I'm an expat living in the USA and have just set up a business selling license plates for the front of cars (Ideally for the US market.) this is what they look like. I also have all the Prem. teams and most of the Coca-Cola teams, that can easily be printed in a similar fashion. Am I wasting my time or am I on to a winner? I don’t want people to think this is spam, so I won't post info on how to get them. But your thoughts and/or Ideas are certainly most welcome. The only ones that I seem to sell are to friends who keep encouraging me to pursue the idea. PS I've tried eBay but nobody has ever bought one there. I'm guessing it's because it's such a unique item that no one is searching for them? Please don't take this post as being spam, as I need help exploring this idea... Booner in North Carolina...