Was wondering if you guys could recommend any movies, most mainstream movies suck ass. Some kind of movies like Once This is England Rescue Dawn Little Miss Sunshine Into The Wild Waitress The Lives of Others Any suggestions will do, thanks in advance.
Someone could probably post links to a couple of "Best Movies" drafts on these boards that you could probably just go down the list and pick things. Although if I were you I would pm Via Chicago and just watch whatever he tells you to until either all the melanin escapes from your skin or you decide to enroll in grad school.
If you like little movies like Once, I would recommend a movie I saw long ago called "Proof" with Hugo Weaving and Russell Crowe. Not sure why I thought of it but it was a nice little flick.
The Science of Sleep - Gael Garcia Bernal, superb actor in my opinion The Motorcycle Diaries - ^ Noi - Must see The Clearing - Can't go wrong with Robert Redford The Lost City - Andy Garcia, Bill Murray, Dustin Hoffman need I say more?
What constitutes an Indie film nowadays? Anway my take Duck Season (Temporada de Patos) Son of the Bride (El Hijo de la Novia) Cronicas Thirteen Conversations About One Thing Water
Got good reviews but kind of a downer with characters who aren't all that likable. IF I am going to take a roadtrip or hang out with some folks in an indie movie, I have to like them just a bit. One persons opinion.
I went to school where this was filmed...actually one of my classmates was some type of assistant in the making of the film. Another one of my classmates was an extra. In any case, I liked it.
Unknown and indie movies are all crap. Big studio films are always the best and the only way to go. And they need to be in English.
I am just trying to make sure that we don't turn Clipse off of indy movies, even though summer blockbusters are much better. Worst case, the Day and Night Watch movies dubbed. For reference, Clipse, all the commie bastards in The Lives of Others, as well as the guys in This is England who beat up the singer for the English Beat were more likable than the folks in Junebug, or for that matter, Vermont's family.
But since the blockbuster movies are the top earners all-time they are obviously the best movies out there even when there are obvious bad ones like Star Wars Episode IV, Jaws and The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
That's like saying albums are great because of their album sales, that means 50 cent and Akon would be music gods. It doesn't work like that, I appreciate movies that gross a million and actually have good acting and a plot then something mainstream that makes 100+ million like 'Meet the Spartans'
The cream always rises to the top. 20 million people can't be wrong. If they all like it and you don't then you're in the minority and that means you're wrong.
Just because people watch it doesn't mean it's good. Epic Movie grossed about 100 million and was first in the box office for a while. If people like watching movies like that, I want to be wrong.
I've just been messing with you buddy. Most of the guys on this thread know movies I like checking out (just take a look at the Film Draft threads and the What Movie Did I Watch threads). I'll post some good ones for you to check out when I get home.
Here are some for you. Brick The Proposition Run Lola Run Killer of Sheep The Lookout Sunshine (pretty much unknown in the States but may have been bigger elsewhere)