So I'm planning to get stronger in pre-season, and here's my options: 1) Join a gym 2) buy my own equipment and work-out at home The gym will give me every bit of equipment I need, but not flexibility in regards to when I want to work-out (firstly I have to literally GET to the gym, in open hours, and this particular gym has pretty shit hours. It's FitnessFirst, but it's not open 24/7 like most ones, it's the best and cheapest gym within walking distance from my house). Nonetheless, my other problem is awkwardness. I would prefer to work-out solo, rather than in a sweaty, packed gym with people watching. I focus better by myself, as I'm sure you all do. So the second option would involve me purchasing a small work-out bench and some Olympic dumbbells. Olympic dumbbells can carry more weight and are better quality. This means I can pack on a good 50 to 60kg of plates on EACH dumbbell, so that's a good 120 kilograms of weight (as well as the weight of the actual dumbbell itself). Do you think potential load will last me fa long time? I mean, that's a shitload of weight, I doubt I'd ever be strong enough to lift all of that on an exercise. I have also researched and concluded that I could indeed work every major muscle in my body utilising just dumbbells and a bench. It's going to be cheaper in the long run than 70 bucks a month for a gym. Option 2 sounds great to me.. Thoughts?
If you have the means i say go for it! i mean in the long run you will be saving money anyways. If i had the money and the space to do it i would have done it a long time ago.
I have used both. I started with a home gym, and found I made pretty good gains at first and developed well. However, I soon plateaued and my gains stopped. I solved this by finally joining a gym and I've been feeling that much more motivated now. If I'm to be honest - join a gym for your off/pre-season.. And use a home gym during the season. During the season you are going to be working out once, maybe twice a week max. May I add, you are NEVER going to be lifting 120kg on ONE dumbell. You don't see olympic weightlifters being able to do that. Do you mean pounds instead? That's a lot more reasonable.
Personally, I will go with the gym, there is more variety in workout options, and you dont have to deal with clutter at home. Besides, you can be more focused.