How Do You Replace a Legend? - The Transfers, Rumors & Lies Thread

Discussion in 'Real Madrid' started by Nathanial Essex, Jun 13, 2023.

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  1. boeder

    boeder Member+

    Real Madrid
    Feb 27, 2013
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    No, I swear we get your point and there is nothing wrong with it, but Joselu is ass, even if he scores in the next game.
  2. AppleBob86

    AppleBob86 Member+

    Real Madrid
    Jan 11, 2018
    I’m replying to a guy who plays football manager, wins a title and then thinks he knows how Carlo should setup this Real Madrid team. :D

    You were very vocal of Carlo and Kroos at the start of the season and now they’ve made you look a right mug, you’ve crawled back under your rock until the next defeat.

    Stick to virtual management basement boy.

  3. russian hattie

    russian hattie Member+

    Feb 5, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    Yep pretty much. Pepe may sneak in there, I loved his partnership with Ramos. Appreciate the love for Guti too.
    Deep Pal, Serengeti_Boy and madridismo repped this.
  4. Excape Goat

    Excape Goat Member+

    Mar 18, 1999
    Real Madrid
    With Messi and Neymar on the same team, PSG still carried some glamour and curiosity about them. They are liked the NY Cosmos. Without them, Mbappe was the lone star in a big league. PSG is uninteresting. Hakimi and Donnarumma should leave too. Seriously, the Saudi league has more players of note. The quality of football in France is probably better than Saudi Arabia, but sometimes, star power is a bigger draw than quality (when the quality is not close to the best in the world). It is more interesting to see Messi beating up everyone in a pink jersey than PSG while he was chasing a playoff spot. And I did not even like Messi.
    arcane repped this.
  5. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    #8405 4x4s, Dec 4, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2023
    France is France. The popularity of domestic football outside of the Premier League top sides and the Madrid/Barca games is fairly low.

    And i say that having heard people from the Bundesliga side of things saying that the League is quickly becoming irrelevant for foreign broadcasters.

    Leverkusen Dortmund was on at the same time as Manchester City Tottenham, needless to say that Leverkusen Dortmund TANKED in every market outside of Germany.

    Outside of this football nerd bubble where people watch everything, there really isn't much demand for french football. Even niche sports like the NFL reach a much wider audience in key football markets than the French League. Why watch PSG vs Montpellier when you've already watched much better teams just an hour ago or better yet, when the games are going on at the same time?

    The further away you go from that, the less interest there is.
    J-Mezzy and arcane repped this.
  6. SoyDelMustang

    SoyDelMustang Member+

    Dec 24, 2007
    Atletico Nacional
    Nat'l Team:
    I’d prefer Kroos stay atleast another year. He's shown that he can still play at a high level and the NT retirement has treated him well. I think Modric would be playing at a much higher level if he just retired from the NT.
  7. Seoul Villan

    Seoul Villan Member+

    Feb 16, 2011
    Deep Pal repped this.
  8. Isaías Silva Serafim

    Real Madrid
    Dec 2, 2021
    Nat'l Team:
    I don't understand why people put R9 in historic Real Madrid XIs. What did he do for us? He delivered his best years at Barça/Inter. With the Real shirt there are several better options like Hugo Sanchez, Benzema and even Van Nistelrooy had a better peak with the Real shirt
    Serengeti_Boy and Minduchio repped this.
  9. russian hattie

    russian hattie Member+

    Feb 5, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    For me it’s who do I have the fondest memories of and also gave us the highest highs. I loved the years he had with us. His hat trick at old Trafford is legendary. Van Nistelrooy too had an amazing year that i will always remember but it was never as high as Ronaldo’s level. Hugo Sanchez was before I was watching. Benzema would probably get into my own XI over him tbf.
    ImadEdd repped this.
  10. Beowulf112

    Beowulf112 Member

    Real Madrid
    Jun 3, 2018
    My priority for summer is Davies and Mbappe...aside from them another young promising right back would be ideal...I expect Nico Paz to be one of replacements of either Modric or Kroos..i expect big things from that kid
  11. Excape Goat

    Excape Goat Member+

    Mar 18, 1999
    Real Madrid
    Ronaldo's highlight videos looked very very good, but his peak years in Madird lasted about two seasons, And he only won a single la Liga title. Benzema had around three good seasons. He had many bad seasons, but his peak seasons were extraordinary. He won a Ballon D'or with his club performance, and that alone should take him ahead Ronaldo. He is also our second all-time leading scorer.
  12. arcane

    arcane Member+

    Aug 18, 2005
    I would argue to RM Ronaldo is closer to RM Van Nistelrooy than RM Benzema.
    Isaías Silva Serafim repped this.
  13. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Ronaldo was a turning point for the club commercially, his debut for the club made daily news outside of the sport. His time has it's bad sides, but the excitement when he joined us was real.

    I understand why people are sentimentally attached to him.
    libertao and Deep Pal repped this.
  14. Excape Goat

    Excape Goat Member+

    Mar 18, 1999
    Real Madrid
    I always like Ronaldo 9, but Benzema was better here.
  15. 4x4s

    4x4s Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Real Madrid
    No doubt, and I wasn't even a fan of Benzema initially but the guy absolutely stepped on the gas when Ronaldo left and showed the world how good he can be as the main event.

    In hindsight, imagine how many personal records he could have broken being the main show in town for all those years, but instead he was up for the team success.

    An excellent story overall.
    petros93, Shay Z, libertao and 4 others repped this.
  16. russian hattie

    russian hattie Member+

    Feb 5, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:

    I’m not sure he could have done it right away. It really helped having Cristiano so he didn’t ever have that burden. When he first came he was not the leader that left us. And you’re right it’s a great story, we kind of took that journey with him and watched him become that leader for us.
    Deep Pal repped this.
  17. PeXXeR

    PeXXeR Member

    Real Madrid
    Sep 24, 2023
    I swear half the world is still sleeping on how big of a beast Makelele was.
    Digital, Ahmadi8 and 4x4s repped this.
  18. russian hattie

    russian hattie Member+

    Feb 5, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    Not sure about that, for years people referred to a defensive midfielder as the “Makelele role”, and we blamed our trophyless years on Perez selling him. But still, I think Casemiro did more for us in that role, won more. And even he doesn’t get in ahead of Zidane, Modric, Alonso, Kroos, Guti for me. Who would you have him ahead of?
    Serengeti_Boy and Deep Pal repped this.
  19. Isaías Silva Serafim

    Real Madrid
    Dec 2, 2021
    Nat'l Team:
    He didn't have as much of an impact as Figo and even Zidane as well. The truth is that R9 himself said that when he returned from injury he tried to return to Barça but the club didn't have the money (or didn't want to) to sign him, so he came to Real.
  20. Isaías Silva Serafim

    Real Madrid
    Dec 2, 2021
    Nat'l Team:
    If I'm making an all-time XI I'll always need a defensive midfielder. Because these lists that place 3 attacking midfielders in midfield don't make any sense. I think our best options are Casemiro, Redondo and Zarraga
  21. hector_br

    hector_br Member+

    Feb 13, 2007
    I liked Ronaldo as a kid. I don't like him anymore.
  22. PeXXeR

    PeXXeR Member

    Real Madrid
    Sep 24, 2023
    #8422 PeXXeR, Dec 5, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2023
    I'm fully aware, its difficult to compare as most of the people you mentioned won way more, however, if we did not have Case we would not have had so much success.

    Guti is not a good example, he was more of an AM, very inconsistent but on his day was insane.
    I remember a season where he was even deployed as a striker and bagged in like 20 or something like that.

    Alonso is the better example, would pick Makelele over him with the setup that I would go with.

    Redondo was class as well, the prince, though he was not the best in defense.

    In an ideal world I would go with Zidane Modric

    Or a double pivot of Redondo Make and Zidane ahead of em
  23. russian hattie

    russian hattie Member+

    Feb 5, 2006
    Real Madrid
    Nat'l Team:
    I think it’s just for fun. So I pick the players who were the most fun
  24. PeXXeR

    PeXXeR Member

    Real Madrid
    Sep 24, 2023
    Oh, I am not slating you for your choices or list, its all opinions just chatting.
  25. Isaías Silva Serafim

    Real Madrid
    Dec 2, 2021
    Nat'l Team:
    In that case let's put forwards at GK and CB also :D

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