Just had an idea. Instead of always asking if someone asking what the link to such and such web site is, why don't we just add a link thread. The function in a sense is like the Help threads. Also Web sites for your teams are allowed here as well.
hatstats http://usa.hatstats.info/ My Best Team(figure out best lineup for your team) http://groton.users.mcs2.netarray.com/index.MyBestTeam US Nats data base (post possible nat players here) http://usa.a-pack.org/ my site, that contains BS Cup stuff http://www.ht-arena.com/raytownrangers82/
My hattrick dates page. Showing training times and econ updates for all countries. http://www.angelfire.com/theforce2/helghallen/HattrickDates.htm
The promotion/cup rank sites The original Reinvented Hottrick Many good things there, including the Platypus guide and keeper tool. HattriX-files and theHattriX X-ray site Series Conference Aid to format posts for the conferences. USA National Team Forums You need to be an owner in the US to enter the forums after registering. HT-mail either ardent enthusiast or GM-brxnivy for access to the forum.
Hottrick rocks, especially this gem for you keeper trainers. I dunno. On the one hand it would be nice to have more people. On the other I always enjoy a good cabal.
This software has had it's CHPP approval revoked and its current status is unclear. It was annouced in conferences that a new, approved version was available. I downloaded and ran it and it did nothing visible ... but did spawn numerous background threads and was somewhat resistant to being shut down. That is either an ugly bug or malicious behavior. It was written in java so it is possible to commit an error that would produce this behavior. I've done it myself. So I'm not accusing anyone of anything, but I don't think anyone should download this software until its CCHP status and any bugs are clearly resolved.
So the opponent tracker is back up with a new version and everything is copasetic: faco.altervista.org/jhos/jhos.php Apparently the player information section was a little *too* useful and that is why the CHPP approval got yanked. You used to be able to see other team's form and TSI changes tracked over time. Nothing that you can't look up for yourself, but a huge time saver when doing an indepth scouting. Too bad because that was my favorite part. Without the player info, the tool is still a useful scouting device that gives you a nice display of an opponent's match history.
saw this on the conferences and it looked pretty usefull. shows how the player's injury will play out.. http://hem.bredband.net/thomasakerdahl/skador.htm
Some guy in conference posted this list of game times and updates. I'd rep him if he was on BS http://www.angelfire.com/theforce2/helghallen/HT-Woche.htm
Here's a link to the barest of websites showing the results of my recent injury study........ http://www.geocities.com/gollum1197/HTIDB.html