Hamas Attacks, Israel Responds

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by Cascarino's Pizzeria, Oct 7, 2023.

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  1. Khan

    Khan Member+

    Mar 16, 2000
    On the road
    That may be, but I think those were covered under, "Fvkc Around, and Find Out," no?
    luftmensch repped this.
  2. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    It's a completely ludicrous comparison. Lancasters bombed from around 12-16,000 feet. The Israelis aren't just bombing or firing missiles... they're also shelling.

    In any event they've had to send ground troops in anyway so it's perfectly obviously the Israelis are prioritising their soldiers over the lives of innocent civilians.
  3. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Exactly... more bigsoccer failure :(
    Deadtigers repped this.
  4. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Well, that too but also, AFAIK, the Israelis are talking about continuing the slaughter which raises the question, whether it's been genocide so far when WILL it become genocide?

    This, for me, is the real issue.

    They say there are 30,000 hamas fighters, (although quite where THAT information comes from isn't clear), and that they say they've killed about 10% of them so, logically, that means they're going to continue for another 9 times what they've done so far. I mean, is there another way to see it?

    So if they've killed, say, 20-25,000 Palestinians doesn't that imply they've got to kill ANOTHER 200,000-250,000 'to be sure?

    Also, as many have said, they're probably creating as many terrorist wannabes as they're killing so that means they're going to have to double that so that's half a million dead Palestinians.

    Would THAT be genocide?

    Obviously these figures look ridiculous but, frankly, all I'm doing is extrapolating from what THEY are saying.

    Either they're intent or committing genocide OR they've just blundered into Gaza with no plan as to what they were trying to achieve.

    As it stands I favour the second of those but if they continue without some clear outline of how this is going to end you'd have to favour the first option.
    feyenoordsoccerfan and charlie15 repped this.
  5. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    I know this has been said many times on here but it's also worth pointing out that the Japanese and German military at least had significant firepower. The people in Gaza are like people with pea-shooters in comparison.
    feyenoordsoccerfan, Deadtigers and M repped this.
  6. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
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    Right - and the point is, it was us, the west, that said you couldn't just go out and target civilian populations, precisely because we were against what the Luftwaffe did. Much of this stuff was dumb and bad, and reflected technical limitations of the time. The actual idea was that accurate bombing of war industry would bring an economy to its knees without having to fight the army at the front. It just didn't work that way.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  7. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Even if they had tunnel complexes?
    Deadtigers repped this.
  8. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
    Bethesda, Md
    Arsenal FC
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    United States
    #6608 charlie15, Nov 28, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
    Ian Bremmer made the point before the Gaza invasion, that "while Israel is entirely justified in its desire to destroy the terrorist organization that is hamas.. just because the objective is legitimate, does not make a humanitarian catastrophe strategically wise". That is exactly what is happening right now.
    Beyond that, what's the plan for the day after this is over? We are hearing discordant voices within the Israeli government itself, not to mention they seem to be completely opposite to what the Biden administration is pushing.
  9. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Exactly. This is the basic question... what's going to happen next? Also, you use the phrase, 'the day after this is over'... I'm not even clear when that's going to be and, more to the point, (because nobody cares what I know or don't know), I doubt anyone else is, most significantly the Israeli government.
    charlie15 repped this.
  10. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
    Bethesda, Md
    Arsenal FC
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    United States
    #6610 charlie15, Nov 28, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2023
    Belgian guy repped this.
  11. celito

    celito Moderator
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    Feb 28, 2005
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    Nat'l Team:
    Cease fire extended for a couple more days as more hostages and prisoners are released / swapped.
    Deadtigers and charlie15 repped this.
  12. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    The fella that lived door to me when I was a kid was part of bomber crew during WWII, (he was the rear gunner in one of the Lancasters involved in the dambusters raid), and he said they knew the chances of hitting targets was actually pretty negligible, even during the day, (IIRC he said they only had a 10% chance of getting anything within 1000 feet of the target), and at night it was basically non-existent.

    The idea we can compare THAT to the situation now is nonsense.
  13. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    Yeah, I saw that so, what... they're just writing off the rest of the hostages after that?

    I do find all this increasingly ridiculous.
    Deadtigers repped this.
  14. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
    Bethesda, Md
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    Deadtigers repped this.
  15. Raumdeuter

    Raumdeuter Member+

    Jan 14, 2009
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    What bad thing did black people do to the KKK or the Jews do to Hitler
  16. Raumdeuter

    Raumdeuter Member+

    Jan 14, 2009
    FC Bayern München
    Nat'l Team:
    While I understand the complexity of ridding the space of Hamas, What would you think will be a solution to a group like that dedicated to the death of Israelis and Palestinians who are not supportive enough
  17. Naughtius Maximus

    Jul 10, 2001
    Chelsea FC
    Nat'l Team:
    You separate them from the ones that just want to be free of oppression but DON'T want to exterminate large numbers of people, i.e. the same as has been done to every other group of zealots and lunatics mixed in with large numbers of civilians.

    What you do NOT do is slaughter tens of thousands of people which will only increase their support, effectively acting as a recruiting sergeant for them.
  18. The Jitty Slitter

    The Jitty Slitter Moderator
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    Bayern München
    Jul 23, 2004
    Fascist Hellscape
    FC Sankt Pauli
    Nat'l Team:
    Imagine when Musk's fanbois find out he's gone full Genocide Joe on it!

    tomásbernal and superdave repped this.
  19. M

    M Member+

    Feb 18, 2000
    Via Ventisette
    And stones. Don't forget the stones.
  20. roby

    roby Member+

    Feb 27, 2005
    So Cal
    You're post rocks! :thumbsup:
  21. Nope
    I gave him the opportunity to back off that position with a few posts asking if that's really his stance and in the last posts he confirmed that position again, when I asked specifically about that particular stance.
    He hides behind the believe/excuse that it's not the responsibility of the one with the hand on the switches and the triggers that kill the civilians, but on those who those civilians have no control over.
    It's more the opportunity he grabbed to vent this disgusting stance. It wasnot triggered at all.
    majspike, Mike03 and charlie15 repped this.
  22. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    Guess we'll see after the cease fire if Israel has the stones to clear that barrier & continue Gaza operations

    download (19).jpeg
  23. roby

    roby Member+

    Feb 27, 2005
    So Cal
    Well...there's everything they need in Little Rock, AR...Boulder, CO and Pebble Beach, CA. Shipping and handling questionable. :unsure:
    Cascarino's Pizzeria repped this.
  24. charlie15

    charlie15 Member+

    Mar 9, 2000
    Bethesda, Md
    Arsenal FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Israel-Hamas War Day 53 | IDF Says 10 Israeli Hostages, Two Foreign Nationals Arrive in Israel
  25. Cascarino's Pizzeria

    Cascarino's Pizzeria BigSoccer Yellow Card

    Apr 29, 2001
    New Jersey, USA
    I can drive to Glen Rock & Stone Harbor or take a handcar to the Manunka Chunk tunnels if anyone needs a lift. :thumbsup:
    roby repped this.

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