Good reasons to stay with RBNY

Discussion in 'NY/NJ Off Topic' started by NebraskaAddick, Jan 28, 2008.

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  1. NebraskaAddick

    Aug 26, 2005
    Omaha, NE
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Should a second NY-area club be established in Queens, I will stick with the current club, I'm not jumping ship. And I'm not from New Jersey. (actually I'm from Nebraska, ha ha)

    Class is not a label. You can't just put a name on a shirt and play in a certain location and call that class. It's about what you do, and how you do it.

    I see in Red Bull, an owner who is committed to not only building the best soccer stadium in the USA, and without a stage, but also an academy system that will be second to none. They sure are investing a lot in this club just to sell a soft drink, huh?

    I'm sure an American owner may well have done things this way, but the fact this club is European-owned seems to maybe have something to do with how they are going about all this. I think we are in very good hands. They know what works, from what they do over there, and they will apply it here.

    I'm sure they would have wanted to build a stadium on the New York side of the Hudson, if they could, but economics is what it is, and still they found the best possible site where all public transit users are concerned. They are to be commended for sticking with Harrison when the situation was a bit dicey. They could have just as easily settled on a tract in the Meadowlands, and then you'd have to take NJ Transit to get there.

    There are also distinct advantages to having a club owned by Red Bull. They lost 14 million dollars last year, right, but what ultimately does that mean? They don't care! Well, I'm sure they do, but they can absorb it, whereas owners of any other MLS club would not be so able to absorb or accept such a loss. Building a stadium without a stage is a risk, you have to admit, because a heluva lot more money can be made with the concert business. Building an elaborate academy system is a risk, because it costs a lot of money, and you don't know how long it will take to pay off, and will the money spent be worth what it produces?

    The most exciting aspect of it all, as attractive as the stadium thing is, is the Academy pyramid they're piecing together. And the concepts they have in developing players--like development is put before winning--is a winner. And that it's free. Too much emphasis in youth development in this country is placed on winning, and they don't care if the kids have developed bad habits. Why is it so important for 10 or 12-year-olds to win championships? What are they in this for? We want players who master the fundamentals, and RB will give them to us.

    It will take a while to see it come to fruition, but with the salary cap MLS has, the trump card will be the Academy, because MLS has now allowed them to sign their own. This is what will separate clubs in MLS. There won't be such parity and mediocrity in the future because of this. They know this, and is why five or ten years from now, they'll have such an elaborate setup churning out quality upon quality while other MLS clubs are scratching their heads wishing they had more than their single-level setup, or pay-for-play 10-hour workout sessions.

    How many MLS owners would sink so much money into their club as RB is doing with theirs? How many could? MetroStars owners toiled for years just talking about building a stadium, but who is the one who got it done? The buyout by RB was a blessing. Anybody who is bothered by the label or the address they reside at is misguided. They could be called the Douchebags and I'd still be with them, because of what they do, not because of their name. Some clubs are called Lepers, Scoundrels or Goats and they're proud of it.

    Will the Mets owner be so committed as this, do you think? I picture a stadium like Toyota Park with a huge stage situated at the end of an airport runway. I see them begrudgingly starting a couple Academy teams, because MLS says they have to. But they'll have a New York address, and that will be called "class." Yeah, whatever. They'll have a cool name too, I'm sure.

    The Metro-Red Bulls may have gone 0-fer so far in their franchise history, but the way RB is setting everything up, and the amount of commitment they're putting into this, I can't imagine there wouldn't be a lot of glory down the road. So stick with this club (not that you won't--I'm only speaking to those who are iffy), because it will pay dividends.
  2. walkingcity

    walkingcity Member

    May 17, 2007
    Boston, MA
    New England Revolution
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    i agree, and i could never support a team that had anything to do with the pond scum(mets), let alone share owners. Planning to make it out to a game anytime soon?
  3. Red Card

    Red Card Member+

    Mar 3, 1999
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I don't intend to jump ship although from a convenience and personal history point of view it would be tempting and logical. The fact is that the NYC area already has a team and I have been supporting it. Why change?

    What ticks me off about those who want a team in Queens, it is that they say that NYC does not have a team and that RB/Metro is a NJ team. That is why they don't support them. That doesn't go with my thinking. Plenty of people from NJ support the Yankees and the Mets. We live in a region and teams represent regions, not zip codes.
  4. kahlva

    kahlva New Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Hear hear.

    Plus, Manhattan to Red Bull Park is going to be, what? Three stops on the PATH train?
  5. sublicon

    sublicon Member

    RBNY, Fulham FC
    United States
    May 28, 2006
    Brooklyn, NY
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    I'll never change. Ever.

    If proximity is enough to make a person switch to some newjack club, that person was never fan in the first place.

    I luh the Mets, but I won't luh their MLS team should they choose to start one.
  6. NebraskaAddick

    Aug 26, 2005
    Omaha, NE
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    For now it's road games, like Kansas City or Chicago. But in the future I want to be a season-ticket holder, which means re-establishing myself.
  7. Metrogo

    Metrogo Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    Washington Hghts NY
    So how about if we say REd Bull is a New York Metropolitan area team, and the new team would be a New York City team? Would that make you feel better about us?

    The fact that I live in the New York region means nothing to me. I'm a City person. It's not zip codes, it's a state of mind.
  8. Devil500

    Devil500 New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
    Section 101
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Well said heck Jersey feels like its part of NY anyways at least the part near the city..
  9. Kidtelex

    Kidtelex New Member

    Oct 1, 2006
    Long Island
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    Korea Republic
    The Giants and Jets play in the same scumbucket as us, but everyone loves the Giants in nyc cause their in the playoffs. it's the W's that count. I live in long island and a NY team in queens would be so much more convenient for me, but Red Bull got me into MLS, so i won't be jumping ship anytime soon. heck Shea is closer to me than yankee stadium, but I'm a yankee fan over the mets.

    you can count me in as a Red Bull for life even if it means an hour longer commute to watch my team play over whatever queens based team is to come in the future.
  10. Branc3399

    Branc3399 New Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    It would be great for the league to get a second team in Queens. It would provide great drama in having an NYC derby. Red Bulls will always be my MLS team regardles of who enters the league and I am a huge Mets fan. One thing really has nothing to do with the other. Our crest says RBNY but we are the MetroStars. This team for me will never take a back seat and if anyone doesn't agree then they shouldn't waste their time being a supporter if you will just jump ship when it becomes convenient.
  11. tfoisie

    tfoisie New Member

    Nov 9, 2004
    Agreed. I feel fortunate to have ownership that really cares about putting the best product out on the field and building a state-of-the-art soccer stadium. I will always be a New York Red Bulls fan.
  12. sccrhound

    sccrhound Member

    Oct 8, 2002
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    The Giants played their first 40 years in NYC, which is the main reason they are still considered a NYC team.

    For me Queens would only be about 10 or 15 minutes closer. Not an issue.
  13. DoctorK

    DoctorK New Member

    Jan 8, 2002
    NorthBank, Riverbend
    I wouldn't blame anyone who decides to defect for whatever reason. To each his own. But this club's got the history. I've invested too much into this club to leave it all behind for some blank slate. Beyond that, muck the Fets.
  14. Metrogo

    Metrogo Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    Washington Hghts NY
    A whole two years. And make no mistake, it will be the NYC franchise, where the Cosmos started, where Pele agreed to come and play, that will be the scion of the old Cosmos, not "the sister club" of Red Bull Salzburg of the Austrian Bundesliga.
  15. Roehl Sybing

    Roehl Sybing Guest

    That's your opinion.

    I don't need a reason to stay with NY. I'm already sticking with this team.
  16. Sinter

    Sinter New Member

    Oct 12, 2003
    New York City, U.S.A
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    100% Been a Mets fan from before MLS was in existance. However, as a Staten Islander Giants Stadium is closer, and through the years my attachment to the Red Bulls/Metros has become stronger then that of the Mets. Even if the opposite was true, there's no way I would abandon the Bulls.

    People who say they aren't a NY team, or they don't support them because they don't win are fair weather fans who will abandon a Queens team if they don't win soon enough as well.
  17. DoctorK

    DoctorK New Member

    Jan 8, 2002
    NorthBank, Riverbend
    A dozen for this MLS franchise (and that's what we're really talking about) and a dozen for ESC.

    I won't debate the Cosmos issue at length with you here, but I don't believe a team in Queens (if it happens) would have the legitimate claim to that legacy. The break in top-flight league play in the NY region was 85-95, not ongoing.
  18. Toad_of_Toad_Hall

    Toad_of_Toad_Hall New Member

    Apr 17, 2006
    A state of confusion
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States

    Don't you just love irony? :D
  19. Metrogo

    Metrogo Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    Washington Hghts NY
    At the inception of MLS, the idea was to be a clean break with the NASL, and the Metrostars a clean break with the cosmos. That's just a fact. Claiming a metrostars cosmos legacy is a false claim.

    Times have changed, and MLS appears to be trying to find a middle ground between the dowdy MLS of the late 90's and the flash and hoopla of NASL. The new team, the New York City team, it seems to me, will be a lot closer to the Cosmos model than the history of your franchise. And it will show, I believe.

    WE will be the Cosmos's legacy. You're franchise has taken a different tack, one that has nothing to do with american soccer history, identity with a soft drink. We are not the Cosmos, but we will be the rightful owner of their legacy.
  20. NebraskaAddick

    Aug 26, 2005
    Omaha, NE
    New York Red Bulls
    Nat'l Team:
    United States
    Perhaps it may parallel more with the Devils-Rangers. Say all these people go ga-ga over a new club on the correct side of the Hudson; but then the less-popular club will be winning all the Cups.
  21. DoctorK

    DoctorK New Member

    Jan 8, 2002
    NorthBank, Riverbend

    If/when you actually have a team, and then they wear replica Cosmos jerseys (like the MetroStars did, twice), when you have Pelé address the crowd via video that if you followed the Cosmos then this team is the one to follow now (as he did for the MetroStars), and when you have Pelé, Chinaglia, Beckenbauer, Messing, Birkenmeier, Alberto, et al., wear your jersey in a home opener (as the Red Bulls did), then you might have a point.

    If you ever get that team, you'll never be anything more than our spawn, our prodigal children (with a massive Oedipus complex to boot).
  22. Metrogo

    Metrogo Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    Washington Hghts NY
    I'm not a hockey fan, but go ahead, you be the Devils and I'll be the Rangers. I'll take that deal every time.
  23. Metrogo

    Metrogo Member

    Apr 6, 1999
    Washington Hghts NY
    We will and I can't wait.

    And we will hardly be your spawn, unless, of course, we are purchased by Fanta and they name us the Frescas and put a refreshing, juicy pineapple on the front of the team's shirt. Then, I will admit, we are your spawn. But I suspect what we will be is a clean break with 12 years of on the field and off the field failure.
  24. DoctorK

    DoctorK New Member

    Jan 8, 2002
    NorthBank, Riverbend
    No, sorry, you've got to play the role of the young upstart. We'll be the ones playing in the sporting temple. You don't even know where your home will be, or if you'll even get one.

    Garber says "Queens" and suddenly you've a new burst of hubris.
  25. CRSvideo

    CRSvideo Member

    Jul 24, 1999
    New York, NY
    This may be an unpopular sentiment on this board, but I have to say if a new NY MLS franchise starts up here in NY I don't know which team I will throw my support. I expect that I'll stay with the Red Bulls, but I'm not going to make the claim that I'll definitely do so. The scenario of a new team representing the area I live in (and I chose to support the Metrostars/RedBulls because they represent NY) is just one I've never been found myself in. I'm a country before club fan, and the main reason I follow MLS is because I want to support the sport in this country and with that for the US MNT to become stronger on the world stage.

    I actually would prefer that there not be a new franchise here in the city, and that the Red Bulls should try to promote the team more in the city so that more soccer lovers from NYC will support the team. I'm just really uneasy about this idea that if there's another team in the area that lots of "undiscovered" soccer fans will pop out of the woodwork and support the new team. Lets get the one that's already here working (on a business level) before we think of adding another one. I worry that putting a new one here will just weaken the standing of both teams as support will be split, and if its not and everyone that is a fan stays a Red Bulls fan, then it would mean that the new team would be an unmitigated failure and that would be an absolute horrible outcome for the sport in the country.

    Anyway, if, against what I feel is better judgement, a new MLS team does start up here in NY I'll give it a listen and see what their plans are and such. What would inspire me to change allegence, I have no idea. I'd probably be more likely to switch my allegence if the Red Bulls started to have success and the new team struggles (and I don't see how the new team would not struggle). I seem to be drawn to teams that have difficulty (heck, I started supporting the Metrostars during the "awesome" year of 99).

    I really hope there is no new team and I don't have to make any choice.

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