Hamas Attacks, Israel Responds

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Cascarino's Pizzeria, Oct 7, 2023.

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  1. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Very well said sir.
  2. yasik19

    yasik19 Moderator
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    Oct 21, 2004
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    And in my words (verbatim), where did I say "all anti-Zionists are anti-semites"? I said it's very easy how those two could be equated, especially when you see signs that say Zionism = fascism, and zionists are Nazis.
  3. yasik19

    yasik19 Moderator
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    Oct 21, 2004
    Daly City
    Btw, here's the article that a poster tweeted an excerpt from.

    From Which River to Which Sea?
    College students don’t know, yet they agree with the slogan

    When college students who sympathize with Palestinians chant “From the river to the sea,” do they know what they’re talking about? I hired a survey firm to poll 250 students from a variety of backgrounds across the U.S. Most said they supported the chant, some enthusiastically so (32.8%) and others to a lesser extent (53.2%).
    But only 47% of the students who embrace the slogan were able to name the river and the sea. Some of the alternative answers were the Nile and the Euphrates, the Caribbean, the Dead Sea (which is a lake) and the Atlantic. Less than a quarter of these students knew who Yasser Arafat was (12 of them, or more than 10%, thought he was the first prime minister of Israel). Asked in what decade Israelis and Palestinians had signed the Oslo Accords, more than a quarter of the chant’s supporters claimed that no such peace agreements had ever been signed. There’s no shame in being ignorant, unless one is screaming for the extermination of millions.

    In all, after learning a handful of basic facts about the Middle East, 67.8% of students went from supporting “from the river to sea” to rejecting the mantra. These students had never seen a map of the Mideast and knew little about the region’s geography, history or demography. Those who hope to encourage extremism depend on the political ignorance of their audiences. It is time for good teachers to join the fray and combat bias with education.

    So if these are the "masses" and this is what constitutes "public opinion", I'm glad to be on the other side. The only positive from this is more education, which is precisely why grilling the heads of many universities at this time is as appropriate as ever.
    edcalvi repped this.
  4. yasik19

    yasik19 Moderator
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    Oct 21, 2004
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    Looks like Harvard president got scared of losing her job and walked her stance back.

    edcalvi and deejay repped this.
  5. yasik19

    yasik19 Moderator
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    Oct 21, 2004
    Daly City
    And to just come back to that instance when I was attacked by linking a twitter link to the congressional video b/c the question came from Stefanik (whom I didn't bother to research).

    “It’s unbelievable that this needs to be said: Calls for genocide are monstrous and antithetical to everything we represent as a country,” said a White House spokesman, Andrew Bates. Josh Shapiro, the Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, said he found the responses by Elizabeth Magill, Penn’s president, “unacceptable.”
    Even the liberal academic Laurence Tribe found himself agreeing with Representative Elise Stefanik, Republican of New York, who sharply questioned Harvard’s president, Claudine Gay.

    “I’m no fan of @RepStefanik but I’m with her here,” the Harvard law professor wrote on the social media site X. “Claudine Gay’s hesitant, formulaic, and bizarrely evasive answers were deeply troubling to me and many of my colleagues, students, and friends.”

    In response on Wednesday, Senator Bob Casey, Democrat of Pennsylvania, did not mince words. “President Magill’s comments yesterday were offensive, but equally offensive was what she didn’t say,” he said in a statement. “The right to free speech is fundamental, but calling for the genocide of Jews is antisemitic and harassment, full stop.”

    Senator John Fetterman, a Pennsylvania Democrat, described the testimony as “a significant fail.”

    Good thing Bates, Shapiro, Tribe, Casey, and Fetterman don't post here. I'd hate to see them get harassed for such sentiments.
  6. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Or consulted with the lawyers. Why you chose to divorce yourself from reality, I don't know.
    superdave repped this.
  7. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Politicians don't get sued, schools do.
  8. yasik19

    yasik19 Moderator
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    Oct 21, 2004
    Daly City
    Just give it up. If that was the case, they all wouldn't have backtracked and issued clarifying statements acknowledging their ******** ups. They ********ed up, realized so post fact, and made amends (hopefully honest ones). Move on.
  9. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
    Club Brugge KV
    I would like to know how exactly leveling entire city blocks is meant to be described as 'precision bombing'.

    Answer me this: if you think there was nothing wrong with their bombing campaign so far, why do you think the Biden admin is pushing back against a similar tactic used in southern Gaza?

    Honestly I cannot take a lot of folks seriously any longer who post in here. Thousands of kids have died but this is apparently with maximum operational care to avoid civilian casualties. The realities on the ground have so horrified even Israel's closest ally that their secretary of defense has openly criticized the way the operation was conducted in northern Gaza. But sure, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the level of care for civilians that this war has been conducted with. :rolleyes:
  10. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
    Club Brugge KV
    Actually no, we have had countless "but what about Hamas?" type posts in a topic where as far as I can see no one has even expressed a smidgen of support for Hamas or what they did on 07/10.
    Deadtigers and charlie15 repped this.
  11. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
    Club Brugge KV
    Then what is the point of the Hamas whataboutism posts exactly? In the sense that you are arguing with literally no one who posts in this topic.
  12. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

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    Aug 19, 2002
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    More totally normal statements.

  13. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

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    Aug 19, 2002
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    This level of devastation is always going to cause civilian casualties, whether or not Hamas members were among them. The fact that it's somehow controversial so point out such an obviously reality is why I'm about 1 micron away from quitting this topic entirely.
  14. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
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    You can only say this if you know nothing about the history of this conflict.
    Naughtius Maximus and charlie15 repped this.
  15. stanger

    stanger BigSoccer Supporter

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    We have found something we can agree on.
  16. Deadtigers

    Deadtigers Member+

    Jul 23, 2015
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    I have made the point several times and he doesn't seem to care about life in Gaza on 10/6. Everything was great until 10/7.
    Scissorkick Collins repped this.
  17. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

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  18. mebeSajid

    mebeSajid Member+

    Feb 16, 2009
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    charlie15 repped this.
  19. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    Do you honestly think that is what happened? It feels to me like you posted a video that was a Congress critter playing silly gotcha games, people pointed out it was a silly gotcha game, and now you’re trying to prove you were right all along.

    In your next post you mention the specific congresswoman, but that wasn’t what I was getting at when I replied. Anyone here could have told you it was an exercise in disingenuousness, but you treated the back and forth as some kind of meaningful, legitimate attempt to get to the truth.
  20. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    Deadtigers repped this.
  21. superdave

    superdave BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Jul 14, 1999
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    They only ********ed up in the eyes of people who are either very naive, or pretending to be very naive so as not to piss off stupid voters or to stop this mini story from dragging in for days.
    Mike03 and charlie15 repped this.
  22. Potowmack

    Potowmack Member+

    Apr 2, 2010
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    As was pointed out online in several places, there is no way these university presidents would be been so equivocal in their answers if the question was "is it against your university's code of conduct for someone to call for the genocide of black people or trans people?" I have no doubt that these college presidents would come down harshly under their code of conduct against a group of students rallying in favor of killing transgender people.

    If Universities want to allow pretty much unlimited speech on campus (other than things that are illegal, such as threats to individuals), fine. And if they want to impose codes of conduct that uniformly ban things like calls for genocide or speech targeting against specific groups based on things like race, gender, religion, national origin etc., fine. But, there seems to be a two tier system of what type of speech is acceptable on campus, based on how in favor the targeted group is in left wing ideology.
    edcalvi and yasik19 repped this.
  23. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
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    Well, that's why I said 'for past couple of decades'. That was back in 2000, wasn't it?

    The problem is since then the Israeli administration have made it effectively impossible for that to be used as the basis for any future deal. Even the much vaunted withdrawal from Gaza had the benefit, (for the Israelis), of them not having to try and protect Israeli civilians within a majority Palestinian enclave. Basically, it turned Gaza into a form of south African style Bantustan.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  24. stanger

    stanger BigSoccer Supporter

    Nov 29, 2008
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    That’s not true at all.
  25. Belgian guy

    Belgian guy Member+

    Club Brugge
    Aug 19, 2002
    Club Brugge KV
    Do you honestly believe there have been no expressions of hate against black or trans individuals on college campuses?
    charlie15 repped this.

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