quadruples Joselu's output with all the service he would get in the box. Thats the cruel but rational decision that would be for the good of the club. But the fact that Florentino crawls back over and over to Mbappe's toxic ass is proof that he isn't that. Florentino's ways include both sucking up to the Mbappe moneygrabbing entourage, and being loyal to guys like Vinicius. Thats who he is and I am happy with that.

    And for the record, I'm not saying that I would swap Vini for Osimhen even on a profit; I am attached to the kid as much as the next guy and willing to take the bad with the good with him just like with Florentino. What annoys me is that the same people who are apparently too proud to stoop down to someone as apparently shit as Osimhen are at the same time super happy to swallow the humiliation Mbappe has served this club for years, as if it doesn't mean anything as long as we get him at whatever point and squeeze whatever amount of years he has left after not coming when he was supposed to (and when he promised to). Well history and legacy means something to me and I'm not going to apologize for it. And part of Mbappe's legacy with Madrid is always going to be his shitting on the club.

    Honestly Osimhen would be a greater legend for Madrid than Mbappe would simply due to the fact that he doesn't have the baggage of being a douchebag and a snake towards the club. I have zero doubt that the Nigerian would score a bucket load of goals here as well the same way Mbappe would.
  21. lecannois

    lecannois Member

    Real Madrid
    Jul 6, 2023
    #10396 lecannois, Feb 23, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
    Wow. I come here to read this nonsense about the prank on the bus with the Donatello mask. That is French humor... it's called "chambrer". Everyone does it to others and it's completely fine and taken with a laugh. You just dish it back. Those who can't take a joke are the ones in trouble because you will then get ostracized.

    Mbappe has dished it and taken it everywhere. For example, his best friends on the team are Dembele and Hakimi... just a few months ago they asked him how Dembele was doing with Dembele standing next to him. His response: "Great until he gets near the goal. He seems to get a stroke every time he has a chance to shoot. We're lucky he's alive and functioning today with the number of strokes he's had in his career so far." Dembele was dying laughing as he listened. His comeback was: "It's like you trying to make a pass."

    Another example: any new player that comes on France NT has to stand up during the first meal at the gathering and sing his favorite song to the team. He gets "chambrer" mercilessly as he does... and everyone laughs. It's good fun.

    French culture is extremely different from American culture. The humor is highly sarcastic and everyone knows how to take a joke when it's meant as a joke. People make fun of everyone and everything. The most popular shows in the history of French TV are satires for a reason ("Les Guignoles" for example). You have newspapers and cartoons that are 100% satires. People aren't looking to be offended.

    I'm completely sure that the only thing on Mbappe's mind with the Donatello mask prank is how to get the guys back with a prank of his own.

    Here's another one:

    During World Cup 2018, everyone made fun of everyone on the France team and the media talked about how great the atmosphere was. Why? Because it's a sign of affection in France as long as everyone is laughing. Pogba and Griezmann were all over Mbappe per the article above.

    If you can't take this kind of humor, you shouldn't live or visit France. It's cultural. If you're not making fun of each other, that's when you need to worry in France. It means something is wrong lol.
  22. Doni

    Doni Member+

    Dec 4, 2010
    Real Madrid
    Try considering the value for money.

    How many league goals does Osimhen have this season? Joselu has more than him, there’s 14 other Serie A players with more goals than him.

    The guy doesn’t have anywhere near enough goodwill built up as an elite forward to have a season like this and then still justify the sort of price it would cost to acquire him.
  23. J-Mezzy

    J-Mezzy Member+

    Real Madrid
    Oct 14, 2013
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    I was in the military in deployment for long period of times with the same people and @YOUNGSTARS87 was a profesional sports.

    Camaraderie is not new to us and trust that we’ve been around these settings more than most. I’m also Colombian and well aware of that culture, we grow up taking shots at each other. All jokes are at the expense on one another and the first thing to come to mind is how to make fun of another. Sounds great and all, but it creates chip on shoulders personalities and insecurities. It makes my people less likable to be honest. I’m a proud Colombian but I’ve never been the type
    To seek hang with Colombian people all the time.

    You could tell Mbappe was uncomfortable and insecure. The first joke is fine. When the joke is organic is fine, happened in the moment, it came, everyone laughed.

    but buying masks, recording reactions, laughing loudly and obnoxiously, all to ridicule a dude based on his appearance and you may think it’s fun but he definitely didn’t like it.

    Also, the French team is a talented team, but known for their great atmosphere they are not lol. No other soccer team has had as much drama and issues as the French national team so maybe that laughing at the expense of others mentality is not quite working out
    Ssr9, Shay Z, Anon. and 2 others repped this.

    YOUNGSTARS87 Yellow C@rd Bandit

    Dec 21, 2005
    #10399 YOUNGSTARS87, Feb 24, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
    Don't mind him, he thinks it's a thing of pride to say the culture of his country is to pick on people in weaker positions then you.. as if that is a redeeming factor.

    He doesn't even understand his audience as many here are at least exposed to American sports where there are pranks, hazing, jokes, etc... however if you aren't an animal you know you can cross a line. When a team doesn't have a leadership structure to control these behaviors you get that nonsense we just saw (you can imagine how much it was because they didn't record or show all the instances!)

    That shit is weak and show lack of confidence and character... it also breeds this shit and it's why Mbappe seems to be a shithead just like the people who taught him.

    That French poster is such a lost cause. He is so blinded in his nationalism he can't even see the correlation between events like those that show poor leadership and the success that team has failed to achieve due to the lack of just that. I even made it simple for people using Jude as an example.

    I'm sure your example of the French team's failures will go right over his head.

    Anyways, people who hide poor treatment of others behind "culture"... and to expand show/enable/defend racism or prejudice, etc behind "culture" or "tradition" are the worst.
    Deep Pal and J-Mezzy repped this.
  25. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
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    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    I think negotiations should be straight forward here.
    I'm going to say something very controversial, but an African player will have to be GOAT status to be considered a Madrid legend.

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