On to cup round 8! 5th lowest seed left and just did a 333 hatstats on a home normal. Team spirit is delirious with a PIC coming on Sunday. Lets it keep it going LSD Chicago.
Well that sucked, lost 5-4 on a normal. Should have MOTS'd, esp with 2 key injuries and half my team in terrible form. Last login was for that game..HT.. im out.
Won 7-0, but finished 5th. 1 pt out of third place. My best forward and defender both get hurt. Typical BS.
I have a qualification game to go back to V. I still have 12 mill or so in the bank, but I'm not sure it is worth spending to make sure I go back up.
I finished 4th in IV this season. I'm ready to make some full scale changes to my team as it's starting to get long in the tooth. Next season is going to be a very rough one I think for me.
yes it has. I can't get on at work to be certain, but it's been a good 3-4 real life years I believe.
I thought you were struggling? Was that the season before this past one? Have you reinvested the money you made from selling some of those prospects?
I finished sixth in my league, will have to play promotion next sunday against a weak VI division champion, hope to stay in V. Then, hoarding money for one more season, im tired of losing every match. Good luck you all.
I was struggling a couple of seasons ago and got relegated to V. Reinvested a little bit, converted all my players to USA born to save on wages. Unfortunately some of my better players are getting too old so that will weaken me when I sell some of those off this season. Waiting to see the strength of my new series IV and then decide who goes and who stays.
I don't, I'm heading back to V after this season. I think I'll stop training my GK once he hits world class, then start selling academy products until I can afford to play in IV.
Hi All - This is my first season of hattrick. There only 2 other teams in my division that aren't bots and so far I've won every match including matches against both "real" teams in the division. At this point I'm on pace to play a qualifier to promote. If I should happen to promote to div V, will I have any chance whatsoever of staying mid-table or am I just going to get blown away? Right now, each member of my first team has a "solid" skill level for their particular position and I am training PM. It doesn't seem like a team of solids is going to cut it in div V though. Any advice?
If you use Firefox as your browser, get the Foxtrick add-on, it gives a lot of cool little tools, including some match comparisons in regards to how you matched up with the team you just played. As for if you're good enough for V, it depends on the V series. It's been a while since I was in V, but the divisions ranged widely in their level of play and depth. I'd guess that you would survive right now though...
Blah. I had two transfer listed players bookmarked and I lost them both to the outage. The good news is I'm staying in IV, but only because a club in my series went bot.
Haven't played "seriously" in some time. I was a big fan of HT buddy but I see that's long gone now. I downloaded HAM just now and I'm not liking it's look/layout. Are there other options more similar to the old Buddy program out there?
OK, do the bottom two get relegated now? I just finished 7th and got relegated. Which kind of pisses me off because I spent a fortune on two new players that have no business playing in V.
That makes sense now that I think about it. I could be smug and say I had no way of knowing that, but that's not how I roll. Who am I kidding, yes it is.