Hot Seat 2023-24

Discussion in 'College & Amateur Soccer' started by ThePonchat, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. SammyP

    SammyP Member

    Nov 6, 2006
    Penn State's coach had previously spent close to 20 years as a D1 coach at Dartmouth & Cincinnati - with a lot of success at both

    Lindenwood's coach had been in the Division 1 college game with great success for years too

    South Carolina & GCU seem to be the only two that have hired someone without the previous D1 experience
    TimB4Last repped this.
  2. NoHammiesAltidore

    United States
    Jun 28, 2019
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Kieffer recruited domestic players from out of state pretty well, just not a lot of them ended up setting foot on campus. Jose Gallegos, Kobe Franklin, Jahon Rad, Kaveh Rad, and Jeremy Garay all were committed at one point but didn't make it to campus. This is something every decent school deals with but Keiffer didn't seem to have an answer. Having 13 other D1s in state (and Duke/UNC having first choice at kids from the Triangle) doesn't help with local recruiting. He also had a low hit rate on his internationals.
    TimB4Last and JoeSoccerFan repped this.
  3. CaptainD

    CaptainD Member

    Oct 20, 2014
    The Rads were local before they went out to Sporting. They both played for the Railhawks academy team and Kiefer did some coaching there (as did Somoano). Their older brother Cyrus was a walk on at NC State.
    Kiefer drew right many from the academy over the years--some seemed to be more of a wink and a handshake--boys who never played at all. Obviously the Rads would have been different but they skipped college altogether.
    NoHammiesAltidore and JoeSoccerFan repped this.
  4. The Big Dig

    The Big Dig Member

    Manchester United
    United States
    Sep 25, 2020
    Looks like he just didn't meet expectations based on this part of the release.

    "The GCU men's soccer program has a rich history of success. The Lopes qualified for three NCAA tournaments between 2018 and 2021 — one of only 24 schools to do so — and also won three WAC titles in that span. GCU went 23-6-1 in the 2021 calendar year and was one of six colleges to have multiple first-round picks in the 2022 MLS SuperDraft."
  5. swalton333

    swalton333 Member

    Oct 25, 2006
    Thought the Mount should have gone with a young coach with something to prove rather than an old guy like Teach. Said he NAIA coach of the year in 2000.....23 years ago. I would have preferred a young hungry ambitious coach with solid international links who is using the mount as a spring board to a potential top div1 job. A guy like that will work his backside off. Much like Mark Metrick did. He did very well as the mount, recruited some good local talent and top British lads who they wouldn't have been able to get if they were American. Got them to NEC playoffs consistently then got the Loyola job and was there best coach in there history. Hope I'm wrong but time will tell. Not sure what happened to Cunningham but this Mount team gone was one of the worst I've seen.
  6. First Time Finish

    Nov 4, 2016
    Teach is a good coach — no idea really about his ability recruiting at this stage in his career though he certainly has some good relationships. I do agree though that at a place like the Mount you have to be willing to turn over all the stones you can.
    JoeSoccerFan and Fitballer repped this.
  7. Fitballer

    Fitballer Member

    Mar 6, 2015
    I think older experienced coaches offer something different to young coaches--plusses and minuses to both sides. It is a huge assumption that an older coach won't be ambitious or work hard. It takes years to build up networks and to really understand all the elements of coaching and handling a team well. Don't know Teach but to me he looks to be a safe respectable hire on paper...
    TimB4Last repped this.
  8. swalton333

    swalton333 Member

    Oct 25, 2006
    I just think the mount needs to give a young coach a shot. As in we are giving them a shot not the other way round. I'm sure Teach is a good coach but let's be honest with his age this is his end he going to work as hard/travel as much round the world as someone in there mid thirties in the 1st div 1 head coach job? I would ideally want a young guy in who has ambitions of coaching at the top level and sees mount as a stepping stone which is a win-win for both party's. If you can do well at the Mount you can do well anywhere and you will get a shot at the big-time as it's a tough job. As mentioned earlier Metrick is prime example/blue print of what I believe mount should be doing. Agree with the earlier post.....Teach maybe the safe option but I would rather roll the dice and take a risk on an unproven hungry ambitious coach.
  9. nighttime

    nighttime New Member

    Dec 18, 2003
    College hoops and football hire the best candidate available regardless of age. College soccer almost always hires candidates that are between the ages of 35-45 years old. Not 100% sure why but probably because they can pay them a bit less than an experienced head coach or they falsely think that a coach that age automatically brings more energy and enthusiasm. In the end, it's usually about the money--hoops and FB need to win so they hire the best candidate available whereas soccer doesn't bring in the money so they hire an inexperienced guy and hope for the best. Teach is a little different because he's an older guy who hasn't been a head coach for awhile, but he has a reputation of being a really good guy who's a really good recruiter. I think it's a good hire for the Mount.
    JoeSoccerFan, TimB4Last and Fitballer repped this.
  10. swalton333

    swalton333 Member

    Oct 25, 2006

    Hope your right, not the route I would have gone down for the reasons stated earlier. A huge part of it will be his overseas recruiting network. Mount are in the DC-Baltimote hub so are competing with schools like UMBC, Loyola, GW, American similar or better academically and soccer wise but are located in/near a major city rather than emmitsburg which historically are more appealing to US based players. Metrick was extremely successful with his British imports, Ryerson to a lesser extent. Chris Wheeler was probably ACC level and the best mount player in recent memory. The only way Mount are getting that level of player is recruiting overseas.
  11. JoeSoccerFan

    JoeSoccerFan Member+

    Aug 11, 2000
    I agree with the primary positions of this post. Furthermore, VCU has been getting players from Jamaica, Brazil, Argentina, Senegal, Costa Rica for quite a few years. If you look at the VCU coaching group, Lucas P was originally from Argentina who was recruited by Teach while at Tusculum and transferred for his final year (s?).

    Nothing is guaranteed with any coaching change, but I think the argument that Teach isn't hungry as some mythical younger person is fallacious and specious. Just my opinion.

    I do hope the Mount is able to recruit successfully and build a competitive team. Additionally, I hope that the Mount funds the program appropriately which we may not know. I like the Mount stadium, but the artificial turf, distance from the city (as the OP stated) and the lack of culture hurts the team.
    Fitballer repped this.
  12. collegesoccer

    collegesoccer Member+

    Apr 11, 2005
    Jeff Cook is a 20 year college coach who took some time to coach in the academy as a part of professional development. The Lindenwood Coach, Kris Bertch was the coach at SLU. South Carolina and GCU are the two examples. I just think it is a different mindset in terms of recruiting, development and winning. I would not go that route if I were an AD.
  13. collegesoccer

    collegesoccer Member+

    Apr 11, 2005
    Kris was the Assistant at SLU?
  14. ThePonchat

    ThePonchat Member+

    United States
    Jan 10, 2013
    I've Been Everywhere Man
    Columbus Crew
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    United States
    He was also at Atlanta United before that.
  15. Sandon Mibut

    Sandon Mibut Member+

    Feb 13, 2001
    I don't think two is a big enough sample size to conclude much of anything, one way or the other.
    ThePonchat repped this.
  16. collegesoccer

    collegesoccer Member+

    Apr 11, 2005
    As I said, if I were an AD, I would not hire an academy coach with limited or no college experience to be a Head Coach at the D1 Level. If the model proves me wrong, I will be glad to change but in this case, I need to be shown that the model works before I buy into it. There is a difference between the college coach who takes a short-term break to grow professionally working in the academies (Cook, Kevin Kalish, Bertch) and the guy who has only or mostly been an academy coach. Again, my opinion. Time will prove me right or wrong.
    Fitballer repped this.
  17. ThePonchat

    ThePonchat Member+

    United States
    Jan 10, 2013
    I've Been Everywhere Man
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Le Moyne - Callum Donnelly (Le Moyne assistant; 7/5-7/18 *interim)
    Marquette (11/1)
    NC State (11/3)
    UAB (11/7)
    Drexel (11/16)
    Fairfield (11/29)
    Longwood (11/29)
    Grand Canyon (12/1)

    Drexel - Mark Fetrow (Villanova associate head; 7/19-7/28)
    Old Dominion - Tennant McVea (ODU associate head; 8/15)
    Evansville - Robbe Tarver (Evansville interim HC - 10/9)
    Bradley - Tim Regan (Bradley assistant; 11/2-11/2)
    Villanova - Mark Fetrow (Drexel head; 11/16-11/16)
    Mount St. Mary’s - Brett Teach (VCU assistant; 11/2-12/1)
    North Florida - Jamie Davies (UCF associate head; 11/6-12/6)

    Reminder here, I won’t update list until (if) anything is announced officially.
  18. BigGreenTruck

    BigGreenTruck Member

    College: The Thundering Herd of Marshall
    Aug 29, 2023
    South Charleston WV
    I don't see Vidovich at 63 taking another job to do another rebuild. He took the Pitt job in 2016 at 56 and it took him 4 years to get them back to the NCAAs at Pitt, their first NCAA in 53 years. Given about the same path he would be 67-68 before he would have his players in place at NC State to be competitive. Most likely around the time he would be thinking about retirement. If not before as Vidovich has been coaching 41 years already. He started his coaching career in 1982 at Denver.
    Fitballer and fknbuflobo repped this.
  19. ThePonchat

    ThePonchat Member+

    United States
    Jan 10, 2013
    I've Been Everywhere Man
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    United States
    Not debating possibilities of any of these, although very doubtful some are real candidates.

    One name is missing. Would shake up some other positions if this one is hired. Would open the door for several more opening, I’m sure.
  20. StubbyWubWub

    StubbyWubWub New Member

    Nov 29, 2023
    Like someone from the same town as Mickey Mouse?
  21. VASoccer75

    VASoccer75 Member

    Oct 28, 2015
    I’ve heard someone from outside college soccer which means one of us is hearing bad information or it’s all true and nothing has stuck during the interview process.
  22. Footy24

    Footy24 New Member

    Liverpool FC
    United States
    Oct 23, 2023
    Would Tab Ramos consider the job in an effort to return his Alma mater to prominence?
    I have no information to suggest this, just a thought.
    JoeSoccerFan repped this.
  23. ThePonchat

    ThePonchat Member+

    United States
    Jan 10, 2013
    I've Been Everywhere Man
    Columbus Crew
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I didn’t say anything about any other candidates. I just mentioned one additional that was not mentioned that would cause a big ripple.
  24. torwart

    torwart Member

    Jan 22, 2010
    Liverpool FC
    Caleb Porter?

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