OK, I remember pictures of the stadium from before the crash - it would be cool to see them again (hint, hint) My question is though - can anybody tell me exactly where it would be? I kinda know the proposed details, and every time I take the train into NYC, I look out for it. But its tough to see (and will be for years and years). Can anyone tell me exactly where it will be in location to the train line? Is there a big building that's visible that will disappear? How far north/south of the train line/bridge? Thanks
The location would be just a couple hundred feet south of the Harrison PATH station in what is now a brown vacant lot on the river. Nothing except the occasional PSE&G truck there now. You could take the train to Penn Station Newark and walk prob. about half a mile across the bridge to the stadium. If you want to see where it is, sit on the right hand side of the train when you're going into the city. As soon as you pass through Penn Station and go over the black bridge & the river, you'll see a vacant lot out the window. That's it. Pictures are here.
That is the general area, the spot where theres a big empty lot will actually be where the buildings and shops will go with an avenue heading straight to the stadium. The stadium looks like it will be by that big ole abandoned warehouse in the distance(about 400 yards away), around that area. This is all taken ofcourse from the drawings.
From 280? Oh...like 2miles if you get off at the Newark exit. They might even be a closer exit in Harrison.
The Eastbound exit in Harrison is less maybe a mile from the site. The westbound exit is less than a half mile. Of course, nothing is happening in Harrison anyhow.
Yawn , You mean you actually believe there will ever be a stadium for the metros . I bet you still think Nick will have a "big announcement about a stadium in 60 days" . I have a bridge to sell you in brooklyn .
What the hell are you talking about? The Metros are asking for your help to BUILD it. They arent giving you the runaround.You dont wanna write a letter? Then dont. Dont be an idiot, just like you never show up to games, but complain about everything.
Ask Natham Why I haven't been at games . Something slightly more important has come up . Secondly "We'll have an announcement in 60 days" ( when they know nothing is going to be settled in that timeframe ) isn't being given the runaround ? BTW I sent a letter . I'm also realistic enough to know that there is no way NJ will build a stadium for this team .
Where are they saying this now? I really dont care why you cant go, thats not the point. The point is that you're always bitching, even though youre never there.
Then dont BITCH. You ALWAYS bitch, and YOU NEVER show up. Not just this time, ALWAYS. IF youre not going to show up then dont BITCH. Thats all Im saying. You wanna BITCH? Then atleast be apart of what youre BITCHING about.
So I'm not allowed to have opinions because you don't feel I show up enough ? I guess we're going facist now ?
No you do, but it makes you look like an ass. You complain about the stadium situation and the runaround the org has given you in the past, yet it hasnt affected you ONE bit. Because, well, YOU NEVER GO. Not like youre waiting in line for 2 hours EVERY GAME, Not like youre contantly buying season tickets because Metro made a stadium announcement. You just bitch. So do us all a favor and SUPPORT the frigging team FIRST. Else take your whinny bullcrap elsewhere. And dont give me this shite about being there in 96 when it all started.