Unless there was something after this, both were to the end of 2024 https://www.mlssoccer.com/news/chicago-fire-extend-contract-of-sporting-director-georg-heitz
The talk probably all started from this article: https://meninred97.com/klopas-responds-to-heitz-shaqiri-departures/
At this point, it seems Papa Joe is giving the keys to GGG to keep/cut whatever he wants to build what he thinks will get results. Unless GGG wants to replace him with an old friend, there is likely a role here for Sebas.
I hope Mansueto funds for as many good scouts as the Fire can have and that specialize (amongst them) in all manner of regions in the world.
fwiw, my read on this article is that it does not say how long the extension was for, only that it was at least through the 2024 season Guillermo Rivera said on Twitter over the summer that he heard two-year extension (meaning through 2025) -- if so, Heitz left a year early
MLS rules will presumably still apply, so your first statement is somewhat incomplete. If I knew more about his record, I would be able to respond to your second statement. Assuming, it is correct, what his role is would still need to be defined.
Towing the company line. Glad they read the talking points correctly. Sometimes those notes/teleprompters can be tricky. That said: I really hope Berhalter is the right appointment for the Fire.
“ Head of Recruitment” would seem to be a really important position. Hope he is really good and able to contribute a lot during the current wave of acquisitions.
Several facts about him increase my already high level of optimism. Hope I am not too disappointed. Any idea of his presumed relationship to Pelzer? Or does this mean Pelzer is gone? Nothing about this at Fire website yet, no surprise.
"Mikey"?!? What is he, 7? I remember Michael Stephens playing a handful of matches for the Fire in 2015 and 2016. Has experience, clearly knows the league. Would have preferred Bocanegra or John Thorrington, but "Mikey" seems like a decent hire.
If nothing else Stephens should be all over the fertile (for the Fire) Metra BNSF corridor from Berwyn to Aurora.