gotta attack solar and wind...

Discussion in 'Politics & Current Events' started by msilverstein47, May 15, 2012.

  1. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
    Staff Member

    Tottenham Hotspur
    Aug 22, 2001
    Near the mountains.
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    some highlights from the memo:

    That is just a small bit.
  2. tomwilhelm

    tomwilhelm Member+

    Dec 14, 2005
    Boston, MA, USA
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is pretty much the blueprint for how the right works now.
  3. HouseHead78

    HouseHead78 Member+

    Oct 17, 2006
    Austin, TX
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Just turn our country into a white people's christian KSA and get it over with.
  4. tomwilhelm

    tomwilhelm Member+

    Dec 14, 2005
    Boston, MA, USA
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    You're in Austin. I'm sure we'd accept your asylum application here in Commieland.
    HouseHead78 repped this.
  5. cleansheetbsc

    cleansheetbsc Member+

    Mar 17, 2004
    It's like Berlin. He'll need an airlift to escape.
  6. HouseHead78

    HouseHead78 Member+

    Oct 17, 2006
    Austin, TX
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well my partner and I are going for a 10-day vacation to Boston, P-Town, Bar Harbor, and Bretton Woods this summer - I may end up staying :D
  7. tomwilhelm

    tomwilhelm Member+

    Dec 14, 2005
    Boston, MA, USA
    Fulham FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Have a great trip! It's really wonderful up here in the Summer, particularly along the coast and on the Cape.

    (Though to be honest, I abhor the Cape.)
  8. soccernutter

    soccernutter Moderator
    Staff Member

    Tottenham Hotspur
    Aug 22, 2001
    Near the mountains.
    Tottenham Hotspur FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I've been telling my wife she shouldn't be allowed drive.
    tomwilhelm repped this.
  9. JohnR

    JohnR Member+

    Jun 23, 2000
    Chicago, IL
    Yep. Decry the opposition press, then have trusted sources dole out manufactured talking points. The Russkies did the same, and they convinced half their audience too.
  10. Chris M.

    Chris M. Member+

    Jan 18, 2002
    It's too bad this didn't play out a bit longer before this was leaked. It would have been fun to watch vfish using terms like "puff power" and "breeze energy" and then read this ;)
  11. American Brummie

    Jun 19, 2009
    There Be Dragons Here
    Birmingham City FC
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Here's my problem with their plan: What scientific support could possibly come of this plan? Wind power isn't exactly an unknown quantity at this point. It'd be like trying to reframe the effects of CFCs in the atmosphere...we already know what's gonna happen.
  12. Nettle

    Nettle New Member

    Aug 15, 2010
  13. JohnR

    JohnR Member+

    Jun 23, 2000
    Chicago, IL
    Hmmm I'm not buying Mead's argument. Are trees a carbon-neutral resource over the long term? Yeah they are. So they are not carbon-neutral over the short term. So, big deal. Coal and oil and gas are not carbon-neutral under any time frame. Plus the long term is ultimately what counts, after all the whole issue of planet health is about the long term.

    This reads to me like a cranky anti-green bashing greens.
  14. msilverstein47

    msilverstein47 Member+

    Jan 11, 1999
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Auriaprottu repped this.
  15. Auriaprottu

    Auriaprottu Member+

    Atlanta Damn United
    Apr 1, 2002
    The back of the bus
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  16. VFish

    VFish Member+

    Jan 7, 2001
    Atlanta, GA
    Tarrifs are dumb, those that cheer them are dumber.
  17. Auriaprottu

    Auriaprottu Member+

    Atlanta Damn United
    Apr 1, 2002
    The back of the bus
    Nat'l Team:
    Truth gotta hit everybody. Everybody.
  18. Funkfoot

    Funkfoot Member+

    May 18, 2002
    New Orleans, LA
    Yes, and I cheer only because the stupid decision will have a bigger impact on the stupid states that voted for the stupid decision maker.
    Auriaprottu repped this.
  19. raza_rebel

    raza_rebel Member+

    Dec 11, 2000
    Univ de Chile
  20. ceezmad

    ceezmad Member+

    Mar 4, 2010
    Chicago Red Stars
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    This is kind of cool if it does end up coming to market.

    Having windows that can meet your energy needs (not industrial), would be pretty cool.

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