Does anybody know where I can download a mpeg of the handball incident in USA-Germany game? Or does anybody have it and would be so kind to mail it to me?
Paging fidlerre... I don't have the clip. Fidlerre has the tape and the video capture card. I'd like to have a copy of the clip to post.
i can do that... you'll have to give me a few days but i will get it. elninho i will pm you once i upload it.
Well, I doubt the footage will ever become as legendary as a certain other piece of video involving Germany, the goal line, and the World Cup. However, the implications are nearly as great and the stakes were ALMOST as high. For us, the U.S. supporters, those few seconds of footbal will surely haunt and tease us of what could have been. Oh well. I've got the video if anyone has some trades or wants a copy of the game. P.M. me or email me at
Haunting ???? I am still haunt by the LINE REFEREE on the referee on USA/GERMANY GAME than have LANDON DONOVA on two outside call that never exist
Here's what I've got: handball.mpg It's a 9.7 Mbyte quicktime file with the play and the replays. I don't know what the server download limit is so it's first come first served.
Now that I watch it again, I definitely feel that it should have been a penalty. His hand is way off his body, so I feel in this circumstance it should have been a penalty...... I guess you need a couple of months between viewings to make up your mind.