Hamas Attacks, Israel Responds

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Cascarino's Pizzeria, Oct 7, 2023.

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  1. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Also, if you have tweeted joke about dead babies, carrying a phone which can be tracked probably isn't the wisest course of action, particularly with the bunch of homicidal lunatics on the other side.
    TyffaneeSue and luftmensch repped this.
  2. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
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    Particularly when she backed off it the following day...

  3. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    This reheated stuff that Weiss did. Notice the black guy asked what was being taught, a key attempt to go after professors teaching things they deem inappropriate. We laugh so hard at those people when they get to the Gulag.
  4. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    Do you have a link for that? That would be an extraordinary thing to say. Man, if Bibi can’t even fire someone who says THAT, what are we doing?????
  5. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Her 'mistake' was answering in good faith. She should have answered the question she wanted to be asked instead of the question she was asked e.g.

    "Congresswomen if you are asking if a student was harassing and threatening a fellow student by shouting kill all the jews... hell yes we'd bounce his arse"
  6. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
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    Those numbers are really troubling. If that is trend is not reversed, we are doomed next year.

    Among voters 18-34, a majority – 52% – said they were more sympathetic to Palestinians than Israelis, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released in mid-November. It marked a sharp reversal from the survey taken the previous month, after the 7 October assault, when 41% of young people said their sympathies lay with the Israelis, compared with 26% who said the Palestinians.

    The poll also found young people were about equally divided between those who believe supporting Israel is in the US’s national interest – 47% – and those who don’t – 45% – compared with older cohorts who overwhelmingly said it was.

    According to a recent NBC poll, a striking 70% of voters ages 18 to 34 say they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war. A Pew poll published this week charted a similar trend, with just 19% of Americans under 30 approving of the president’s response.
  7. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    So you think we voted that way at the UN so Biden can position himself better against Dean Effing Phillips? I highly, highly doubt it.
  8. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I must admit, that's beginning to be my concern as well, particularly if the race is narrow.

    It's OK to say that a particular group like the moose-lambs need to come out decisively for uncle joe. Even if they DO, some of the yoots might just sit on their hands and not bother. Similarly, people talk about a 3rd candidate like Cornell West picking up votes but that might end up being irrelevant as well.

    We've got a similar situation over here, (albeit the other way around), where people have been bleating about Starmer going too far to the right but, in our case, that probably won't matter. The TORY voters probably won't get off their arses to turn up because Sunak hasn't given them a reason to bother.

    Joe's previous massive support for Bibi, (and stuff like this vote), might turn off enough of the yoots to cut the ground in important swing states.

    I'm not sure WHAT the answer is, tbh.
  9. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
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    Jen Psaki pointed out that Vivek promoted the great replacement theory in the GOP debate last week to the delight of nazi Fuentas - the guy Trump had lunch with. But nothing matters

    Buried in his basket of conspiracies was this line: “The great replacement theory is not some grand right-wing conspiracy theory but a basic statement of the Democratic Party’s platform.”

    But Ramaswamy's support for the theory did not go unnoticed. Extremists like white nationalist and Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes celebrated the mention online, and cheers from the far-right were re-tweeted thousands of times on social media.

    The great replacement theory is definitely not a part of the Democratic Party platform. It is a conspiracy theory — one touted by neo-Nazis and avowed white supremacists who claim that governments and “global elites” are deliberately importing Black and brown migrants in order to “replace” natural born citizens.

    The scary part is that it has become mainstream in Republican politics. There’s Donald Trump’s comments that immigration from the southern border was “poisoning the blood of our country.” In the same vein, House Speaker Mike Johnson said in May that Democrats are “intentionally” encouraging undocumented immigration to “turn all these illegals into voters for their side.”

    Deadtigers, charlie15 and Mike03 repped this.
  10. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Plus the mini-me, our lot :(
    Cascarino's Pizzeria repped this.
  11. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
    Independent Republic of the Bronx, NY
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    But it is on the Palestinians to want peace. Nothing Israel can do. Remember that.
  12. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Has that fella checked a mirror lately? I'm guessing he thinks he'll be deemed to be 'one of the good ones'.
  13. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

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    Posted here not to make any sort of specific point about this clip, more as an example of countless others out there. e.g. an IDF soldier trashing a gift shop or one writing messages on the wall of a destroyed school...

    The thing I don't get about that stuff getting out there is that the IDF seems totally disinterested in controlling the messaging coming out of Gaza, from their own side? Like if this is a propaganda war, why give the enemy free ammunition?
  14. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
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    This is bordering on self-parody.
  15. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Er... because they're fascists? Just a guess :)

    Of course, in the past the US actually fought against fascists. Now it seems they've decided to go in a rather different direction.
    tomásbernal repped this.
  16. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    #7966 Cascarino's Pizzeria, Dec 9, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2023
    superdave - since you fashion yourself as the Sociopath Monitor now, how would you rate this one? I personally give it an 8.5. To achieve a perfect 10, she'd need to throw in "Palestinians aren't a real people anyhow" and "they have no claim to the land they live on" And the Happy Hanukkah to end it was just:

    200w (25).gif

    So maybe a boost up to a 9.

    She's apparently a mod to boot. JFC.
    charlie15 and majspike repped this.
  17. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
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    An interesting talk, (for those that are interested and have the time), regarding antizionism and antisemitism...

  18. luftmensch

    luftmensch Member+

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    I wasn’t saying it’s right, more that it’s common sense when in the middle of a war zone not to potentially antagonize the people bombarding you. I have no idea if the IDF would target somebody just for that, but it might make them less inclined to avoid it. And posting skepticism about sexual assault claims REALLY would not go over well with anybody who knows victims of that crime on 10/7.
    stanger and edcalvi repped this.
  19. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    Because it is NOT a propaganda war.
    stanger, TyffaneeSue and luftmensch repped this.
  20. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    United States
    Im sorry…is your argument here that Israel is less fascist than Hamas????

    I’ll say it again…your Corbyn posts make more sense to me having seen your posts in this thread.
  21. luftmensch

    luftmensch Member+

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    I mean it is to a certain extent, but that takes a firm backseat to the fact that it’s an ACTUAL war.
    Deadtigers and TyffaneeSue repped this.
  22. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    Arsenal FC
    It's not why they targeted him. They targeted him because he spoke fluent English and could describe the situation in Gaza for western audiences.

    It's also why they've targeted dozens of journalists.
  23. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
    DC United
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    United States
    I’d put it a different way…for us, here in the US or Europe, I guess it is a propaganda war. But it’s a category error to say it’s the same for Israel.
    luftmensch repped this.
  24. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
    VB, VA
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    United States
  25. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    There are elements within Israel that are clearly fascists. Hamas, (as a part of the Palestinian people in Gaza), is also fascist.
    Which Corbyn posts would they be? Give me an example :)

    Actually, don't bother. I don't think you're knowledgeable enough about British left-wing politics to be capable of a discussion about it.
    Deadtigers and charlie15 repped this.

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